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  1. #1
    par10 is offline New Member
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    Question chest and shoulders (help)

    hey i need some help on focusing more on my chest than my delts during my chest day. what exercises will target my chest more than my delts? all i ever hear is how big my shoulders are! i only do rear delts now 5'11" 274lbs bf% 16 been lifting solid for 3 yrs age 36

  2. #2
    Beefbucket's Avatar
    Beefbucket is offline Junior Member
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    Try doing Bench (inclined or regular) with dumbells. This will tend to isolate your chest muscles more, also try to do a 5-6 count during your reps. Also, you could just have naturally big shoulders, I mean those muscle may develop more readily than your chest.

  3. #3
    animal333 is offline New Member
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    I had the same problem. My front delts grew so much faster than my chest, that it looked like my chest was caving in. I started doing incline on chest first and brought my grip in about 2 inchs and my inner and upper chest is growing for the first time in my life and my whole physique looks extremely better.

  4. #4
    Red5 is offline Associate Member
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    Try pre-exhausting your pecs with a set of flyes then with out resting go and do your press.You won't be able to go as heavy, but you will work your pecs far harder than normal.

  5. #5
    jamie is offline New Member
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    I would recommend doing delts before chest. And as Red5 said, do flyes before any pressing exercise. This is a little discouraging since doing delts then flyes and then doing your pressing exercises will result in less weight on the bar. Your ego might be hurt, but when your chest is touching your chin, who is going to say anything.

  6. #6
    MrMuscle's Avatar
    MrMuscle is offline New Member
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    Ok shoot me if im wrong here, but if his chest is the weakest part, and he does flyes before pressing, wont his chest give in first, and he will end up pressing even more with his delts and arms?

  7. #7
    saboudian's Avatar
    saboudian is offline Senior Member
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    Originally posted by MrMuscle
    Ok shoot me if im wrong here, but if his chest is the weakest part, and he does flyes before pressing, wont his chest give in first, and he will end up pressing even more with his delts and arms?

    Man, i bet you don't realize what you're saying. If his chest gives in first, than he has accomplished his goal

    You can try DB presses, but using DBs tend to focus more on the outer pec, whereas BB is better for overall mass. Try fuckin around with your grip, try squeezing your shoulder blades together too.

    My favorite exercise for this situation i have found really isolates chest very well, i don't even feel it in my shoulders or tri's at all. Do your DB press on a swiss ball, just really gives a nice natural arch in your back and hey it works.

  8. #8
    MrMuscle's Avatar
    MrMuscle is offline New Member
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    Originally posted by saboudian

    Man, i bet you don't realize what you're saying. If his chest gives in first, than he has accomplished his goal
    Oh yeah,DUH!

  9. #9
    jamie is offline New Member
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    My personal opinion is only what saying here. This has worked for me and maybe could work for him. I believe that in some cases the front delts on some guys are so strong compared to chest, that the body is almost designating it as the primary and the chest as the secondary working group when working chest. So by doing delts first, then chest, the body looks for a muscle group that hasn't been worked to do the heavy lifting. And by starting off with cable crossovers or flyes for chest, I'm designating it as the primary working group. This is not fact and I'm not saying if you don't do it my way you wont grow par10, but lifting variety is key to muscle growth. Shock the muscle groups into growth.

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