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  1. #1
    GeoQuadzilla's Avatar
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    American Beheaded in Saudi Arabia

    Terrible, Terrible ****ing ppl in this world man it actually eats away at my stomach to know this is happening to living breathing human beings... What is wrong with those Co<k eating, A$$ licking, Mother fu<kers!!!! Like the Pantera tune goes... Please just give 5 minutes alone!!!!! Fagg0ts!

    RIP Paul Johnson
    Last edited by GeoQuadzilla; 06-18-2004 at 11:44 AM.

  2. #2
    jbigdog69's Avatar
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    Nuke em all!!! Sorry towel head wearing mother fukers!!!

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by jbigdog69
    Nuke em all!!! Sorry towel head wearing mother fukers!!!

    Turn it into a parking lot and harvest the oil. They are not decent human beings anyway.

  4. #4
    GeoQuadzilla's Avatar
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    It's going to be all over the internet by tonight... I guarentee it! I have nothing but pure hatred towards these ppl... If you want to refer to them as people! I feel like putting my head through a wall... Fu<k why do people have to be uneducated ret@rds!

  5. #5
    sp9's Avatar
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    Very graphic pictures supposedly posted and a video to come. This is horrible. He lived among the Saudis in a non protected area and was even thinking of converting to Islam. I guess he was another easy target like Berg who was wandering Iraq by himself.

    My sympathy to his family, especially his wife who had just gone on tv to beg for his life.

  6. #6
    Phillyboy1's Avatar
    Phillyboy1 is offline Anabolic Member
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    i hate every freaking person over there, they are not human. they are gutless animals that need to be taken off the face of this planet. when is our government gonna get fed up with these little people over there and nuke it all to a glass field. all the ME as brought to the USA is nothing but trouble. send them all to see the **** god they wanna be with so bad.

  7. #7
    bad_man's Avatar
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    What's a rusty trombone?
    This is so fuking cowardly and I honestly don't understand their goals. Most of the world is already against us (America) but when they do things like this they draw the ire of the world against themsleves.

    I'll be praying for the Johnson family.

    Like Geo said - give me five minutes alone with these fukkers. I'll even let them keep thei machetes.

  8. #8
    sp9's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jcstomper
    planet. when is our government gonna get fed up with these little people over there and nuke it all to a glass field.
    Will never happen...We have quite a few beheadings right here in the USA lately. These people are barbaric and you have to understand that they have been raised to hate americans, in many cases they hate other muslims who don't think as they do. They are trying to change the system of gov't over there by turning it back to the stone ages where they can have power.
    They will not succeed. They are like a misquito that bites you on your balls every other day, once in a while you get lucky and smash one, other than that they are a small annoyance in the over all scheme of humanity but they need to be dealt with without us becomming hate mongers and prejudice like them.

  9. #9
    GeoQuadzilla's Avatar
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    I for one won't watch the video... I seen the Berg Execution and it was the most horrific thing i've ever seen in my life! I seen some faces of death episodes where Iraqi's killed ppl with the follow, Mass machine gun execution, stoning, dynamite, and implalement... Apparently they love to inflict torture on their fellow man... and they all think it's greatttttt! I would not object if I heard they were going to nuke the middle east... and this is the first time i've said that... But this is gone too far!

  10. #10
    Swellin Guest
    Scottp, I have to disagree. They are much more than a small annoyance. I believe that their conviction will drive them to a greater level of success than you believe. I'm not quite ready to turn the sand to glass, but we need to make a very large that is not "politically correct" and will be contraversial.

    If anybody is interested, here is a link to a report on Mr. Johnson.,2933,123030,00.html

  11. #11
    PrairieDawg's Avatar
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    fuk em all

  12. #12
    redwizza is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jcstomper
    i hate every freaking person over there, they are not human. they are gutless animals that need to be taken off the face of this planet. when is our government gonna get fed up with these little people over there and nuke it all to a glass field. all the ME as brought to the USA is nothing but trouble. send them all to see the **** god they wanna be with so bad.
    wow, ive never had so many ppl wishing death and ****ation to me and my family. ignorance is bliss i guess. ive seen the actuall beheading of the guy, it is terrible, but its not a new thing. these things have happened throughout history, one society feels they are being treated unfairly/unjustly by another more powerfull, perhaps imperialist, society, so the ppl end up being very vengefull and animal like. its the lack of information or the abundance of misinformation that leads to all of this. so, i must say, ppl in the position of bush, cheney, and rumsfeld are as responsible for the beheading as the arabs are, and there is no two ways about it. hitler was an idealist too, and obviously his ideals were evil. cheneys ideals, either with good intentions or not (far from having good intentions in my opinion), are still ideals, and ideals imposed on others is EVIL.

  13. #13
    GeoQuadzilla's Avatar
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    And above all else... this is 2004 not 1004... Beheading is a barbaric way to be killed... this isn't one chop for an axe, sword, gilotine etc... This is a sawing of someones head by another human being... Can you imagine how that would feel!! I know this is one person and it usually doesn't affect many peoples personal lives but it certainly affects mine! In a just world two wrongs don't make a right... But my friends this is far from a just world... The fact that this stuff happens proves that fact... Start using more force and do what you have to do to end this bull**** that's when this nonsence will stop... A bully will keep coming after you until you smack his teeth out... I think it's time for the U.S. to smack the middle easts teeth out! Don't just push back! Hit back! and hit Hard and Fast!

  14. #14
    Phillyboy1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by redwizza
    wow, ive never had so many ppl wishing death and ****ation to me and my family. ignorance is bliss i guess. ive seen the actuall beheading of the guy, it is terrible, but its not a new thing. these things have happened throughout history, one society feels they are being treated unfairly/unjustly by another more powerfull, perhaps imperialist, society, so the ppl end up being very vengefull and animal like. its the lack of information or the abundance of misinformation that leads to all of this. so, i must say, ppl in the position of bush, cheney, and rumsfeld are as responsible for the beheading as the arabs are, and there is no two ways about it. hitler was an idealist too, and obviously his ideals were evil. cheneys ideals, either with good intentions or not (far from having good intentions in my opinion), are still ideals, and ideals imposed on others is EVIL.
    if you live out there in the ME, then yes thats how i feel about you people. i dont see you doing anything to stop them animals from sawing someone head off? little sheep all of you. just do what your told and follow the leader with out thinking. your all a bunch of worthless lemmings.

  15. #15
    TheMudMan's Avatar
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    OMG....... Not another person........... RIP Paul Johnson........... This makes me sick to hear about this.

  16. #16
    Phillyboy1's Avatar
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    i understand if you wanna kill someone for your cause but to saw there head off? i mean come on, its not right one way or another but if your gonna do it, do it where the person doesnt feel any pain. i mean think about someone stepping on your head while they saw at your neck. i wouldnt wish that on my worse enemy.

  17. #17
    GeoQuadzilla's Avatar
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    Oh sorry dude... Didn't mean to offend you... I guess i'll just sit back and twittle my thumbs and not get anger'd by these happenings. Right! I'm not American I'm from Canada and I as an international "Other" point of view think that nothing would serve those ppl better then to be force fed a broken glass sandwich! Don't act like they don't deserve it because they do! Yeah it happend through history... Ignorance was bliss then... Now people are supposed to know better... But apparently your "God" likes his most extreme worshipers to cut peoples heads off... I know My "God" Doesn't like when I masterbate... When I do the pope doesn't come and try to cut my head off for it! Please any religion that preaches a "Murder" mentallity is not a religion... it's a cult! You don't like the sterotype then call A Islamic pool party and say "Hey guys... Listen... We have to stop cutting peoples heads off we are getting a bad name here" Do what you gotta do but until then your religion is going to recieve sh|t! Remember I'm Canadian and my country didn't take place in the Iraq war... And i still feel this way.
    Quote Originally Posted by redwizza
    wow, ive never had so many ppl wishing death and ****ation to me and my family. ignorance is bliss i guess. ive seen the actuall beheading of the guy, it is terrible, but its not a new thing. these things have happened throughout history, one society feels they are being treated unfairly/unjustly by another more powerfull, perhaps imperialist, society, so the ppl end up being very vengefull and animal like. its the lack of information or the abundance of misinformation that leads to all of this. so, i must say, ppl in the position of bush, cheney, and rumsfeld are as responsible for the beheading as the arabs are, and there is no two ways about it. hitler was an idealist too, and obviously his ideals were evil. cheneys ideals, either with good intentions or not (far from having good intentions in my opinion), are still ideals, and ideals imposed on others is EVIL.

  18. #18
    ripped4fsu's Avatar
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    pave it...

  19. #19
    jbigdog69's Avatar
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    Well ther we have it.

    Quote Originally Posted by redwizza
    cheneys ideals, either with good intentions or not (far from having good intentions in my opinion), are still ideals, and ideals imposed on others is EVIL.
    This last sentence sums it up. You people reek of E V I L...E V I L...E V I L... E V I L. This will bring about a revolution among Americans. No towel heads will be safe in this country. This will cause them much grief. And to think we bring you in our Country and pay for you to go to our schools through grants and loans and for what. This is only the beginning. Someone had better wake up.

  20. #20
    OGPackin's Avatar
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    sick sick sick!!! RIP Paul Johnson


  21. #21
    redwizza is offline Associate Member
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    hey man no problems, u have the right to be angry, im pissed off too, my only point that i was not only pissed off at the arabs but also at the special interest groups in the US. this is not a war for freedom, its a war for resources thats why i feel that the texans like the bushes are just as guilty, becasue they began a war solely based on oil profit/construction profit goals. remember ppl, the US government GAVE sadam hussain chemical weapons to use on his own ppl, AND HE DID. just trying to help everyone here put these arguments together so you can cunclude that this is a fishy war, with no clear good intentions behind it. bush does not care if americans are beheaded, so long as the oil/construction contracts for his rich texan friends go through succesfully. im middle eastern i live in canada now, and i know enough to know that this issue is alittle deeper than "us and them" kind of situation.

  22. #22
    Jack87's Avatar
    Jack87 is offline Retired Vet
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    You just knew this was coming...

    That is how they would deal with any american...

    I feel so bad for his family, his son was just on

    the news 2 nights ago thanking them for coverage

    about what happened to his father and that he felt

    it might help resolve it with it being on everyones mind..

    Only problem is those ****ing animals don't care about that...

    I honest to god wish death upon all of them... They have no

    reason to live and if i had the power it would have been done already...

  23. #23
    redwizza is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jbigdog69
    This last sentence sums it up. You people reek of E V I L...E V I L...E V I L... E V I L. This will bring about a revolution among Americans. No towel heads will be safe in this country. This will cause them much grief. And to think we bring you in our Country and pay for you to go to our schools through grants and loans and for what. This is only the beginning. Someone had better wake up.

    again, u prove your lack of CORRECT information. LEGAL landed immigrants have to make huge financial investments to be able to live one day as a canadian/american citizen. my dad had so far invested atleast a quarter million dollars just to meet the requirements to become a canadian. and remember we all came here from somewhere else one day, even the natives. so its nobodys land, its not your land becasue you are white, u might have that racist idea in your head, but its WRONG.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by redwizza
    wow, ive never had so many ppl wishing death and ****ation to me and my family. ignorance is bliss i guess. ive seen the actuall beheading of the guy, it is terrible, but its not a new thing. these things have happened throughout history, one society feels they are being treated unfairly/unjustly by another more powerfull, perhaps imperialist, society, so the ppl end up being very vengefull and animal like. its the lack of information or the abundance of misinformation that leads to all of this. so, i must say, ppl in the position of bush, cheney, and rumsfeld are as responsible for the beheading as the arabs are, and there is no two ways about it. hitler was an idealist too, and obviously his ideals were evil. cheneys ideals, either with good intentions or not (far from having good intentions in my opinion), are still ideals, and ideals imposed on others is EVIL.

    And realistically if you live in the USA and are not appalled by what is being done to your countrymen (US citizens) then you should go back to the oppressive nation that you came from, we don't want you. Our forefathers bled way to much to have US hating rat-bastards live on the same soil that they died to create as a sovereign nation, as a nation that is built on freedom. Feel free to go back and join your "family" in jihad and may god, yours or mine, have mercy on your soul.

  25. #25
    OGPackin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Micromonster
    And realistically if you live in the USA and are not appalled by what is being done to your countrymen (US citizens) then you should go back to the oppressive nation that you came from, we don't want you. Our forefathers bled way to much to have US hating rat-bastards live on the same soil that they died to create as a sovereign nation, as a nation that is built on freedom. Feel free to go back and join your "family" in jihad and may god, yours or mine, have mercy on your soul.

    Well said bro!


  26. #26
    redwizza is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Micromonster
    And realistically if you live in the USA and are not appalled by what is being done to your countrymen (US citizens) then you should go back to the oppressive nation that you came from, we don't want you. Our forefathers bled way to much to have US hating rat-bastards live on the same soil that they died to create as a sovereign nation, as a nation that is built on freedom. Feel free to go back and join your "family" in jihad and may god, yours or mine, have mercy on your soul.
    the ideals of USA are great and positive, but it hardly ever was so black and white. just a few decades ago white ppl were throwing stones at blacks who dared to walk around a white naighborhood. and women could not even vote until the 20th century.
    you guys just love to make your own conclusions just to put your anger in a justified position. im middle eastern but first and foremost i am an athiest, no mohammad, no allah, no jesus for me thank you very much. so just becasue im from there does not mean im "one of them". thinking like that is childish.

  27. #27
    GeoQuadzilla's Avatar
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    Like I said earlier... In Iraq... ppl get their hands/feet cut off for stealing, stoned to death, machine gun execution, and blown up with dynamite, and impalement... they do this to the first crop of supposed "Guilty" parties (because they don't have fair trials over there) to look on... To see their fate... It's a huge deal where everyone stands around and cheers while someone suffers which is sick! People get the death penalty in the states... After a fair trail and many appeals... It's not broadcasted across the internet for all to see... And it's done in a human way... Don't try and say the americans are equally or less human then the people in the middle east... Because you and I both know that is a joke!
    Quote Originally Posted by redwizza
    hey man no problems, u have the right to be angry, im pissed off too, my only point that i was not only pissed off at the arabs but also at the special interest groups in the US. this is not a war for freedom, its a war for resources thats why i feel that the texans like the bushes are just as guilty, becasue they began a war solely based on oil profit/construction profit goals. remember ppl, the US government GAVE sadam hussain chemical weapons to use on his own ppl, AND HE DID. just trying to help everyone here put these arguments together so you can cunclude that this is a fishy war, with no clear good intentions behind it. bush does not care if americans are beheaded, so long as the oil/construction contracts for his rich texan friends go through succesfully. im middle eastern i live in canada now, and i know enough to know that this issue is alittle deeper than "us and them" kind of situation.

  28. #28
    jbigdog69's Avatar
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    S H I T !!!! You sick mofo.

    Quote Originally Posted by redwizza
    again, u prove your lack of CORRECT information. LEGAL landed immigrants have to make huge financial investments to be able to live one day as a canadian/american citizen. my dad had so far invested atleast a quarter million dollars just to meet the requirements to become a canadian. and remember we all came here from somewhere else one day, even the natives. so its nobodys land, its not your land becasue you are white, u might have that racist idea in your head, but its WRONG.
    This is my land until someone takes it. Bring it on!!! I gaurantee you that most of us Iron Bro's will line up and kick some serious ass to defend our country. I am not a racist and never will be. But can I ask you something? Why do arabs smell like booty?? Maybe cuz it is ya'lls cutoms to fuk each other (dudes) up the asshole. Maybe it is the stench that agent Smith from "The Matrix" was talking about. The flee like infestation of an unknown bread that is here to destroy all other life. Fuk em all!!!

  29. #29
    Money Boss Hustla's Avatar
    Money Boss Hustla is offline Retired Moderator
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    F'ing savages. Those sand monkeys need to feel the wrath of nuclear bombs. Destroy the middle east and bring it back into civilization. Germany and Japan are now successful!

  30. #30
    Warrior's Avatar
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    They are fuking cavemen... the way they dress... the way they treat their women... the way they live... cavemen with too much money... these guys are fuking scum... I hope they wake up our political dragon to pulverize their homes and families... screw politics... and if they want to try and take my head off - I'd give them a fight so I could die with a smile on my face...

    Really... I am speechless... this is just insane... they are frickin' cowards... these people are not needed on this earth... period.

  31. #31
    redwizza is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jbigdog69
    This is my land until someone takes it. Bring it on!!! I gaurantee you that most of us Iron Bro's will line up and kick some serious ass to defend our country. I am not a racist and never will be. But can I ask you something? Why do arabs smell like booty?? Maybe cuz it is ya'lls cutoms to fuk each other (dudes) up the asshole. Maybe it is the stench that agent Smith from "The Matrix" was talking about. The flee like infestation of an unknown bread that is here to destroy all other life. Fuk em all!!!
    "iron bros". **** i love to flame you you making it too easy. go burn your love handles buddy, you dont know **** about history and THE TRUTH. its becasue of ppl like you that america is so screwed these days. bush feeds you with all the war video games, gets you excited and makes you feel like a man, and then you leave to fight his war. lol. enjoy the next vietnam boys, i just feel sry for everyone who gets effected by this war who dont want the war in the first place. you obviously want war, so u just as stupid as those who beheaded the american.

  32. #32
    redwizza is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Warrior
    They are fuking cavemen... the way they dress... the way they treat their women... the way they live... cavemen with too much money... these guys are fuking scum... I hope they wake up our political dragon to pulverize their homes and families... screw politics... and if they want to try and take my head off - I'd give them a fight so I could die with a smile on my face...

    Really... I am speechless... this is just insane... they are frickin' cowards... these people are not needed on this earth... period.
    judging by your unibrow, im guessing you are a **** arab too. lol

  33. #33
    GeoQuadzilla's Avatar
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    I think you just wrote your own death sentence as far as this board is concerned.
    Quote Originally Posted by redwizza
    "iron bros". **** i love to flame you you making it too easy. go burn your love handles buddy, you dont know **** about history and THE TRUTH. its becasue of ppl like you that america is so screwed these days. bush feeds you with all the war video games, gets you excited and makes you feel like a man, and then you leave to fight his war. lol. enjoy the next vietnam boys, i just feel sry for everyone who gets effected by this war who dont want the war in the first place. you obviously want war, so u just as stupid as those who beheaded the american.

  34. #34
    Money Boss Hustla's Avatar
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    redwizza = banned.

  35. #35
    Money Boss Hustla's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GeoQuadzilla
    I think you just wrote your own death sentence as far as this board is concerned.
    you just beat me to it

  36. #36
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    Warrior is a great member and friend to us all... It really goes to show how education, and the ability to stand on your own two feet, and use the brain that god gave you really shows the difference between a waste of life terrorist... And a True compassionate member of another religion. He will always be welcome by all of us!

  37. #37
    Phillyboy1's Avatar
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    F-CK THE MIDDLE EAST thats all im gonna say, they are all savages and the world would be much quieter and peaceful if they were all dead. i dont care how racist, prejudice or what ever you wanna call it i sound. but all i know is that i know muslims in the USA and they do not act or feel like the people in the ME. its just something about living in sand, i guess all the sand storms mess with their heads. kill them all, and let a norse god sort them out for all i care. it would be just better with out them on this planet. if you feel its ok to saw some poor mans head off then you do not deserve to live on this planet.
    Last edited by jcstomper; 06-18-2004 at 01:15 PM.

  38. #38
    Warrior's Avatar
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    redwizza - this has nothing to do with oil. Take your conspiracy theories elsewhere... you only know what they want you to know. Until you have a TS/SCI (or higher) you are just another worthless theorist trying to cause an uproar. Our oil demands are going down hill - we had a good budget going into electric and hybrid automobiles that was abandoned to put money into cleaning up the Middle East. And can you imagine what might happen there if suddenly we stopped forking over money for oil - it would cause economic tension on top of political, ethnic and religious tension... we currently need oil only because we want to. So just sit back in your suburban lazy boy and enjoy the show...

    Fuk this pisses me off to see this happen to good people...

  39. #39
    Warrior's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by redwizza
    judging by your unibrow, im guessing you are a **** arab too. lol
    WTF??????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????

  40. #40
    Matty's Avatar
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    A bit of advice...learn tact. Coming here (or anywhere for that matter) with guns blazing and calling everyone stupid is not the best way to make your point.

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