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Thread: Dead lifts

  1. #1
    jg42058p's Avatar
    jg42058p is offline Member
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    Dead lifts

    How many sets of dead lifts should one do?

    How many reps per set on average are good?

    Does it work legs or back more?

  2. #2
    dec11's Avatar
    dec11 is offline 'everything louder than everything else'
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    *no sources i wont reply*
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    deads will hit almost everywhere to some degree with the exception of arms and chest.

    not a high repping exercise, its all about strength/power. i wouldnt go above 8reps. as far as sets and reps go my current routine goes like this:

    60kgs 8reps
    100kgs 8reps
    140kgs 8reps
    160kgs 6reps
    180kgs 6reps
    200kgs 4reps
    220kgs 4reps
    240kgs 2reps
    250kgs 2reps

    you can modify yours along this line. sometimes i'll alter it as to how i feel on the day.

    note, i only do deads every 2wks, do them all out like this every week in your programme, and you'll soon burn out
    Last edited by dec11; 09-11-2011 at 08:54 PM.

  3. #3
    devildog1967's Avatar
    devildog1967 is offline Associate Member
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    Nothing else to say dec11 have covered it all

  4. #4
    The_Irish_Dave is offline Junior Member
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    I agree. dec's routine is almost the same as mine. Pyramid sets are the way to go. Defo. I do max out at the end though with 1 rep instead of 2 but again I only do deadlifts once every 2 weeks or so.

  5. #5
    l2elapse's Avatar
    l2elapse is offline That don't kill me, can only make me stronger
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    i do deads every week and keep it to 4-5 sets in the 6-8 range..cutler said it best as long as you eat enough you wont overtrain

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