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  1. #1
    Edward88 is offline New Member
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    Apr 2009

    A good Chest workout

    Howdy Gents,
    I had in the past been working Chest twice a week Mondays and thursday
    Which my reps were

    12 12 10 8 6 4 then a burn out of a light weight.

    On this plan i started light then went heavy ending within 30 pounds of my max for a possible 1-2 reps on the last set.

    I have recently got a new work out buddy.. and his work out differed from mine. In which we start HEAVY. the last two weeks we Started ( after a good warm up) Example..

    first set..
    135 x 10
    225x 4-5 not killing our selves
    285 x 4
    275 x 4
    265 x4
    245x how many we can get. usually like 6 or so.. We never are try never to fall below our first set (the heaviest) reps
    now this is what we were calling get strong workout..
    Every two weeks instead of 285 or so we jump up to 5 over our max and see if we can do it once or so..

    So my question is.. which do you think is the better.. working up or working down
    Since this workout I have felt tremendous gains. (with some INJ help)
    but I fear my stamina might be suffering from starting out heavy and going light?

    On this workout we also just do one major muscle group a day.. and just really burn it up.

  2. #2
    kaberle_15's Avatar
    kaberle_15 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Is the chest workout just bench pressing?

    Do whatever works best for you and not your buddy, personally I work up with weights but if you can make great gains doing it your way then there isn't a problem if your workouts differ with others.


    What are your goals? If you want bulk you should aim for the 8-12 rep range

    Training chest M then Thursday isn't enough time to rest it
    Last edited by kaberle_15; 04-21-2009 at 08:47 PM.

  3. #3
    Edward88 is offline New Member
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    Apr 2009
    No i do incline then decline. then we either do some cable flys or butterflys. But since i started this i have really felt it.. and we just did this Monday 310 which i got twice. which i am happy with.. Oh and with the new workout we only do one a week.. so chest is only Monday then tris then bis then back /shoulders then legs.. which we also do about a mile on the trend mile a day along with some ab workout

    And to tell you the truth.. I use to just want to get stronger..but since i been leaning up.. and really getting more defined then i had been.. i am liking it.. so i want both. =)

    thanks for the reply...


  4. #4
    NathanSummers is offline Banned
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    Apr 2009
    Mix it up. You can do your buddies workout once and awhile if you feel your making some good gains on it, and work in your workout if you want to work on your stamina.

    One of the best body building principals is muscle confusion

  5. #5
    Edward88 is offline New Member
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    Apr 2009
    NS, I think that is it, i have been doing it the increase of weight forever.. even when i played ball in HS and i think my muscle are like what the hell and that is why i always feel so ripped after a chest workout.. I had changed up a bit on my grip of the bar..i went out wider for I usually go right at shoulder length apart.. so I went a littel further out.. and within a week I popped out both my collarbones.. god did t hurt.. did not know for a week why i was hurting so bad.. Went to my Doctor and he mumbled and said not good.. like I wanted to hear that from my Doc.. and told my i had popped them both out.. ever since tho.. I was babying that area so my bench press has suffered a bit from it.. since I don't go down far enough.. I use to just barely touch my chest ..but now I stop way to early..
    I am mumbling this.. for I think i am going to retrain my whole chest workout so I can get back in the groove of chest touching while benching.. Damn injuries..

  6. #6
    Edward88 is offline New Member
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    Apr 2009
    just got back from the gym.. and I decided that I will be changing up my Chest workout.. At the end of April I will be doing the up scale of weight.. but since my stupid injury i had.. i will be redoing my entire form.. Since the injury I have been cheating my self out of proper form by not touching my chest entirely on every rep.

    I also think I might even try to do my max and see my gains once a month. I notice that when i try my max or above.. i dont get a good workout.. since i am burned out from doing or attempting max and the rest of my workout suffers. so this way i believe that i can do it.. once a month.. on a non chest day.. so it wont effect my actual workout.

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