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  1. #41
    Blown_SC is offline Retired Vet
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    Quote Originally Posted by Martha
    Some gays are fine but the little flaming, aggervating fags get to me pretty bad. No it's not a disease it's a choice. The gays that act like that choose to.
    My opinion is the same Mart...

  2. #42
    Pale Horse's Avatar
    Pale Horse is offline F.I.L.F.
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    My best friends mom is a lesbian and one of my good friends in H.S. chose to come out of the closet to me over anyone else. Although I am a conservative. I have no probs with gay/lesbian people. Most that I know are generous to a fault with an awesome sense of humor (and fashion & decorating taste for the males).

    I just don't think that they should be a walking billboard saying look at me I'm gay!
    Straight or gay, people don't need to wear that as some sort of badge. Just like I think a guy is a pig if he runs around talking about pu**y all the time and sharing details of his sex life, how he banged that chick etc..

    It is a matter of discretion and taste.

  3. #43
    floyd_turbo's Avatar
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    they have a special place for gay peoples, its called nowhere, out of site out of mind.. but i do think tocks a solid person though just fighting a war thats not winnable

  4. #44
    Mart651's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheMudMan
    This is not true.......... My mom used to breed show quality Standard Poodles and she would also show them. For some reason gay men loved Poodles....... My mom became friend with a lot of these guys so growing up I was around gay men........... some were the stereo-typical gay men and some were not..... but this in no way had a effect on my sexual preference or my two brothers. I love everything about women.... the way the feel, look smell....... and have no attraction to men.

    Someone is gay because that is what they want to be and makes them happy.

    I am only speaking from experience. I have a friend who killed himself five years ago. I was the last person to talk to him. He was gay. He told me if he had the option he would have went back to women but the people around him would not allow it. He turned gay or came out of the closet at 20 years old after he moved away. He came back and said he tried to be straight but the women and men would not allow him(BTW we all knew he was gay when he got back) Now this may be something deeper and above my knowledge level but he was mellosted as a child and I believe that is what made him think he had to be gay.

  5. #45
    Warrior's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheMudMan
    This is not true.......... My mom used to breed show quality Standard Poodles and she would also show them. For some reason gay men loved Poodles....... My mom became friend with a lot of these guys so growing up I was around gay men........... some were the stereo-typical gay men and some were not..... but this in no way had a effect on my sexual preference or my two brothers. I love everything about women.... the way the feel, look smell....... and have no attraction to men.

    Someone is gay because that is what they want to be and makes them happy.
    Thats because the poodles assesorize much better than... say... a Rotweiler - prolly thinkin' they wont get any ass with a big dog... haha

    But yeah, I know a few gay men - they are pretty cool... and seem to know a lot of HOT WOMEN... thats the benefit of knowing gay men! What gets me is their game tho... they are pretty flippin' extroverted about it... but I prolly come off the same way to women

    But yeah I agree with ya MudMan - women are FAR TO ATTRACTIVE... the skin, the hair, the curves, the breasts... the "love box" YUM

  6. #46
    Blown_SC is offline Retired Vet
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    Quote Originally Posted by Martha
    he was mellosted as a child and I believe that is what made him think he had to be gay.
    Could you explain this please? Was he mollested by his father/uncle?

  7. #47
    TheMudMan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Martha
    I am only speaking from experience. I have a friend who killed himself five years ago. I was the last person to talk to him. He was gay. He told me if he had the option he would have went back to women but the people around him would not allow it. He turned gay or came out of the closet at 20 years old after he moved away. He came back and said he tried to be straight but the women and men would not allow him(BTW we all knew he was gay when he got back) Now this may be something deeper and above my knowledge level but he was mellosted as a child and I believe that is what made him think he had to be gay.
    That's sad that he had to end his life because he was unhappy........... you're right who know how deep it went and he problems most likely were from the molestation as a child......... but if people just accepted him the way he was he might still be alive today.

  8. #48
    Mart651's Avatar
    Mart651 is offline The Redneck Queen of the Lounge
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    [QUOTE=Blown_SC]Could you explain this please? Was he mollested by his father/uncle?[/QUOT

    step father but the only dad he knew.

  9. #49
    Matty's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Martha
    In most cases when they try homosexuality they can not go back even if they want to. Their self esteem and society will not allow it.
    I guess the question I have is: Do you consider homosexuality an addictive drug that's impossible to quit or a social group that does not allow it's members to leave?

    Let's humor Cycleon for a moment and say that homosexuality is a choice. Would this mean that homosexual people are choosing to be alienated, harrassed, discriminated against, beaten, and in some cases killed based on this choice?

  10. #50
    Mart651's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheMudMan
    That's sad that he had to end his life because he was unhappy........... you're right who know how deep it went and he problems most likely were from the molestation as a child......... but if people just accepted him the way he was he might still be alive today.

    Maybe you are right but I think the problem was he did not know who he was.

  11. #51
    Blown_SC is offline Retired Vet
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blown_SC
    Could you explain this please? Was he mollested by his father/uncle?[/QUOT

    step father but the only dad he knew.
    That's horrible... ppl like that should be shot....
    Did he 'act' gay know....stereotypically?

  12. #52
    Mart651's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=Matty]I guess the question I have is: Do you consider homosexuality an addictive drug that's impossible to quit or a social group that does not allow it's members to leave?

    How many women do you know want to go out with a guy who used to **** men? Thats where they have no choice.

  13. #53
    TheMudMan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Matty
    I guess the question I have is: Do you consider homosexuality an addictive drug that's impossible to quit or a social group that does not allow it's members to leave?

    How many women do you know want to go out with a guy who used to **** men? Thats where they have no choice.
    I never thought about that......... but why would him being gay come up...... You said he was away when he "came out" so when he moved back home no one should have known.......... Unless he was the one telling everyone that he was gay at one time.

  14. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by Martha
    In most cases when they try homosexuality they can not go back even if they want to. Their self esteem and society will not allow it.
    I guess the question I have is: Do you consider homosexuality an addictive drug that's impossible to quit or a social group that does not allow it's members to leave?

    Let's humor Cycleon for a moment and say that homosexuality is a choice. Would this mean that homosexual people are choosing to be alienated, harrassed, discriminated against, beaten, and in some cases killed based on this choice?

  15. #55
    Mart651's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheMudMan
    I never thought about that......... but why would him being gay come up...... You said he was away when he "came out" so when he moved back home no one should have known.......... Unless he was the one telling everyone that he was gay at one time.

    He came back and visited his family. He even one time brought his boyfriend, Yeah, Maybe I did not help much because I told a few people also.

  16. #56
    Mart651's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheMudMan
    I never thought about that......... but why would him being gay come up...... You said he was away when he "came out" so when he moved back home no one should have known.......... Unless he was the one telling everyone that he was gay at one time.

    Also it hard to hide things in smaller towns. Everyone knows someone that knows you.

  17. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by Matty
    If definitive scientific evidence is what you base your beliefs upon, what scientific proof do you have that homosexuality is a learned response? Further, what scientific journal deduced that "continual exposure to their propoganda is likely to increase their numbers"?
    Well put. I'm all for science, but science can only DISprove not prove. Scientific laws are misnomers and are only true until proven otherwise. very well put though....there is no proof of homosexuality being learned, and certainly not any proving a snowball effect.

  18. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by Matty
    I guess the question I have is: Do you consider homosexuality an addictive drug that's impossible to quit or a social group that does not allow it's members to leave?

    Let's humor Cycleon for a moment and say that homosexuality is a choice. Would this mean that homosexual people are choosing to be alienated, harrassed, discriminated against, beaten, and in some cases killed based on this choice?
    Exactly, that's one hell of a bumpy bandwagon to jump on. Who would choose to subject themselves to such things? and all for what, if a choice it is?

  19. #59
    50%Natural's Avatar
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    Do gays facinate me? Not at fact I am repulsed by their sodomistic ways

  20. #60
    Mart651's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by einstein1905
    Exactly, that's one hell of a bumpy bandwagon to jump on. Who would choose to subject themselves to such things? and all for what, if a choice it is?

    People choose to be things everyday that get picked on. Take muslims for example. Now days they get a pretty good beating and they chose it. Other things are chosen by people. Thats not a great example.

  21. #61
    purplelaceteddy is offline Female Member
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    I have a couple gay friends...they don't try to push their lifestyle on anyone...I just feel that is something they chose to do with their doesn't hurt me so I just let them be....nor does my lifestyle hurt them..
    At a bookstore the other day, I saw a book entitled "Sex for Dummies." Why would someone want to teach dumb people how to reproduce? Aren't there enough of them now?

  22. #62
    co2boi's Avatar
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    I've had several gay and bi friends over the years. They are all cool as hell to hang with. In fact Atlanta is neck and neck with San Fran for gay population. Don't get me wrong, I don't want to watch them get it on or anything, but they do have the best night clubs and they will never try to steal your woman.

    What I don't understand is why being gay is considered by some to be a mental condition. What about hormones? What if gay guys have unsually low test and high e levels and vice-versa for the ladies? What if the gay guys just want to have more sex and know that it's much easier to get laid by a guy than a girl?

    Although there is an unfortunate social choice to being gay, I don't think what's really felt inside is chosen. I just think it is. I am glad everyone isn't gay however. That wouldn't be good for my sex life or procreation!!

  23. #63
    mark956101957's Avatar
    mark956101957 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Tock..oh my God! I made my Prop with a recipe you gave me! I had no idea....and who cares!

  24. #64
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    There's also the chance that it's somehow genetically embeded from way back in the days when men were gone for months or years on a boat alone and women were left in the village alone. Man...woulda loved to stumble across one of those villages..

  25. #65
    Mart651's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mark956101957
    Tock..oh my God! I made my Prop with a recipe you gave me! I had no idea....and who cares!

    Iy was secret gay recipe. Instead of getting bigger you will just become gay.
    Good thing you don't care.

  26. #66
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    Quote Originally Posted by Martha
    Iy was secret gay recipe. Instead of getting bigger you will just become gay.
    Good thing you don't care.


    "Test homonionate".


  27. #67
    mark956101957's Avatar
    mark956101957 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Martha
    Iy was secret gay recipe. Instead of getting bigger you will just become gay.
    Good thing you don't care.
    Really! I haven't notice any gay sides. I have gained 15 pounds of muscle, still dating women but darn if I don't have this attraction for pink elephants!

  28. #68
    Mart651's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mark956101957
    Really! I haven't notice any gay sides. I have gained 15 pounds of muscle, still dating women but darn if I don't have this attraction for pink elephants!

    It takes time. It's not an overnight thing. The weight is the estrogen. Just water weight no worries. Denial is the first sign it is working.

  29. #69
    Mart651's Avatar
    Mart651 is offline The Redneck Queen of the Lounge
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    Yall have a nice day. It's time for me to go home. I hope none of this gay stuff rubs off on yall. It just want be the same board if we all start admiring each other. Stay black
    Stay gay
    Stay white
    Stay what ever just be yourself.

  30. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by Martha
    People choose to be things everyday that get picked on. Take muslims for example. Now days they get a pretty good beating and they chose it. Other things are chosen by people. Thats not a great example.
    All religion is a choice. they don't get picked on by those that have made the same choices. Jews were persecuted because of their lineage and not their choice to practice judaism, as with homosexuality.

  31. #71
    Cycleon is offline AR-Hall of Famer / Retired
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    Quote Originally Posted by Matty
    I guess the question I have is: Do you consider homosexuality an addictive drug that's impossible to quit or a social group that does not allow it's members to leave?

    Let's humor Cycleon for a moment and say that homosexuality is a choice. Would this mean that homosexual people are choosing to be alienated, harrassed, discriminated against, beaten, and in some cases killed based on this choice?
    I do not think that its a choice in the sense that someone says "how cool, I think I will become gay" - rather it is behavioral conditioning, most likely a result of molestation, abuse or deep emotional trama in childhood - I cannot begin to tell you how many people that say that they are gay will also admit to having been abused in some way as a child, often by a close relative or someone that was trusted.

    In fact, I would go so far as to say that I could make sure a child would have a very high chance of becoming gay if I were to sadistically abuse them with that in mind - no guarantee because abused people can respond in many different disfunctional ways. But if you look at people who are heterosexual, those who will admit to having been abused is perhaps 1 person in 7 or 8 - if you look at homosexuals, that number goes to 1 out of 2 or higher - and that is only those who ADMIT it or realize it themselves.

    so, again - it is not a disease, it is a disfunction - at least in most observed cases - I am not discounting the possibility that there could be some chemical reason a baby could have homosexual tendencies but so far there is certainly no proof of it and TONS of evidence to support the abuse model - that also means tho, that it CAN be "fixed" same as other disfunctions, even though it can be very difficult. Having sex with another human being, same or opposite gender is a choice and is behavior and that can be modified, whereas genetics cannot (at least today)

  32. #72
    Quake is offline Member
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    The evidence is there...

    Quote Originally Posted by Commando_Barbi
    I took a class not too long ago called Vicitimless Crimes. I was shocked to see that Homosexuality was included in the list of crimes that we were going to address. Needless to say I didn't agree that it was a "crime" of any sort. A person's sexual preference is their business.

    I had some very heated debates with classmates over this issue. At the end of the semester, I still did not agree that it could be classified as a crime. the fact that a need has arose to address the phenomenon in such ways as the class that you took. What is meant by the title "victimless crime" exactly?

    Homosexuality/lesbianism are phenomenon that have been and still are very problematic in society, the fact that these problems are recognised, and that "problems" is what they are addressed as can be seen by the amount of books, articles, societies etc, that deal with the phenomenon. Don't jump on me for using the word "problem" because I talk from both sides, gays/lesbians experience social integration problems quite often, or at least feel that they do, whilst at the other end of the scale, some heterosexuals see the phenomenon as a "problem" period. It's not unless you are willing to take each circumstance individually that anything can be found out, I mean not taring all with the same brush, that goes for gay/lesbian views of heterosexual feelings toward them also. The fact is too many gays/lesbians assume they understand why a person dislikes their "kind" when the fact is that they often do not know the person well enough to be able to. Also goes for heterosexuals. But speaking as a heterosexual, some people are naturally find the idea revolting, not because they are moulded this way by society, but the opposite of attraction is such a reaction. Similarly I have been told stories that some lesbians/gays find the idea of heterosexuality just as revolting. You've got to sit in the middle on this issue and take an open perspective, to stand on either side is a bias.

  33. #73
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    I've never seen any numbers to support what you've said. The perception is easy to understand though....there are many media representations of homosexuals that happened to have been abused....that makes for a good story.....similar to the gay "extremists" getting the most media attention. the mainstream homosexuals are out of the public's eye, and are not well-represented by the media-hyped gays. I know several homosexuals, and there is no increased frquency of past abuse with them than with anyone else I know. I will grant that abuse as a child certainly does appear cause all sorts of sexual disfunctions/"deviations", but these very same things also ocur in the absence of abuse too.

    Quote Originally Posted by CYCLEON
    I do not think that its a choice in the sense that someone says "how cool, I think I will become gay" - rather it is behavioral conditioning, most likely a result of molestation, abuse or deep emotional trama in childhood - I cannot begin to tell you how many people that say that they are gay will also admit to having been abused in some way as a child, often by a close relative or someone that was trusted.

    In fact, I would go so far as to say that I could make sure a child would have a very high chance of becoming gay if I were to sadistically abuse them with that in mind - no guarantee because abused people can respond in many different disfunctional ways. But if you look at people who are heterosexual, those who will admit to having been abused is perhaps 1 person in 7 or 8 - if you look at homosexuals, that number goes to 1 out of 2 or higher - and that is only those who ADMIT it or realize it themselves.

    so, again - it is not a disease, it is a disfunction - at least in most observed cases - I am not discounting the possibility that there could be some chemical reason a baby could have homosexual tendencies but so far there is certainly no proof of it and TONS of evidence to support the abuse model - that also means tho, that it CAN be "fixed" same as other disfunctions, even though it can be very difficult. Having sex with another human being, same or opposite gender is a choice and is behavior and that can be modified, whereas genetics cannot (at least today)

  34. #74
    UrbanLegend's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Martha
    Some gays are fine but the little flaming, aggervating fags get to me pretty bad. No it's not a disease it's a choice. The gays that act like that choose to.

    Agreed. I don't care if someone is gay, but if they are a flamer then I won't like them, sorry.

  35. #75
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    Quote Originally Posted by UrbanLegend
    Agreed. I don't care if someon is gay, but if they are a flamer then I won't like them, sorry.
    I, for the most part, agree. THAT is a choice. However, most gays are not at all like that.....that again is media misrepresentation.

  36. #76
    Quake is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by co2boi
    I've had several gay and bi friends over the years. They are all cool as hell to hang with. In fact Atlanta is neck and neck with San Fran for gay population. Don't get me wrong, I don't want to watch them get it on or anything, but they do have the best night clubs and they will never try to steal your woman.

    What I don't understand is why being gay is considered by some to be a mental condition. What about hormones? What if gay guys have unsually low test and high e levels and vice-versa for the ladies? What if the gay guys just want to have more sex and know that it's much easier to get laid by a guy than a girl?

    Although there is an unfortunate social choice to being gay, I don't think what's really felt inside is chosen. I just think it is. I am glad everyone isn't gay however. That wouldn't be good for my sex life or procreation!!

    Be careful what you say, your supposition of hormone levels being a factor could lead to homosexuality/lesbianism being called an illness that can be cured with treatment. That sort of idea is on a par with current biological knowledge of mental illness, i.e. deficiencies of natural levels, or the opposite.

  37. #77
    cpt steele's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Martha
    Yall have a nice day. It's time for me to go home. I hope none of this gay stuff rubs off on yall. It just want be the same board if we all start admiring each other. Stay black
    Stay gay
    Stay white
    Stay what ever just be yourself.
    I think you all can stay Fvcked

  38. #78
    Cycleon is offline AR-Hall of Famer / Retired
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    Quote Originally Posted by einstein1905
    I've never seen any numbers to support what you've said. The perception is easy to understand though....there are many media representations of homosexuals that happened to have been abused....that makes for a good story.....similar to the gay "extremists" getting the most media attention. the mainstream homosexuals are out of the public's eye, and are not well-represented by the media-hyped gays. I know several homosexuals, and there is no increased frquency of past abuse with them than with anyone else I know. I will grant that abuse as a child certainly does appear cause all sorts of sexual disfunctions/"deviations", but these very same things also ocur in the absence of abuse too.
    i would comment that the media in general does not speak about abuse as a cause of homosexuality - I doubt I have ever heard that in the mainstream press at all - but thats what statistics say for those who will bother to look, and I must say that is confirmed in my own experience of those whom I know as well.

    again, these are not reasons to hate people or to discriminate against them - but there is also no reason to classify a disfunctional behavior that needs assistance as an inherent trait that cannot be changed...most especially when it has the likely hood of propagating to others via learned behavior

  39. #79
    bubbathegut's Avatar
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    PLZ dont IM me 4 Source's
    i never really considered another guys a$$hole to be pretty ...

  40. #80
    Warrior's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bubbathegut
    i never really considered another guys a$$hole to be pretty ...
    ... and another fine post by bubbathegut

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