Thread: Airline Pilot, test fro AAS?
04-29-2008, 02:03 PM #1
Airline Pilot, test fro AAS?
My boy is an airline pilot and is ready for AAS, 23 6'1" 225 11%. But he's an airline pilot an is worried about getting tested. I was going to have him run a basic test e 500mg/wk for 10 weeks for first cycle with 25mg dbol ed for 4 wks. Should he be worried or no? arent the tests for AAS super expensive
04-29-2008, 03:57 PM #2
The best way to find out would be to ask, but I think when it comes to that, they're probably more worried about stuff like marijuana, cocaine, meth, that actually can affect his judgment in the air.
04-30-2008, 07:53 AM #3
my brother is a commercial pilot...They don't test
04-30-2008, 01:33 PM #4
05-14-2008, 10:40 PM #5
its a risk he is going to have to take
but i doubt they would ever test him for that. seriously unless it looks like hes blowing the f*ck up and getting massively swole then they might be suspicious, but normally they wont even notice and plus steriod testing costs a few hundred bucks so its not something that is hardly ever done exept in pro sports.
05-17-2008, 07:40 PM #6
Flying is a job that is more "sensitive" than most routine factory or office or sales or labor jobs. In most low-moderate income/skill jobs, all they're looking for is recreational drugs.
However, with security-sensitive, safety-conscious, highly skilled professions like pilots, I would think they would maintain the ability to test, although they probably don't screen *everyone* because of the cost.
I doubt they would test *routinely* for AAS, but I think the A/L would have the resources and capability to test *if they suspected* AAS for any reason. Doesn't matter why - could be some simple argument or simply talking about workouts/looking like ya lift.
In other words, pre-employment and random drug screens would be for the usual garbage, but since flying is a profession that is screened medically and behaviorally more than a lot of other jobs...I would assume that the airlines could test if they saw a need for it...sorta on a random basis.
Personally...I'd avoid all AAS if the profession is anything like flying, air traffic control, work in a power plant, hazmat truck driving, etc. etc.
I've never done AAS (not enough time for my natural gains), but I'm hardly against it.
I think it's fine if someone works on a construction site or a factory or an office, but I'd rather my airline pilot not be one week off-cycle and annoyed/depressed right while we're 300 miles west of Hawaii over the middle of nowhere in the Pacific Ocean.
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