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  1. #81
    Carlos_E's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat
    Oh no, more blah????? LOL!!!!!

    If you don't have anything to add to the thread why not just skip it? Versus posting gibberish?

  2. #82
    badbart is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MilitiaGuy
    beleifs and principals are more important then technology or fancy things,we dont enjoy building a bomb or snipering ppl but we have to this to get our freedom and to free our land ...when your land is occupied u have ther right to do anything to free it.
    This thread shows the classic analogy of history repeating itself. I have news for you people have though this way for thousands of years AND IT HASEN’T WORKED. Neither side is going to win. You are setting your children up to live in a world of conflict and death. The Arabs could make Israel look very bad if they would stop making themselves look worse buy using terror. You have the whole word watching and all you do is blow citizens up and that’s not going to make anyone see your position. Israel and the Arabs both look like fools who are bound to repeat history. Why don’t you change your tactics?

  3. #83
    tryingtogetbig's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carlos_E
    If you don't have anything to add to the thread why not just skip it? Versus posting gibberish?
    ....this whole thread is gibberish........

    blah blah blah...............

  4. #84
    Carlos_E's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tryingtogetbig
    ....this whole thread is gibberish........

    blah blah blah...............
    Cycleon started the thread to ask MGuy a question. If you don't like the thread skip it. You have nothing intelligent to add so instead you post gibberish. It just seems pretty immature.

  5. #85
    barbarian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carlos_E
    If you don't have anything to add to the thread why not just skip it? Versus posting gibberish?
    swolecat is a very respected member...and what m guy has to say is BLAH BLAH..were all intitled to say what we want in is the general forum

  6. #86
    Powrlftr is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MilitiaGuy
    Allah, the Creator of humans, knows our nature better than ourselves, and thus He has prescribed appropriate rules of behavior and appearance to be observed when men and women interact with one another. These rules of interaction also include a prescription for modest dressing, which applies to men as well as women. Almighty Allah says, "Say to the believing men to lower their gazes and guard their chastity…” (An-Nur: 30) He also says: “And tell the believing women to lower their eyes, and guard their modesty, and that they display not their ornaments except what appears of them.” (An-Nur: 31)
    But it's ok to go around murdering people who don't agree with you ......

  7. #87
    Da Bull's Avatar
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    Carlos....I suppose your 2 above posts were relevant as well!In fact you probably just started a page for ppl to piss on one another now...nice job!!

  8. #88
    barbarian's Avatar
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    hey carlos
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails A challenge to militiaguy-good_one.jpg  

  9. #89
    Carlos_E's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Da Bull
    Carlos....I suppose your 2 above posts were relevant as well!In fact you probably just started a page for ppl to piss on one another now...nice job!!
    My point. Just skip the thread. Anyway, I thought you guys were ignoring MGuy What happened to that?

  10. #90
    Da Bull's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carlos_E
    My point. Just skip the thread. Anyway, I thought you guys were ignoring MGuy What happened to that?
    I don't piss on his threads...I talk with him via pm...the conversation is far more interesting!Rak_ani is a whole nother ball game tho....

  11. #91
    tryingtogetbig's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carlos_E
    My point. Just skip the thread. Anyway, I thought you guys were ignoring MGuy What happened to that?'s more fun to type "blah blah blah".......besides, as you well know (since you have reminded all of us many times)'s a free country.....we all have opinions and can share long as we don't break board policy....

    ....anyway....I truly thank you for sharing your valuable input.....enlightening as always....



  12. #92
    MilitiaGuy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by barbarian
    swolecat is a very respected member...and what m guy has to say is BLAH BLAH..were all intitled to say what we want in is the general forum
    yes he is respected but i dont find him a diet guru i saw better diet guys than him on

  13. #93
    barbarian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MilitiaGuy
    yes he is respected but i dont find him a diet guru i saw better diet guys than him on
    bro dont be a lil b!tch and be dissin my bro swole...go eat a grenade

  14. #94
    OGPackin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MilitiaGuy
    yes he is respected but i dont find him a diet guru i saw better diet guys than him on

    Ya someone at 258 lbs and 17% bf shouldnt be talking ****! Swole has forgotten more about dieting then u'll ever know....


  15. #95
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    Quote Originally Posted by OGPackin
    Ya someone at 258 lbs and 17% bf shouldnt be talking ****! Swole has forgotten more about dieting then u'll ever know....

    258lbs @ 17% bf or at 7% bf this is my opinion and u should respect it .

  16. #96
    OGPackin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MilitiaGuy
    258lbs @ 17% bf or at 7% bf this is my opinion and u should respect it .
    Respect ur opinion?! NEVER in ur wildest dreams will i respect anything u say!


  17. #97
    3vil3lmo is offline Junior Member
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    Hahaha you sound like my child when you're saying stuff like that.

  18. #98
    bitta's Avatar
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    isnt that your opinion m guy?

  19. #99
    CAUSASIAN's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Spoon
    ive seen how supposedly holymen treat women in Afghanistan. women were not allowed to read, education to them was banned and they were treated and flogged like ordinary beasts of burden. Although Afghanistan being the worst case possible example, other muslim nations generally have a culture of degradation and repression towards their women.
    Depeneds on what your looking at. I agree women in Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, and Iran are repressed, and those are cultural, and not relgious. But Islam requires modesty from both women and men. Women have been wearing scarfs and hijabs in the Middle East before the coming of Islam. It is also part of Hebrew and Arab culture.

    For example, Mary always wore a scarf or a veil in public. Because in Jewish law a women cannot show her real hair. She either has to wear a wig, or cover her hair.

    Womens Rights in Islam

    1. The RIGHT and duty to acquire education.

    2. The RIGHT to have her own independent property.

    3. The RIGHT to work [job or business] to earn money, which she keeps it.

    4. The RIGHT to equal reward for equal deed and/or work.

    5. The RIGHT to express her opinion.

    6. The RIGHT to argue and/or advocate her cause or opinion to be heard.

    7. The RIGHT to vote since 1,421 years.

    8. The RIGHT to provisions from her husband for all her needs and more.

    9. The RIGHT to negotiate marriage terms of her choice.

    10.The RIGHT to obtain divorce from her husband, even on the grounds that she simply don't like him. In Islaam divorce is suppose to be last resort.

    11.The RIGHT to keep all her own money. [She is not responsible for maintenance of family].

    12.The RIGHT to get sexual satisfaction from her husband.

    13.The RIGHT to get custody of her children in case of divorce [unless she is unable to raise them for valid reasons]

    14.The RIGHT to choose husband of her choice.

    15.The RIGHT to refuse a proposed and/or arranged marriage.

    16. The RIGHT to re-marry after divorce or after becoming widow.


    Women are exempt from:

    a.. Fasting when they are pregnant or nursing or menstruating,
    b.. Praying when menstruating or bleeding after childbirth,
    c.. The obligation to attend congregational prayers in the mosque on Fridays.
    d.. They are not obliged to take part as soldiers in the defense of Islam, although they are not forbidden to do so.
    But under normal circumstances they are allowed to do all the things that men do.

    - Even when they are menstruating, on special days, like the two Eid festivals, they are still allowed to come to the Eid prayers, and menstruating women can take part in most of the actions of the Hajj pilgrimage.

    Islamic laws does not requires that women should confine themselves to household duties.

    Muslim women have [and are as well] headed Islamic provinces [and states as well], like Arwa bint Ahmad, who served as governor of Yemen under the Fatimid Khalifahs in the late fifth and early sixth century.

    Name any other religion, political theory, or philosophy which offers such a comprehensiveness to women by giving her total control of her life and affairs ??? NONE
    Last edited by CAUSASIAN; 06-03-2004 at 07:23 PM.

  20. #100
    CAUSASIAN's Avatar
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    In Muslims countries of Indonesia and Pakistan there already has been a women head of state. But in America there hasnt been one yet. Women in America got the right to vote only in 1920, belive it or not.

    The past has been a man's world. Thus man made the rules.

    How about rape stats in the countires of the US and Saudi Arabia. Lets look at a comparison.

    Rapes in Saudi Arabia per Year

    Rapes: 87 (2000)

    Rapes in the United State per Year

    Rapes: 89,110 (1999)

    Look at that difference.

    So do Americans really respect our women more?

  21. #101
    CAUSASIAN's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RP7
    Militiaguy that picture in your sig looks like some ****ed up Palestinian nazi rally

    Groups like Hizbollah are the future in Military Militias.
    Last edited by CAUSASIAN; 06-03-2004 at 07:44 PM.

  22. #102
    3Vandoo's Avatar
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    comparing the US to Saudia is like comparing a ferrari to a lada, not the same mentality, not the same values, not the same number of people therefore the stats are void.

  23. #103
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    Quote Originally Posted by 3Vandoo
    comparing the US to Saudia is like comparing a ferrari to a lada, not the same mentality, not the same values, not the same number of people therefore the stats are void.
    People are comparing Western Values and Culture not necessarly Christian values, with Middle East and Islamic values. Arent they?

  24. #104
    zOaib's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CAUSASIAN
    In Muslims countries of Indonesia and Pakistan there already has been a women head of state. But in America there hasnt been one yet. Women in America got the right to vote only in 1920, belive it or not.

    The past has been a man's world. Thus man made the rules.

    How about rape stats in the countires of the US and Saudi Arabia. Lets look at a comparison.

    Rapes in Saudi Arabia per Year

    Rapes: 87 (2000)

    Rapes in the United State per Year

    Rapes: 89,110 (1999)

    Look at that difference.

    So do Americans really respect our women more?

    I TOLD U BRO U ARE TELLING SINNERS AND HYPOCRATES THINGS , OF DIVINE KNOWLEDGE ............... that is one reason they can BARK all they want , their fate they shall find AFTER death , AND REMEMBER DEATH IS A FACT and not my OPINION !

  25. #105
    CAUSASIAN's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 3Vandoo
    not the same number of people therefore the stats are void.
    Void? The U.S has 13 times the number of people as Saudi Arabia. So my first grade math you can figure out the rape stats if Saudi Arabia had a population of the United States.

    87 * 13 = 1131

    Still thousands upon thousands of less rapes than in the United States.

  26. #106
    zOaib's Avatar
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    OH YEAH u should probably get the stats on Adultery committed in USA ..........or maybe not i believe u wont be albe to fit all the digits in the alotted space here we can type .................. but ill give u a stat ..........according to TIME june 6th 1999 .......... every 5 minutes there is Adultery being committed here !

  27. #107
    CAUSASIAN's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ZOAIB
    OH YEAH u should probably get the stats on Adultery committed in USA ..........or maybe not i believe u wont be albe to fit all the digits in the alotted space here we can type .................. but ill give u a stat ..........according to TIME june 6th 1999 .......... every 5 minutes there is Adultery being committed here !
    Yeap, the thing is I would respect American values if they were truly Christian values. But the thing is Americans dont follow Christian values. They follow only the ones that are comfortable to their daily lives. Lust, Adultery, and Rape are rampant in American culture, going totally against Biblical values.

    We Muslims regard the true Christians as our best friends.

    "Strongest among men in enmity to the believers (Muslims) wilt thou find the Jews and Pagans; and nearest among them in love to the believers wilt thou find those who say, 'We are Christians': because amongst these are men devoted to learning and men who have renounced the world, and they are not arrogant. (The Noble Quran, 5:82)"

  28. #108
    Carlos_E's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CAUSASIAN
    In Muslims countries of Indonesia and Pakistan there already has been a women head of state. But in America there hasnt been one yet. Women in America got the right to vote only in 1920, belive it or not.

    The past has been a man's world. Thus man made the rules.

    How about rape stats in the countires of the US and Saudi Arabia. Lets look at a comparison.

    Rapes in Saudi Arabia per Year

    Rapes: 87 (2000)

    Rapes in the United State per Year

    Rapes: 89,110 (1999)

    Look at that difference.

    So do Americans really respect our women more?
    Quote Originally Posted by CAUSASIAN
    Void? The U.S has 13 times the number of people as Saudi Arabia. So my first grade math you can figure out the rape stats if Saudi Arabia had a population of the United States.

    87 * 13 = 1131

    Still thousands upon thousands of less rapes than in the United States.
    Interesting numbers.

  29. #109
    craneboy's Avatar
    craneboy is offline Senior Member
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    it's a rasberry beret, the kind you find in a second hand store

    but on a serious note they look maroon but are really purple and are not round but triangle. thats why they hide instead of standing up like men
    Last edited by craneboy; 06-03-2004 at 08:54 PM.

  30. #110
    CAUSASIAN's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by singern
    Fighting freedom from who. Lebanon is occupied by Syria, overrun by Syrian military, and controlled by Iranian Hizbula, yet they attack Israel. That sure seems like cross border international TERRORISM to me, and should to any other rational person.
    True Muslims dont divide nations by nationality or ethnicity, but religion.

  31. #111
    CAUSASIAN's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MilitiaGuy
    beleifs and principals are more important then technology or fancy things.

  32. #112
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    Quote Originally Posted by badbart
    This thread shows the classic analogy of history repeating itself. I have news for you people have though this way for thousands of years AND IT HASEN’T WORKED. Neither side is going to win. You are setting your children up to live in a world of conflict and death. The Arabs could make Israel look very bad if they would stop making themselves look worse buy using terror. You have the whole word watching and all you do is blow citizens up and that’s not going to make anyone see your position. Israel and the Arabs both look like fools who are bound to repeat history. Why don’t you change your tactics?
    The Arabs are young, very young. I belive 70 to 80% of the Arab population is under the age of 18.

    Arabs have just gotten out of colonization. Countries like Algeria, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Jordan, Libya etc etc are less than 70 years old in their current forms.

    The Arab boom is coming. Belive it or not, this is the quiet before the storm.
    Last edited by CAUSASIAN; 06-04-2004 at 07:56 AM.

  33. #113
    tryingtogetbig's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MilitiaGuy
    yes he is respected but i dont find him a diet guru i saw better diet guys than him on many times can this guy get away with stuff like this.....swolecat dedicates an enormous amount of time.....and then little piss ants come in and flame him....WOW....



  34. #114
    bitta's Avatar
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    swole's sig is proof enough for me he knows his ****! this thread has been hijacked, calm down m guy not that kind of hijack.

  35. #115
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    Quote Originally Posted by MilitiaGuy
    yes he is respected but i dont find him a diet guru i saw better diet guys than him on
    when the **** is someone gonna ban M'Guy

    I mean, seriously, I got threatened to get banned once by Cycleon once for calling someone an 'Idiot"

  36. #116
    zOaib's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RP7
    when the **** is someone gonna ban M'Guy

    I mean, seriously, I got threatened to get banned once by Cycleon once for calling someone an 'Idiot"
    MOMMY MOMMY ban them ban them , they HURT ma feelinz ! boooo hoooooo !

  37. #117
    tryingtogetbig's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RP7
    when the **** is someone gonna ban M'Guy

    I mean, seriously, I got threatened to get banned once by Cycleon once for calling someone an 'Idiot"

    ....yeah....but you aren't a minority, gay, or wannabe's different then....they have "rights" you know....

  38. #118
    tryingtogetbig's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ZOAIB
    MOMMY MOMMY ban them ban them , they HURT ma feelinz ! boooo hoooooo !
    ...gotten any lately......???.......BWAHAHAHAHAHH......

  39. #119
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    Quote Originally Posted by tryingtogetbig
    ...gotten any lately......???.......BWAHAHAHAHAHH......
    didnt u know i am waitin on my VIRGINS ! , **** do i have to repeat myself all the time !

  40. #120
    tryingtogetbig's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ZOAIB
    didnt u know i am waitin on my VIRGINS ! , **** do i have to repeat myself all the time !
    ....sure you are.....and of course, she'll still be a virgin when you get man enough to tag it.....yeah right.....

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