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  1. #1
    LORDBLiTZ Guest

    (REAL DUMB QUESTION) I'm curious......

    What would happen if we blew up the moon?

  2. #2
    Impious is offline Banned
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    Neil Armstrong would cry

  3. #3
    SV-1's Avatar
    SV-1 is offline Respected Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by LORDBLiTZ
    What would happen if we blew up the moon?
    The end of life on the planet. There was a program on the Discovery Channel called "If we had no moon.", very interesting to watch.

    If we had no moon.

    What would life on earth be like without the moon? Well, chances are, there wouldn't be any life on earth without the moon. Life – if it had started at all – would still be in the earliest stages of evolution.

    Scientists use the latest computer simulations to show how an ancient rogue planet – Orpheus – collided with the earth millions of years ago, producing a sizable chunk of debris that eventually became our moon. If that collision had never occurred, we would live in a very different place. Imagine a moon-less weather report – blizzards over the Sahara, floodwaters swallowing the Pyramids, 90-degree temperatures in Antarctica. As the earth wobbles on its axis – unsecured by the moon's gravitational pull – the polar caps would grow and recede at frightening rates. And without the moon, our planet would spin much faster – meaning four-hour days and searing temperatures.

    Worse yet, evidence reveals that we are in fact losing our grip on our lunar friend thanks to the ebb and flow of the oceans' tides. Experts reveal theories for salvaging the moon – including hijacking Europa from Jupiter – and demonstrate how we can prepare ourselves for our eventual life without it.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by SV-1
    The end of life on the planet. There was a program on the Discovery Channel called "If we had no moon.", very interesting to watch.

    If we had no moon.

    What would life on earth be like without the moon? Well, chances are, there wouldn't be any life on earth without the moon. Life – if it had started at all – would still be in the earliest stages of evolution.

    Scientists use the latest computer simulations to show how an ancient rogue planet – Orpheus – collided with the earth millions of years ago, producing a sizable chunk of debris that eventually became our moon. If that collision had never occurred, we would live in a very different place. Imagine a moon-less weather report – blizzards over the Sahara, floodwaters swallowing the Pyramids, 90-degree temperatures in Antarctica. As the earth wobbles on its axis – unsecured by the moon's gravitational pull – the polar caps would grow and recede at frightening rates. And without the moon, our planet would spin much faster – meaning four-hour days and searing temperatures.

    Worse yet, evidence reveals that we are in fact losing our grip on our lunar friend thanks to the ebb and flow of the oceans' tides. Experts reveal theories for salvaging the moon – including hijacking Europa from Jupiter – and demonstrate how we can prepare ourselves for our eventual life without it.

    Excellant post.......caught me offguard

  5. #5
    Spoon's Avatar
    Spoon is offline 'Lurker at the threshold'
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    Quote Originally Posted by SV-1
    The end of life on the planet. There was a program on the Discovery Channel called "If we had no moon.", very interesting to watch.

    If we had no moon.

    What would life on earth be like without the moon? Well, chances are, there wouldn't be any life on earth without the moon. Life – if it had started at all – would still be in the earliest stages of evolution.

    Scientists use the latest computer simulations to show how an ancient rogue planet – Orpheus – collided with the earth millions of years ago, producing a sizable chunk of debris that eventually became our moon. If that collision had never occurred, we would live in a very different place. Imagine a moon-less weather report – blizzards over the Sahara, floodwaters swallowing the Pyramids, 90-degree temperatures in Antarctica. As the earth wobbles on its axis – unsecured by the moon's gravitational pull – the polar caps would grow and recede at frightening rates. And without the moon, our planet would spin much faster – meaning four-hour days and searing temperatures.

    Worse yet, evidence reveals that we are in fact losing our grip on our lunar friend thanks to the ebb and flow of the oceans' tides. Experts reveal theories for salvaging the moon – including hijacking Europa from Jupiter – and demonstrate how we can prepare ourselves for our eventual life without it.

    same theory Zechariah Sitchin had. but great post never knew the other details.

  6. #6
    righton is offline Senior Member
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    land of the cottonheads(F
    What the **** would the cow jump over????

  7. #7
    Jack87's Avatar
    Jack87 is offline Retired Vet
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    SV-1 Breaking off mad knowledge...

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    And those little creatures would have nothing to sing about!!!

    (Ha!!! Just when you thought you got the dδmm song out of your head I STRIKE!)


  9. #9
    Da Bull's Avatar
    Da Bull is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by LORDBLiTZ
    What would happen if we blew up the moon?
    You'd still be ghey!

  10. #10
    GeoQuadzilla's Avatar
    GeoQuadzilla is offline Senior Member
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    I thought there was no oxygen on the moon so how would it blow up? I thought in order for an explosion to happen oxygen has to be present

  11. #11
    monstercojones's Avatar
    monstercojones is offline The Anabolic Assassin
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    Quote Originally Posted by GeoQuadzilla
    I thought there was no oxygen on the moon so how would it blow up? I thought in order for an explosion to happen oxygen has to be present

    put 1,000,000 kilotons of nuclear material in the center of the moon and tell me its impossible to blow the f*cker up.

    it would be suicide though, our ecosystem, like Sv-1 so eloquently stated, is dependant on the moon's influence.

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