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  1. #1
    Saharh is offline New Member
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    Squating and Deadlifting - Which footwear?

    How do you prefer to squat or deadlift?
    Barefoot, Flat shoes (allstar, Nike Free (?), Boxing shoes), regular shoes, etc..
    and do you feel any difference when squatin' or deadliftin' between shoes that
    have support for the arch or without a support?
    and if there are any flatfooted ppl here that use flat shoes with no support, do you
    feel any pain after a workout in your feet?


  2. #2
    l2elapse's Avatar
    l2elapse is offline That don't kill me, can only make me stronger
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    barefoot or flat shoes all the way

  3. #3
    rockinred's Avatar
    rockinred is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I've heard all the theories. Through the years, I have used my chuck taylors, running shoes, etc... I never noticed a major difference. As long as I was comfortable with the shoes, there wasn't a difference. I suppose if you were training for a serious competition it would help.

    I have never squatted or deadlifted in boots.. and I know that air shoes like the nike 360 and nike shocks suck for balance reasons. I would just be careful with changing up to drastically if you are in the heavy range.

    Squats and deads in the 500lb range with no issue on bare feet, flat shoes, running shoes.

  4. #4
    CMB's Avatar
    CMB is offline Senior Member
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    Wrestling shoes always worked best for me.

  5. #5
    im83931's Avatar
    im83931 is offline Senior Member
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    I usually wear running shoes simply because I like to keep one pair of shoes for working out. I don't notice much difference between the different styles. But I never go near 500 lbs working out.

  6. #6
    Nooomoto's Avatar
    Nooomoto is offline Productive Member
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    High top chucks for deads and squats. You guys are saying you "didn't notice a difference" when lifting in flat shoes compared to running shoes. The purpose of wearing flat shoes is not to provide you with some sort of advantage, it's to prevent injury. Flat shoes have no cushioning, foam or rubber like they do in running shoes that would flex under extreme weight and cause a shift in the position of your foot. If you have 545 lbs on your back and your ankle rolls you'll be in a world of hurt.

  7. #7
    im83931's Avatar
    im83931 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nooomoto View Post
    High top chucks for deads and squats. You guys are saying you "didn't notice a difference" when lifting in flat shoes compared to running shoes. The purpose of wearing flat shoes is not to provide you with some sort of advantage, it's to prevent injury. Flat shoes have no cushioning, foam or rubber like they do in running shoes that would flex under extreme weight and cause a shift in the position of your foot. If you have 545 lbs on your back and your ankle rolls you'll be in a world of hurt.
    Agreed, I guess I should explain that I use stability not cushion running shoes. They dont have much flex in them and are design to help keep your ankle from rolling..

  8. #8
    gbrice75's Avatar
    gbrice75 is offline AR's Diet Pimp! ~HOF~
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    Barefoot for both, for me.

  9. #9
    Twist's Avatar
    Twist is offline "AR's Personal Trainer"
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    Arch support in my shoes.

  10. #10
    Corpsman's Avatar
    Corpsman is offline Associate Member
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    I never thought about it but would you think wearing wrestling shoes while doing calves versus basketball shoes would help me with my foot cramping issue?

  11. #11
    RussianVodka's Avatar
    RussianVodka is offline Senior Member
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    I use otomix shoes, no fancy air jumping shoes, they could break apart under heavy load.

  12. #12
    dec11's Avatar
    dec11 is offline 'everything louder than everything else'
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    squatting use boots with a flat raised sole

    deads use barefoot or very thin soles. (must wear something for comp lifting, ie pumps)

    trainers arent great for either as the soles are soft and move under load. i certainly would not squat barefoot, some sort of support is advisable for ankles if going heavy. theres no way on this earth id be ambling back off a rack with anything over 180kgs on my back without strong boots on, ankles snap easily!!

    im advising from competitive plifting standards
    Last edited by dec11; 09-11-2011 at 09:03 PM.

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