Hey Guys,

I've been taking advantage of Bangkok's abundance of anabolics and have about 3 weeks left in my 10 week training cycle. I was considering doing a twice a day routine until i start PCT to maximize my results since I have nothing to do but weight train all day.
So far I've read that typically you want to do low reps high sets in the morning and at least six hours later high reps low sets. Any advice on body part pairing, number of movements per body part, etc is appreciated.

I'm currently taking 100mgs of prop ED but I also have some Dbol on hand. Considering that I can include the dbol and have a pretty good grasp on my nutrition, i was hoping to set up a 5 day routine. My last weigh-in was 215lbs, 15% BF at 6'4" and 23 years old. So far my routine has been:

Day 1 chest-
  • BB or DB flat bench 5X6-10
  • Incline BB/DB Bench 4X6-10
  • Pec Dec 4X10

  • EZ bar preacher 4X10
  • Incline Hammer curls 4X6-10
  • Machine curls 4X10

Usually I'll add in an extra chest or Bi exercise if I'm feeling the extra energy, usually light weight high rep chins or DB flat presses

Day 2 Rest

Day 3 Back and Tris
  • Neutral grip pdowns 5X6-10
  • one arm seated cable pulls 4X8-10
  • Wide grip pdowns 4X8-10
  • pull overs 4X10
  • Dips 5X failure
  • Close grip press with skullcrusher on the eccentric 4X8-10
  • standing cable tri extensions 4X10

Day 4 Rest

Day 5 Legs and Shoulders
  • Hack squats 5X6-10
  • Leg extensions 2X25
  • Seated smith military presses 4X6-10
  • Seated DB presses 4X6-10
  • DB Lateral Raises 4X10
  • Arnold presses 4X10

Day 6 Arms
  • Chins 4X10 superset
  • Dips 5X failure superset
  • Incline Hammer curls 4X10
  • Ez bar preacher curls 4X10
  • Standing Cable Extensions 4X10

Day 7 Rest

A note on the 5X6-10 and 4X6-10, i go as heavy as possible at 6RM and once i can manage 10 reps of the same weight, i up the weight and repeat the cycle.

This routine's been working pretty well although I do need to take a two-three day break every few weeks. I have a history of lumbar sprains so deadlifts aren't in the equation and I'm lacking definition in my medial deltoids.

I apologize in advance for the long post, just wanted to make sure i gave enough information for you all.
