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Thread: Which side of fence??

  1. #1
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    Which side of fence??

    Alright this thread is kind of a tag off Austin's death penalty thread. So lets see which side of the fence u guys r on. The Boston bomber had his charges officially brought up against him. Do u think u should be put to death??!! This man killed 3 and injured over 250 people. He is against the very freedoms for which ths country stands. Do u lock him away or put him down. I think you guys know where I stand. Can't wait to some of u explain yourself on ths one!!

  2. #2
    AD's Avatar
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    Nobody died. It was all a hoax. And plenty of ketchup.

  3. #3
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    Haha but come on AD which side u on?!

  4. #4
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    I believe in the death sentence in general.

  5. #5
    panntastic's Avatar
    panntastic is offline "cool as shit and knows his stuff"
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    I know of the incident but nothing of the charges etc
    Has he been sentenced to death?

  6. #6
    AD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by panntastic View Post
    I know of the incident but nothing of the charges etc
    Has he been sentenced to death?
    Just indicted. No trial yet.

  7. #7
    panntastic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AD

    Just indicted. No trial yet.
    Is the state a death penalty state?

  8. #8
    ChiveOn's Avatar
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    Death penalty! Costs too much for life incarceration. Stick him in prison unprotected for a year or two so the guys there can destroy what's left of his humanity. Then kill him

    Maybe tell the other prisoners he was a child rapist or something. Those guys always fare well on the inside
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  9. #9
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    ^^^^chive love your thought process and I could not agree more!!! There is no question he did it so to me no trail needed. They should execute him on the streets in Boston. But first they should put him in a prison in Boston. Let justice take its course. Maybe he could b in the same cell as Whitey Ford.

  10. #10
    spywizard's Avatar
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    I say he dies the same why he put others to death... with terror (imprisonment for 10 yrs then a suprise death by explosion)
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  11. #11
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    In theory, I'm FOR the death penalty. I have a problem with the system, however. We have verified that the wrong people have been executed in the past, and that is just flat out wrong.

    I'm also for redefining "cruel and unusual punishment". I think there should be other options to state sponsored punishment other than incarceration. Some don't give a crap if they go to jail. So how is that punishment?

    I'll let someone else run with where this is going....?
    lovbyts and OdinsOtherSon like this.

  12. #12
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    TR wht side r u on in ths particular trail!?

  13. #13
    crazy mike is offline Banned for repping Dangerous Substances
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    Quote Originally Posted by bringndaheat View Post
    Alright this thread is kind of a tag off Austin's death penalty thread. So lets see which side of the fence u guys r on. The Boston bomber had his charges officially brought up against him. Do u think u should be put to death??!! This man killed 3 and injured over 250 people. He is against the very freedoms for which ths country stands. Do u lock him away or put him down. I think you guys know where I stand. Can't wait to some of u explain yourself on ths one!!

    Good Q's to down to it !!
    Quote Originally Posted by AD View Post
    Nobody died. It was all a hoax. And plenty of ketchup.
    Quote Originally Posted by panntastic View Post
    I know of the incident but nothing of the charges etc
    Has he been sentenced to death?
    Quote Originally Posted by panntastic View Post
    Is the state a death penalty state?

    Come on guys answer not with a Q's but which side are you on plain and simple. Did you guys miss the intended Q and what this is about ????

    Quote Originally Posted by bringndaheat View Post
    ^^^^chive love your thought process and I could not agree more!!! There is no question he did it so to me no trail needed. They should execute him on the streets in Boston. But first they should put him in a prison in Boston. Let justice take its course. Maybe he could b in the same cell as Whitey Ford.
    I agree he needs no trial why waste all the money, the Fker did this, he's on camera etc...
    I say kill the bastard and go with the Laws of Moses. Punishment for murder is death.
    Just think, most of you don't have kids let alone grand kids like me, Many of you young people still have your parents alive and have not experienced the pains of death not to mention Fkin murder of an innocent by standing little child waiting and watching for daddy to run across the finish line.

    Dead, murdered after we let the scum come into our free country ??? What, you want to feed him, bath him, give him meds when he gets sick. WE can forgive , but that doesn't me there are consequences. Still consequences ...Kill the bastard, kill him NOW.
    That's the side I'm on ...crazy mike

  14. #14
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    I think Spywizard has the best idea yet!

  15. #15
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    I'm absolutely in complete SHOCK: When did crazy mike learn how to multi-quote messages??
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  16. #16
    crazy_rocks's Avatar
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    Death sentence because it would be cheaper than keeping him alive for the rest of his life. That's right. We should treat the death or life sentence decision like obamacare, by whatever is cheaper.

  17. #17
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    I read somewhere that it was cheaper to keep a person imprisoned for life than to execute them. This is due to all of the court cost of most prisoners appealing it several times.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by diesel101 View Post
    I read somewhere that it was cheaper to keep a person imprisoned for life than to execute them. This is due to all of the court cost of most prisoners appealing it several times.
    Oh. Well I guess with the appeals I could see that. That sucks. I wanna see the teenager fry.
    bringndaheat likes this.

  19. #19
    SexySweetheart is offline "Decide you want it ƸӜƷ more than your afraid of it"Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    i go back and forth on the death penalty.
    yea human rights mean something to me but i dont necessarily like humans lol i pretty much think we have rights UNTILL we prove we cant handle them - than you forfit

    i think prisons in general are a waste of money and court time (yes even though the hubby is a CO)
    and in my state its legal but hasnt been used in like 100 years. from what i know of other states even when they get the sentence they are not killed rite away so they are still sucking up resources and money. Generally I think if you kill a human you should be put down, sure there is a chance of wrongful judgement but its so rear and if you dont live a shady life it is even more rear to be convicted.
    The fact that this guy is so young ~ well its sad but doesn't change much. chances are he will just get worse being in the system. and as far as his parents~ their voices should be as mute as they were when he was committing the act

    i still think we should have a legal system like in that movie , ah d@mn what the name? California split off into its own island from an earth quake and the US made it a big prison were they all had to fend for themselves... cr@p thats gonna bother me all day now if i dont remember it! .... something LA i think

  20. #20
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  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by bringndaheat View Post
    TR wht side r u on in ths particular trail!?
    I'm conflicted. I thought that my post pointed that out. It's not always a binary (black and white) situation.

    I'm also in favor of overhauling our current system allowing for other things besides incarceration.

    I think serial rapists/pedophiles need to have their sexual organs removed. In theory, with the loss of testosterone and no penis, they will no longer have the desire nor the equipment to continue as they have been. Plus some incarceration, counselling and possibly drug therapy, and restitution to the victims. Then a long probation period where extensive monitoring can take place. Then, if the activity continues, such as raping someone with a "penis substitute", then we have sufficient grounds to put them down mercifully. There are, after all, people you cannot fix that are a danger to society.

    I think drug offenses really do not need incarceration and we need to end this war on drugs. By making drugs legal, and regulated somehow, we can produce domestically, and will end the era of the drug cartels. Violent crime goes down. We have proven that prohibition does not work. Once we come to terms with that in our society, and that you cannot create laws that work to stop people from using drugs, society overall will improve. With the vast amounts of money we make (through taxation) and save (by no longer incarcerating drug offenders), we should be able to have robust rehab programs and education programs. (Look what we did to those addicted to tobacco - %'s have dropped significantly over the last couple of decades)

    I think white collar crimes can be handled a little differently than how we are handling currently. Look at Bernie Madoff. When you expose him to the public, you can see his great shame. I think he is relieved to be in jail away from the public eye. So I suggest that instead of putting him in a federal prison for the rest of his life which would cost (say he lives 20 years, and at 75k/yr for a federal prison = $1.5m taxpayer dollars) $1.5M, well, i'm not sure what he could do for society. as many people that would like to see him dead, anywhere he goes, there will be a lynch mob. So say it isn't Bernie Madoff. But someone like him. I suggest after all his assets have been completely liquidated, then he is sentenced to a work crew sweeping streets and cleaning toilets at public restrooms, picking up trash. An ankle bracelet is put on him, he lives in a half way house where there are bunk beds and no privacy in a big room with 30 other men, much like a military boot camp. And this is what he does for the rest of his life. Monotonous meals, he only wears pink jump suits, buzz haircut military style. No cell phones, no conjugal visits.

    Thieves and other non violent criminals should be treated the same as white collar criminals. I think maybe a jobs training program might be prudent, so they have something valid to contribute to society after they get out, if they don't already have viable skills.

    I'm not for public flogging. Even though I feel it would be effective in certain cases, modern society would never allow it, so therefore unrealistic. but there were reasons why ship captains of old would flog shipmates instead of locking them up. because they didn't have the resources to imprison anyone, and they still needed that ship mate to pull his weight.

    And then there are those that are truly a menace to society, our violent offenders that seem to not want to contribute like the rest of us. To be fair, I think once we deal with the fiasco we call "the war on drugs" and the drug induced violent frenzy from that dies down, what we have left is our hardcore offenders. These we have to deal with. And we have a decision to make. Can we fix this individual through counselling/drug therapy/jobs retraining/surgical procedure? If the answer is no, and this is not a person we can "fix", then i don't see the point of putting him in jail for 2 or 20 years. If the only thing this person is going to do when free on society is to relapse into a violent pattern, then why would we let loose a wolf on a flock of sheep? Realistically, what is the point of incarceration if this person can never be let loose on society? Do we put this person down? Do we put them in a display case and charge admission like at a carnival freak show? I know I sure as shit don't want to feed/clothe/warehouse this person to the tune of over $50k/year. So based on what we can realistically do, what do you suggest?

  22. #22
    Hazard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman

    I'm conflicted. I thought that my post pointed that out. It's not always a binary (black and white) situation.

    I'm also in favor of overhauling our current system allowing for other things besides incarceration.

    I think serial rapists/pedophiles need to have their sexual organs removed. In theory, with the loss of testosterone and no penis, they will no longer have the desire nor the equipment to continue as they have been. Plus some incarceration, counselling and possibly drug therapy, and restitution to the victims. Then a long probation period where extensive monitoring can take place. Then, if the activity continues, such as raping someone with a "penis substitute", then we have sufficient grounds to put them down mercifully. There are, after all, people you cannot fix that are a danger to society.

    I think drug offenses really do not need incarceration and we need to end this war on drugs. By making drugs legal, and regulated somehow, we can produce domestically, and will end the era of the drug cartels. Violent crime goes down. We have proven that prohibition does not work. Once we come to terms with that in our society, and that you cannot create laws that work to stop people from using drugs, society overall will improve. With the vast amounts of money we make (through taxation) and save (by no longer incarcerating drug offenders), we should be able to have robust rehab programs and education programs. (Look what we did to those addicted to tobacco - %'s have dropped significantly over the last couple of decades)

    I think white collar crimes can be handled a little differently than how we are handling currently. Look at Bernie Madoff. When you expose him to the public, you can see his great shame. I think he is relieved to be in jail away from the public eye. So I suggest that instead of putting him in a federal prison for the rest of his life which would cost (say he lives 20 years, and at 75k/yr for a federal prison = $1.5m taxpayer dollars) $1.5M, well, i'm not sure what he could do for society. as many people that would like to see him dead, anywhere he goes, there will be a lynch mob. So say it isn't Bernie Madoff. But someone like him. I suggest after all his assets have been completely liquidated, then he is sentenced to a work crew sweeping streets and cleaning toilets at public restrooms, picking up trash. An ankle bracelet is put on him, he lives in a half way house where there are bunk beds and no privacy in a big room with 30 other men, much like a military boot camp. And this is what he does for the rest of his life. Monotonous meals, he only wears pink jump suits, buzz haircut military style. No cell phones, no conjugal visits.

    Thieves and other non violent criminals should be treated the same as white collar criminals. I think maybe a jobs training program might be prudent, so they have something valid to contribute to society after they get out, if they don't already have viable skills.

    I'm not for public flogging. Even though I feel it would be effective in certain cases, modern society would never allow it, so therefore unrealistic. but there were reasons why ship captains of old would flog shipmates instead of locking them up. because they didn't have the resources to imprison anyone, and they still needed that ship mate to pull his weight.

    And then there are those that are truly a menace to society, our violent offenders that seem to not want to contribute like the rest of us. To be fair, I think once we deal with the fiasco we call "the war on drugs" and the drug induced violent frenzy from that dies down, what we have left is our hardcore offenders. These we have to deal with. And we have a decision to make. Can we fix this individual through counselling/drug therapy/jobs retraining/surgical procedure? If the answer is no, and this is not a person we can "fix", then i don't see the point of putting him in jail for 2 or 20 years. If the only thing this person is going to do when free on society is to relapse into a violent pattern, then why would we let loose a wolf on a flock of sheep? Realistically, what is the point of incarceration if this person can never be let loose on society? Do we put this person down? Do we put them in a display case and charge admission like at a carnival freak show? I know I sure as shit don't want to feed/clothe/warehouse this person to the tune of over $50k/year. So based on what we can realistically do, what do you suggest?
    Great post tr..... Enjoyed reading it
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  23. #23
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    Here is my take on it. If he is convicted on the charges, he should not be put to death...just yet. In order to try to repay just restitution there is only one way he can attempt this feat. One that many of you overlook. What is he like all of 20 years old? Relatively good health? So why waste a perfectly good body to just inject poison in his veins and kill him?
    Do you all have any idea how many good people there are out there from 1-99 whose only issue in life is a failing kidney or liver or other important vital organ? You see where I'm going with this? I say harvest all his organs to help others to see again and live again through new kidneys or other organs. After all we are going to just kill him anyways if that is the judgement of the court. So why not use his and all others who are in good health and to be put to death beyond all reasonable doubts. I know a few may think that is wrong but really? Why allow his rotting corpse go to waste? I think this would work twofold. One it would be great for those on a donor list and two, it might scare some to think twice before they do a death penalty type crime against another.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sexy4mySweetheart View Post
    i go back and forth on the death penalty.
    yea human rights mean something to me but i dont necessarily like humans lol i pretty much think we have rights UNTILL we prove we cant handle them - than you forfit

    i think prisons in general are a waste of money and court time (yes even though the hubby is a CO)
    and in my state its legal but hasnt been used in like 100 years. from what i know of other states even when they get the sentence they are not killed rite away so they are still sucking up resources and money. Generally I think if you kill a human you should be put down, sure there is a chance of wrongful judgement but its so rear and if you dont live a shady life it is even more rear to be convicted.
    The fact that this guy is so young ~ well its sad but doesn't change much. chances are he will just get worse being in the system. and as far as his parents~ their voices should be as mute as they were when he was committing the act

    i still think we should have a legal system like in that movie , ah d@mn what the name? California split off into its own island from an earth quake and the US made it a big prison were they all had to fend for themselves... cr@p thats gonna bother me all day now if i dont remember it! .... something LA i think
    Was it Escape From LA

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shol'va

    Was it Escape From LA
    Escape from New York was better

    I like your harvesting idea. Problem is though, it makes too much sense.

    They should've just shot him in that boat and been done with it. They already wasted good tax money on his healthcare in reviving him.

    Kind of funny. Someone is critically injured. Revive him back to good health. And then sentence him to death and kill him. Man, what a country.
    Last edited by Black; 06-29-2013 at 12:50 PM.

  26. #26
    SexySweetheart is offline "Decide you want it ƸӜƷ more than your afraid of it"Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Quote Originally Posted by shol'va View Post
    was it escape from la

    yes- thank you!

  27. #27
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    Unfortunately we do not have the death penalty here in Canada because their have been many goofs who do not deserve to live, their victims where not given a choice. We are yet to experience a terrorist attack here in Canada unless you consider the happenings in Quebec a bunch of years back but that was not muslim or Taliban related. We did cancel a marathon in Halifax Nova Scotia a couple weeks after the Boston Marathon bombing because it is said that the spy gate that Obama and Harper instituted where directly involved in catching the Boston bombers and giving CISIS (CDN FBI) the heads up an attack was being planned in Halifax. After everything that's happened I believe that they should hold public executions in Times Square where these MO FOS have there heads chopped off. It was done years ago has a deterrent and their families became outcasts and were shammed by all. It seems the way things are being handled now has done F-ALL to make them think twice. Penalties for Treason and Terrorism should be punished with Terror.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dante Diamond View Post

    I like your harvesting idea. Problem is though, it makes too much sense.

    Yes but it is a great idea. If only America would embrace this. but there would be a few who would cry cruel and unusual punishment. That killing them with injections is so more humane. And we would think humane? How was it humane when this person (Insert Criminal Here) raped and murdered your wife and children. I wish this country could get back to majority rule and stop allowing a few to influence the many. Same with our oil and gas situation. We have enough to supply all of our needs and then some but a few environmentalists are too worried about possibly upstaging the habitat of the north American Fruit Fly to allow even a pipeline to be built down from Canada. This country is and has been held hostage by a few. I'm neither a liberal nor conservative. I'm for plain common sense middle of the road.

    They should've just shot him in that boat and been done with it. They already wasted good tax money on his healthcare in reviving him.

    True, this would have been the most efficient cost saving way to solve the issue. But, we have rule of law and it must be followed. Without it we have anarchy. I believe in giving a person every chance to be proven innocent or guilty. Once that is achieved and is proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, then let the harvesting of organs begin. What a great way to give back to society when you have nothing left and you have raped and killed and are going to be put down anyways. These people should not even be given an choice in the matter as they forfeited all that when they commiitted the crime and was proven guilty. IMO

    Kind of funny. Someone is critically injured. Revive him back to good health. And then sentence him to death and kill him. Man, what a country.
    Yeah imagine the cost involved.

    And to lessen the mistake of doing this to an innocent person, steps must be put in place to only do this to the ones who are guilty beyond all means. The worst of the worst who have no hope of any rehabilitation. I honestly think it's a doable project, but as you and I both know as long as our government is run by the few controlling groups, this will never come to pass. But I thinks it's a great idea none the same. It's sad that we live in a Nation in 2013 and neither a girl nor woman nor boy nor man can walk the streets at night without fear of being robbed raped or murdered. And we are the land of the free? But I think it all goes back to not being tough on crime. There are revolving door policies all over this nation where criminals have been locked up and released over and over for one reason or another. If we were to make the punishment fit the crime and enforce it, crime would drop drastically in America IMO. But as long as criminals know they can get away with it, well crime will continue to worsen. Maybe we need to even get to the point where we go back to public executions to shock our society into correcting their criminal ways. Who knows? All we know for sure now is that nothing else is working. Granted if I were the hardened criminal being spoke of here I'd be doing my best to persuade all that this is a terrible But the criminals know this situation will never ever happen in America as we know it. The same situation exists for traitors to our country who steal tons of top secret information and sell it to other countries. Years ago from what I've read like even back in the 50-60"s these types would be hung for treason. No not given life without parole but hung! And now they get, life without parole 3 meals a day, free health care, free room and board, an exercise room, and on and on. So treason as well is on the rise. I honestly just meant to post a few short sentences to describe which side of that fence I was on but apparantly I knocked the whole damned fence down...

  29. #29
    skaz915 is offline Member
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    Death sentence but for people like that I think they should be shot in the gut and left to suffer for a few days all while getting an infection and dying a painful death this way they'll know what the victims and they're family went through.

    Yea I'm sick and twisted that way lol

  30. #30
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    The harvesting idea is the best yet! Can't beleive I didn't think of tht!

  31. #31
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    Google china organ harvesting.

  32. #32
    JJ78 is offline Senior Member
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    With proper evidence and 100% certainty of a guilty verdict.

    A public execution within 10 days of conviction.

    I guarantee this would stop a lot of dumbasses from covicting murder.

    Child molestation, excluding staturatory rape, castration within 10 days of conviction.
    Same goes for a rape conviction.

    Any non-violent drug coviction, should only carry a fine, until we finally legalize all recreational drug use.

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by JJ78 View Post
    With proper evidence and 100% certainty of a guilty verdict.

    A public execution within 10 days of conviction.

    I guarantee this would stop a lot of dumbasses from covicting murder.

    Child molestation, excluding staturatory rape, castration within 10 days of conviction.
    Same goes for a rape conviction.

    Any non-violent drug coviction, should only carry a fine, until we finally legalize all recreational drug use.
    Two things about dumb asses:

    1) they don't think things through and therefore don't consider the consequences, and
    2) they think they are smart enough to not get caught!

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by JJ78 View Post
    With proper evidence and 100% certainty of a guilty verdict.

    A public execution within 10 days of conviction.

    I guarantee this would stop a lot of dumbasses from covicting murder.

    Child molestation, excluding staturatory rape, castration within 10 days of conviction.
    Same goes for a rape conviction.

    Any non-violent drug coviction, should only carry a fine, until we finally legalize all recreational drug use.
    there is no such thing as "100% certainty"

  35. #35
    JJ78 is offline Senior Member
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    True very true.

    But at least it will save some tax dollars.

    You are correct about the 100% certainty, with the level of coruption in our justice system, who knows what is truth.

  36. #36
    JJ78 is offline Senior Member
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    And by public execution, I think a coulpe of hungry lions would do the trick.

  37. #37
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    The prison system is a looked at a little oddly by the outside world. Or by the state "my state" when a person commits a crime the are prosecuted and the public screams for death dismemberment torture for the crime. Then the individual goes into the system that person is now an inmate. The inmate is given a full cast of assistance to help them appeal their case . Free medical that they would never do for the self on the outside and dental then they get their choice of religion no matter how crazy it is. And they will be provided a Chaplin priest or emom the Muslims are the worst special meals special treatment they use it more to organize illegal prison activity. Any way the people on the outside who run special interest groups treat the inmate population as a whole continually trying and winning to make the life of the scum bag better. All paid by the tax payer. Phone calls special food prayer mats organized sports weight rooms inside basket ball courts special festivals that they can have family attend. RANTING. I am for the death penalty

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    I didnt even realize it until a few weeks ago when I read/heard that anyone who gets convicted and given the death sentence in the US they do not have to appeal the decision, it's an automatic process. They have to do a lot of work to NOT have an appeal.

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