13% bf
23 years
3 years lifting consistently, in the gym of and on since 15
6+ years competitive sports training, high school and college

In the past 6 months I have been working out five times a week, alternating with a push-mwf pull-tr and vise versa the next week regimine with core on the push day and legs on pull. I am considering starting my first cycle soon and figured I should address changing things up. The site lists an article with a routine of each muscle group being worked to failure in 6 reps, one time per week. Is this the best approach? Do I need complete days off as suggested in the article, or could I worked unrelated muscles each day, still working each very hard only once a week. Also with bench press, if i use enough weight to fail in 6 reps I sometimes strain my neck in failing. If i use less weight then I can obviously control it better, but I'm afraid I'll be under working my chest on its only day being worked.