Yaki Soba
1 1/2 lb good quality ground poultry (Turkey/chicken)
10-12 cloves fresh garlic chopped
one bunch green onions cut in long pieces
one medium size cabbage shredded
2 cups frozen/fresh petite green beans
Kikkoman Brand sweet -cooking rice wine
Healthy Boy Brand Mushroom flavored soysauce
2 pkgs 'Shirataki' brand tofu noodles (80 cals total)
Bulldog Brand 'Yakisoba Sauce'

brown meat (no oil needed) sprinkling the 'Healthy Boy Brand' Mushroom flavored soysauce until brown.(you will need to occasionally add a little more as the meat cooks for flavor and help the meat cook w/o oil)) Once it is brown then pour a couple of tbl of Kikkoman Brand sweet -cooking rice wine (this carmelizes and gives it really excellent flavor) mean while bring some water to boiling.Drain 'Shirataki' brand tofu noodles (they come in a bag of water). take the water off of the stove and dump the noodles in the hot water and swirl to separate noodles (I also take scissors and give them a whack or two for easier handling). Throw all of your veggies into the pot of browned meat and cook a bit ,and throw a bit of Healthy Boy Brand Mushroom flavored soysauce on top of veggies (your personal preference on cooking time as I want as much nutritional value as possible) Once veggies are done to your satisfaction,Drain noodles and throw in pot w/everything else along with a lttle more of the Kikkoman Brand sweet -cooking rice wine and the Bulldog Brand 'Yakisoba Sauce'. I don't put down amount of 'Yakisoba Sauce' as that also is personal preference, I use about 1/2 cup. I suggest strongly that youi use the above brands as any sustitutes produce substandard taste. Also, the Healthy Boy Brand Mushroom flavored soysauce is a very mild soysauce.