Ive got the results of my blood test, 6.5 weeks in Test C cycle, 520mg/week and first 4.5 weeks was dbol 30mg ED. Spewing i didnt get bloodwork done before i started as i have nothing to compare it too.

All Haematology came out in normal ranges so i wont post any of that.

TSH 1.12 mU/L (0.40-4.00)

Testosterone 79.6 nmol/L (8.0-29.0)
SHBG 38 (15-45)
Free Androgen Index >137 (35-93)
Free Testosterone 2362.6 pmol/L (198-619)

AST 50 U/L (10-40)
ALT 82 U/L (5-40)
Alk Phos 82 U/L (35-110)
Gamma GT 13 U/L (5-50)
Total Bilirubin 6 umol/L (4-20)
Total Protein 65 g/L (66-83)
Albumin 41 g/L (39-50)
Globulin 24 g/L (23-39)

Tell me what you think about the test levels and liver levels in particular as some of them are out of range. Thanks!