Here's my workout that Im gunna do while on cycle. Rate it if you wish and provide suggestions.

Monday: Chest

Barbell Bench Press - 3x8-12
Incline Bench Press - 3x8-12
Dumbbell Flys - 7x8-12

Tuesday: Arms

Alternating Dumbbell Curls - 3x8-12
Preacher Curls - 3x8-12
Barbell Curls - 7x8-12
Dumbbell Extensions - 3x8-12
Dips - 3x8-12
Lying Tricep Extensions - 7x8-12

Wednesday: Shoulders

Arnold Presses - 3x8-12
Military Press - 3x8-12
Lateral Raises - 3x8-12

Thursday: Back

Chins - 3 sets to Failure
Barbell Rows - 3x8-12
Dumbbell Rows - 3x8-12
Deadlifts - 3x10,8,6,4

Friday: Legs

Leg Extensions - 2x20
Squats - 4x20,15,10,6
Leg Curls - 3x8-12
Leg Extensions - 7x8-12