View Poll Results: Who is the greatest president of all time

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  • Abraham Lincoln

    10 10.10%
  • George W. Bush

    12 12.12%
  • Ronald Reagan

    20 20.20%
  • John F. Kennedy

    5 5.05%
  • Bill Clinton

    24 24.24%
  • Franklin Roosevelt

    15 15.15%
  • George Washington

    8 8.08%
  • Other, please specify who and why.

    5 5.05%
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  1. #41
    Wake Chick's Avatar
    Wake Chick is offline Female Member
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    Originally posted by bad_man
    George Washington is the greatest and I'll tell you why. When the country was first formed, they wanted to make him King. He had the presence of mind to say no to this idea. He said that they just freed themselves from a King and they didn't need another one. Instead he said he'd be president. He also said that there should be a limit on how long one person could be president. If it wasn't for him we could be all serving under his great great great grandson right now or we could have just had an election voting either YES or NO to whether Sadaam Washington should be president again - of course 100% of the population would vote and 100% would vote YES.

    Actually because George Washington only sought reelection once, a two-term limit just became traditional. It wasn't officially in the Constitution until 1951, and that was only because of FDR's long tenure (4 terms). I think Washington was a leader so long ago you can't really compare him to todays standards. My vote is for FDR, then BUSH!!

  2. #42
    clockworks's Avatar
    clockworks is offline Anabolic Member
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    Originally posted by Wake Chick

    Actually because George Washington only sought reelection once, a two-term limit just became traditional. It wasn't officially in the Constitution until 1951, and that was only because of FDR's long tenure (4 terms). I think Washington was a leader so long ago you can't really compare him to todays standards. My vote is for FDR, then BUSH!!
    wow, you're quite learned...=) this is actually and unabashed attempt to hit on you. hehe, just kidding. seriously that was a great post...are you into politics?

    -clocky baby

  3. #43
    trimunex's Avatar
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    Teddy R .. the man was 'tough as nails'


  4. #44
    Freakymuscle4u's Avatar
    Freakymuscle4u is offline Junior Member
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    Jimmy Carter and Clinton what a joke

  5. #45
    Tock's Avatar
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    Wilson had the smarts to figure out the world needed a "League of Nations," and worked his butt off to try to get the US to join right after WW1. Folks in the US instead opted for isolationism, one thing led to another, and Uncle Adolph got loose in Germany. WW2 could have been avoided if we'd taken his advice. He was also one of the few intellectual presidents elected (former president of Princeton, I think it was), a pretty sharp guy. He gets my vote.

  6. #46
    Madmax's Avatar
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    Originally posted by drop dead fred
    I got Reagan and George Dubya Bush running neck and neck....

    and by the way, Clinton didn't get in trouble for the blow job...he got in trouble for LYING under oath to congress during his investigation, for tampering with/destroying evidence, and trying to get other people to lie for and about him. He showed absolutely no character and cheated on his wife. He screwed the military, totally fucked up in Somalia, and lied to America all the way through his presidency. Spineless, draft dodging liar, who made this country look sad and weak by his very presence in the White House.
    Long live Conservative Republicanism....

    thats the absolute truth, bill clinton is draft dodging piece of shit...i wouldnt piss on him if he was burning....Madmax

    1. ronald regan 2. george w. bush 3. harry truman

  7. #47
    jollyroger's Avatar
    jollyroger is offline New Member
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    Lincoln/Reagan = Honor/Character/Strength/Grace
    FDR/LBJ, although they may have meant well, helped create and perpetuate the nanny state. We will forever pay for that mistake.
    Clinton is, unquestionably, the most dispicable president in modern times. A selfish, petty, psychopathic liar who was successful by personality and his craving for affection alone. The economy was good at the time of Clinton because of a little thing called the Internet. One thing I don't blame him for is cheating on his wife.
    JFK was OK, but a bit of a fraud. He ran as a common man but was far from it. He was a privileged member of the extreme upper class. He did manage to cut taxes though.
    George Washington? Never met him.

  8. #48
    Join Date
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    Wow someone pulled this thread out the the mothballs!!!

    Well, as a non American I really could not care less about how the presidents ran the US or who they fucked or whatever.

    What I do care about is how they relate to the rest of the world.

    Now here is my NON PARTISAN opinion.

    Dubyaw ...
    Good: Not afraid to face the growing anti-west bullshit in certain islamic countries.
    Bad: A scary man... most likely to cause WW3 in my book. Mixes church and state too much for comfort.

    Clinton ...
    Good: Ushered one of the biggest era of prosperity in the western world. Signed the NAFTA.
    Bad: An international giggolo... and a two faced "indian giver". Would sign trade deals with anyone, and then turn around and impose protectionist measures. Lewinski for chrissake!!! At least JFK was boingning Marylin Monroe... LEWINSKY!

    Bush ...
    Good: Prevented an insane raise in fuel prices by smacking down Saddam. Letting Irak go unchallenged would have been real bad for the world econmomy. Started to get the economy going well after the nightmare of the late 80's. Can be credited for the end of the cold war.
    Bad: He didn't finish the job in Irak dammit!!!

    Good: Great prosperety up to the mid 80's, high approval rating in the US and liked by most of the world.
    Bad: Came closest to any president to world armagedon. Turned the nuclear arms race into a marathon. The man with his finger on "The button" had a freaking astrologer in da house... Second half of the 80's up to the early 90's was an economic nightmare.

    Can't say I really remember anything about Nixon, Ford or Carter... I was too young.


  9. #49
    Southern Cross's Avatar
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    Ronald Reagan without a doubt.

  10. #50
    markas214's Avatar
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    I would have to place Lincoln 1st. He saved the Union and we are still one country. Geo. Washington 2nd. They wanted to make him king but he resigned after 2 terms. He set a high standard for future presidents. No. 3 FDR. Got us out of the depression and won WWII. No. 4 Teddy Roosevelt. Created the national park system. Much of our country remains pristine due to TR. Nixon would be in the top ten. Talk about Psycho. This guy had so many insecurities and was neurotic as hell but helped stop the arms race. Anyone remember detente? As far as R Reagan, he castrated the unions and started this whole deficit thing. I would rank him and Bush senior in the bottom. Actually Reagan did succeed in ending the cold war so I guess that would justify a rating near the top ten.While I believe Bush 2 is a
    nice guy, he panders too much to the extreme right wing of the GOP. He's a great war time pres but I think he trusts the advice of Cheney too much. If he'd dump Cheney from the ticket in 2006 I would think more highly of him. Since hi9s term is not over I will hold judgement. Let's just see if he can get defecit spending back under control. Clinton I'd put in the middle. The economy grew at an unpecedented rate while he was in office and he got the deficit under control. But I can't think of one major accomplishment. He will be remembered more for the impeachment. To me the whole BJ and lying under oath was laughable. Ike, FDR, Kennedy, Jefferson and probably 20 other presidents had sexual relations with women other than their wives. Bill should have let monica swallow the evidence. I consider Linda Tripp the Benedict Arnold, Lee Harvey Oswald and John Wilkes Booth of the late 20th century. She is an ugly and hateful woman. The rightists were out to get Clinton from day 1. 60 million spent on Whitewater and all they could do was get him on Lying about a BJ. Anyone remember Iran Contra and the lies of the Reagan Whitehouse staff? In terms of what was done then Bill's lie was nothing.

  11. #51
    JasonNew-b's Avatar
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    In my house, with my wife and my kids...and my dog
    Holy shit!!!!! I can not....I repeat.....can NOT f'ing believe Clinton (that piece of shit con-artist scum) has recieved more votes than Washington and Lincoln. They're WASHINGTON and LINCOLN for Chirsts sake!!!!!!

  12. #52
    ECKO 747's Avatar
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    Not American but, in my opinion the greatest Pres. was Abraham Lincon.
    He gave freedom and hope to thousands by abloshing slavery.

  13. #53
    monstercojones's Avatar
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  14. #54
    Arnold_Is_God's Avatar
    Arnold_Is_God is offline Junior Member
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    Originally posted by drop dead fred
    and by the way, Clinton didn't get in trouble for the blow job...he got in trouble for LYING under oath to congress during his investigation, for tampering with/destroying evidence, and trying to get other people to lie for and about him. He showed absolutely no character and cheated on his wife. He screwed the military, totally fucked up in Somalia, and lied to America all the way through his presidency. Spineless, draft dodging liar, who made this country look sad and weak by his very presence in the White House.
    Long live Conservative Republicanism....
    Finally someone has some correct info. As far as Clinton being a good president because of the economy, it is complete bullshit. For the most part politicians have very little impact on the economy. The economy goes through natural cycles of recession and growth, Clinton just happened to be in when it was up for the most part.

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