Thread: Thoughts on my routine
01-21-2004, 11:36 PM #1
Thoughts on my routine
Tell me your thoughts on my routine. Usually I just go till failure on everything except for maybe the first set of the excersize. I also might do an extra light set at the start of the excersize just for the hell of it.
Day 1
3 sets bench
3 sets incline db press
3 sets incline flys
3 sets tricep pressdown
3 sets db tricep extensions
3 sets cable one arm pushdown
Other than the first set of benching, I usually try to max out on all my sets on day one. Usually I go for about 4 to 6 reps before I die out.
Day 2
3 sets bent over rows with the bar
3 sets behind the neck press downs
3 sets stiff legged deadlifts
Nothing special on this day.
Day 3
3 sets bicep curl on bicep curling machine
3 sets bicep curl with cable
3 sets bicep curl with bar
3 sets db curl
Always get a good pump in the arms from this day.
Day 4
3 sets full squat
3 sets calve raise
3 sets leg extensions
Reluctant about squatting alot of weight because a while ago I was squatting 245lbs and my lowerback gave out and I ended up crashing into the floor. So now I put on 1 plate and do 10 reps full squats instead of doing a really heavy weight and doing 3 reps or something. Calves are really lacking, I've seen anorexic women with bigger calves than me .
Day 5
3 sets shrugs
3 sets reverse flys
3 sets bent over db laterals
3 sets lever lateral raise
Nothing to complain about here.
01-22-2004, 02:53 AM #2
any rason y u combine chest and tris but have bis on a seperate day..???
three exercises for chest and 4 for bis??chest normally needs more work than bis...
with legs i think u need to add something for hammys...leg curl maby...and do two exercises for calves...sitting stannding donkey raises etc.....
just a thought mate...
01-22-2004, 04:03 AM #3
i'll tell you a calf routine that i used for my calves, 8 months ago my calves were barely 15' now their 18.5-19' (not bad for a 6'5 fella) anyways what i found with calves is that you gotta go heavy, dont really need a lot of volume, i'm not an advocate of many sets in a workout anyway, but this is what i did:
seated calf raise, this has to be VERY heavy, dont worry about going all the way UP in the movement, just make sure the bottom part of your calves is worked **** hard.
Standing calf raise, this needs to be moderately heavy, but you have to make sure you do the full range of movement, and you need to really make it hurt, dont do more than 2 sets of 8-10 on this, it has to be heavy enough that you'll burn out with this volume. With standing calf raises you should change the way you do the rep every 2 weeks, first 2 weeks do normal rate of repping, then the next 2 weeks do a VERY slow negative (like 10 seconds), then next 2 weeks do a very slow positive movement but normal negative movement.
This is gunna sound silly but whats also good for calves is doing raises on a hacksquat machine, its a VERY small range of movement but do this VERY heavy, 2 sets of 6-8 it works
After any workout with calves you have to stretch them, this is what gave me most of the growth, on a standing calf raise machine, put up about 3/4 of the weight you'd normally use, and just hold the down portion of the rep (heels pointing to the ground) and feel them stretch, do this for a count of 60 (1 min at least)
Hope this helps.
01-22-2004, 08:11 PM #4Originally Posted by Shud
01-22-2004, 08:46 PM #5
In caps belowe..
Originally Posted by NEED2BEHUGE
Just my $.02
01-22-2004, 11:55 PM #6Originally Posted by NEED2BEHUGE
i just find it hard to understand y you would work bis for 4 exercises while chest, shoulders, legs and back only get 3 exercises......
you should realise that the larger muscle groups do need more work than smaller ones unless of course you are out of proportion or something....
01-22-2004, 11:57 PM #7Originally Posted by NEED2BEHUGE
just thoughts mate
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