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  1. #41
    singern's Avatar
    singern is offline Banned
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    This should be a sticky

    Great Post . This should defiantly be a sticky.

    I wouldn't get too upset with replies from the likes of Mguy and his boyfriends. They are the ones training there children to be the animals, killers, and terrorists of tomorrow. How Ironic that they get offended when ever someone tells the truth about them or there violent extremist culture. They feel the need to invent a story about USA or Israel to make themselves feel better. Quite pathetic, and sad.
    I am sorry for them.....


  2. #42
    OGPackin's Avatar
    OGPackin is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by singern
    Great Post . This should defiantly be a sticky.

    I wouldn't get too upset with replies from the likes of Mguy and his boyfriends. They are the ones training there children to be the animals, killers, and terrorists of tomorrow. How Ironic that they get offended when ever someone tells the truth about them or there violent extremist culture. They feel the need to invent a story about USA or Israel to make themselves feel better. Quite pathetic, and sad.
    I am sorry for them.....


    Thanks singern bro!! I can always count on u to have my back....


  3. #43
    Rak_Ani's Avatar
    Rak_Ani is offline Queen of Zion
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    Quote Originally Posted by MilitiaGuy
    this email and Mike Adams are pure BS he is blaming muslims and arabs instead of blaming the cruel usa administration or blaming israel of all their crimes against humanity well this thread is a pure nazi ,mentaly inbalance post like his writer and his poster

    I was wondering how long it would take before Israel gets dragged into this and blamed. 15 posts....Not bad.

  4. #44
    JohnDoe1234's Avatar
    JohnDoe1234 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MilitiaGuy
    this email and Mike Adams are pure BS he is blaming muslims and arabs instead of blaming the cruel usa administration or blaming israel of all their crimes against humanity well this thread is a pure nazi ,mentaly inbalance post like his writer and his poster
    The problem is religious zelots. i'm not singling out Islam here, I think fundementalists of all religions are one in the same. That includes Chirstianity and Judaism. All the zelots from all 3 circles should be put on a small island with one another and fight to the death. And when there is only one group left standing, the rest of us sane people should drop a 20megaton thermonuclear bomb on that island and be done with all of you once and for all. All that you zelots beleive is utter bull ****. Your God is not better than mine, and he cant beat him up either . You know why?, BECAUSE HE IS A FIGMENT OF YOUR F-U-C-K-ING IMAGINATION!!!!!!. There is no God, Mohommend was not inspired by Allah, the tooth fairy, Santa, the Easter Bunny, the Great Pumpkin, or any other make believe character. Now dont get mad MGuy , I'm not picking on just Isalm. I was born into Christianity, and I believe that good old J.C. (Jesus Christ ) was nutty as a fruit cake if he believed that he was the son of God. And if the Jews think they are the chosen people of God, because some fairy tale written 4,000 years ago by nomadic cave dwellers tells them so, they had better get with the program. Religion feeds on ignorance and fear, there is no truth to it at all. Religion was established to maintain order, at time whan there was no organised government or infrastructure. People were told that if they were bad, that the spooky invisable man in the sky would smite them with furious anger. Well tis was done because there was no other way to keep the masses from killing and stealing at will. Well we have moved along thousands of years since them, we now have science and can explain many things that were unknown to us eons ago, and we ahve developed a means to maintain order and law, without the whole God will punish you if you are naughty bull ****. Hey look if you want to believe in God then thats fine, but please dont force your belifes on me, dont make me suffer because you think that it is Gods will for you to break my balls and save me from myself. And Mguy and everyone else let me leave you with this. Why are you a muslim?, beacuse Alah is the one true God?.No. Beacuse you were born in the middle east. If you were born in Asia you'd be a Buddist. Think about that.

  5. #45
    singern's Avatar
    singern is offline Banned
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    Well spoken, Well done.....

  6. #46
    3Vandoo's Avatar
    3Vandoo is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rak_Ani
    I was wondering how long it would take before Israel gets dragged into this and blamed. 15 posts....Not bad.

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