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  1. #121
    Mart651's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by abstrack
    In my experience i have come to a conclusion that all obese people come from some sort of abuse at a younge age and people with a lot a tattoos come from broken homes where they had no father role and anerexia is to be blammed on Barbi! yep let the truth be told that Barbi has screwed it up for millions of women across the world. Oh and one more thing Ken is Gay, so he could be the reason for broken familys and piss poor values we have in American households


    I allready knew all of that but when I posted last time everyone just laughed at me. I had to delete it due to the abuse I recieved from everyone. I was so hurt I almost went and got another tatoo.

  2. #122
    abstrack's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ZOAIB
    homosexuality goes against the code of life and its balance , its a pure choice out of sexuality ...

    many animals have been reported to be homosexual. So how does that take life out of balance?

    Also God created women just for mans pleasure? I thought God created people in being equal and that we are people from all sorts of different backgrounds, lifestyles, sexual preference, etc.. and we are not to judge
    God gave life and the freedom of choice. He only wanted us to love each other unconditionally with out hatred for difference.

  3. #123
    Mart651's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by abstrack
    many animals have been reported to be homosexual. So how does that take life out of balance?

    Also God created women just for mans pleasure? I thought God created people in being equal and that we are people from all sorts of different backgrounds, lifestyles, sexual preference, etc.. and we are not to judge
    God gave life and the freedom of choice. He only wanted us to love each other unconditionally with out hatred for difference.

    Love the person not their actions. I hate homosexuality not homosexuals.

  4. #124
    Blown_SC is offline Retired Vet
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mart651
    Quit trying to be cute. Why do people choose to have piercings everywhere? Why do people choose to let themselves get fat? People choose things everyday that gets them picked on. Sometimes for attention sometimes for other things. I believe the choice of homosexuality in my expierence has come from abuse of some sort at a young age. homosexuality is the most excepting sexuality in the world. You can be ugly fat stupid or anything else and gays will invite you in their fold like no other.

    No more than I will convince anyone here that homosexuality is wrong. No one here will convince me it is right.
    I wasn't trying to be cute, just trying to be polite. I appreciate your reply. Thanks.

  5. #125
    palme's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ZOAIB
    All the 3 major religions in the world go against , homsexuality .......... thats telling U , this thing is not right ! if any of u all believe there is judgement after death , then believe me , ull find all the gays in HELL ! ........ this is purely my opinion ..........
    Your going to become banned if you dont chill out, no joke...

    And i couldnt care less what religion tells me!!! More piece of crap in a book has never been written down!

    Do you know that the accient greeks took women as wifes and men as lovers? The women was used for 2 things, cleaning the house and making babies, when the men (soilders) wanted sex and pleasure they turned to other men.
    The greatest legion in Sparta was a legion filled with gay men! They had orgys to become closer, the were willing to die for eachother, this made them to the best soilders of there time.

  6. #126
    Maraxus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by palme
    Your going to become banned if you dont chill out, no joke...

    And i couldnt care less what religion tells me!!! More piece of crap in a book has never been written down!

    Do you know that the accient greeks took women as wifes and men as lovers? The women was used for 2 things, cleaning the house and making babies, when the men (soilders) wanted sex and pleasure they turned to other men.
    The greatest legion in Sparta was a legion filled with gay men! They had orgys to become closer, the were willing to die for eachother, this made them to the best soilders of there time.
    Hmmm maybe the US Military should enforce gay activities

  7. #127
    palme's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maraxus
    Hmmm maybe the US Military should enforce gay activities
    Tock tried it, apperently it dident fly haha

  8. #128
    Mart651's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by palme
    Your going to become banned if you dont chill out, no joke...

    And i couldnt care less what religion tells me!!! More piece of crap in a book has never been written down!

    Do you know that the accient greeks took women as wifes and men as lovers? The women was used for 2 things, cleaning the house and making babies, when the men (soilders) wanted sex and pleasure they turned to other men.
    The greatest legion in Sparta was a legion filled with gay men! They had orgys to become closer, the were willing to die for eachother, this made them to the best soilders of there time.

    Help me out bro. Where did you get that info? I am not saying it is not true but its the first I heard of it. If it is true then no wonder they are not around anymore. To busy screwing each other and not enough making babies.

  9. #129
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    Discovery channel. They have all the facts!

    And btw, bwahahahahaha

  10. #130
    doctorcc's Avatar
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    THE WHOLE CHOICE THING??? I've had the last few months to talk with my brother about the subject at hand. Though awkward, we've had one or two lengthy discussions about "choice". We both teared up a little as he explained that there was no way in HELL that he'd ever choose to be gay. I'm having a hard enough time with this, so I can understand why the weight must be ten fold on him.
    I believe it should never be discussed whether it's right or wrong, because that's not the point. He is my brother, and I would do anything for him... you can never understand fully until you've been put in the same situation.
    Thanks guys for all your comments.

    And for the record- I think Hell will be too packed with all the killers, incestors, and Satan worshipers to accommodate men that wear designer clothes and become hair dressers.

  11. #131
    Carlos_E's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mart651
    Help me out bro. Where did you get that info? I am not saying it is not true but its the first I heard of it. If it is true then no wonder they are not around anymore. To busy screwing each other and not enough making babies.
    It's true.

  12. #132
    Carlos_E's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LORDBLiTZ
    I'll be praying for your brother in law. And you too, Carlos
    I will also pray for you.

  13. #133
    decadbal's Avatar
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    who would think that in 2004 there would be so many ppl who were against something that doesnt even effect them....unless they are like the typical homophobe in the 80s and are secretly gay and hate themselves and their cohorts..maybe thats the case

  14. #134
    Carlos_E's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Decadbal
    who would think that in 2004 there would be so many ppl who were against something that doesnt even effect them....unless they are like the typical homophobe in the 80s and are secretly gay and hate themselves and their cohorts..maybe thats the case
    You're gonna get flamed for that one.

  15. #135
    Prime's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carlos_E
    You're gonna get flamed for that one.
    i think this thread should be closed before they say some things they may regret. JMHO.

  16. #136
    Carlos_E's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Prime

    i think this thread should be closed before they say some things they may regret. JMHO.
    Well, it's a good thread. Everyone should refrain from throwing insults. I'm just poking fun at Decadbal cause his post will probably piss someone off.

  17. #137
    Mart651's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carlos_E
    Well, it's a good thread. Everyone should refrain from throwing insults. I'm just poking fun at Decadbal cause his post will probably piss someone off.

    Well you got that right. I don't have any **** cohorts and hope he was not accusing me of having any.

  18. #138
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    Quote Originally Posted by ZOAIB
    u know very simple to answer your question , the choice is WRONG , if adam was gonna be gay , i dont think u would have been even born today , or to any fo the fact people who are not religious at all if all the pre era people were gay , then human race wouldnt even flourish , homosexuality goes against the code of life and its balance , its a pure choice out of sexuality ............ or maybe GOD was just **** stupid to create a Woman !
    Homosexuality does not go against the balance of life. it's as old as human beings and probably older. We've still managed to muster up an overpopulated world. Just because homosexuality doesn't lead to procreation (which isn't everyone's goal, BTW), doesn't mean it's wrong. And for all of the "it's a choice" people , think about it for a second. There is absolutely nothing to indicate it's a choice. I know many of you say you "know" gay people, but I'm not referring to being on a first name basis with a coworker that you know is gay....I mean "knowing" that person, having had several conversations with them, and inparticular, regarding the sexual orientation and the pain they experienced trying to rectify their sexual orientation with the social stigma given to homosexuality as they are growing up. "there never been a gay gene discovered", I'll often hear. there's never been an "intelligence gene" either, but there is no arguing that variation exists in intelligence.

    There's no good reason to sit back and throw stones at those that don't buy into your idea of how people "should be". "They aren't like the rest of us, they're going to Hell"

  19. #139
    Mart651's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by einstein1905
    Homosexuality does not go against the balance of life. it's as old as human beings and probably older. We've still managed to muster up an overpopulated world. Just because homosexuality doesn't lead to procreation (which isn't everyone's goal, BTW), doesn't mean it's wrong. And for all of the "it's a choice" people , think about it for a second. There is absolutely nothing to indicate it's a choice. I know many of you say you "know" gay people, but I'm not referring to being on a first name basis with a coworker that you know is gay....I mean "knowing" that person, having had several conversations with them, and inparticular, regarding the sexual orientation and the pain they experienced trying to rectify their sexual orientation with the social stigma given to homosexuality as they are growing up. "there never been a gay gene discovered", I'll often hear. there's never been an "intelligence gene" either, but there is no arguing that variation exists in intelligence.

    There's no good reason to sit back and throw stones at those that don't buy into your idea of how people "should be". "They aren't like the rest of us, they're going to Hell"

    There's no pedophile, pervert or murder gene. If I am to believe they are born that way than I believe they are born with a mental problem same as the others mentioned. Society has excepted homosexuality because it does not hurt them but that does not mean it is right.

    I do not believe gays should be treated as the other two i mentioned. I believe my god loves them as much as he loves me. I know in my religion it is wrong. It's not my choice to send them to hell or judge them but I do not have to except their choice or problem. What ever it is.

  20. #140
    FCECC2 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by palme
    Your going to become banned if you dont chill out, no joke...

    And i couldnt care less what religion tells me!!! More piece of crap in a book has never been written down!

    Do you know that the accient greeks took women as wifes and men as lovers? The women was used for 2 things, cleaning the house and making babies, when the men (soilders) wanted sex and pleasure they turned to other men.
    The greatest legion in Sparta was a legion filled with gay men! They had orgys to become closer, the were willing to die for eachother, this made them to the best soilders of there time.
    i love how some guys regulate all there actions and thougth through religion ...

  21. #141
    Cycleon is offline AR-Hall of Famer / Retired
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    I Do Not Want To See Any More Of This On This Thread _ This Thread Is About How To Deal With His Brother's New Relationship - Not A Discussion On Homosexuality!

    If You Want To Argue That - And It Is No Secret That I Believe It Is Behavioral - Do It In Another Thread - Not One Where Someone Is Asking For Help

  22. #142
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mart651
    There's no pedophile, pervert or murder gene.
    Homosexual sex is as dangerous to others as heterosexual sex........the things you mentioned are not in any way comparable. They victimize others. Homosexuality, as is heterosexuality, are acts of consenting people acting on their sexual orientations......completely benign to all those not partaking in the act itself

  23. #143
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    Quote Originally Posted by CYCLEON
    I Do Not Want To See Any More Of This On This Thread _ This Thread Is About How To Deal With His Brother's New Relationship - Not A Discussion On Homosexuality!

    If You Want To Argue That - And It Is No Secret That I Believe It Is Behavioral - Do It In Another Thread - Not One Where Someone Is Asking For Help
    Sorry, my previous post was before I saw this....fair enough, and you're right.

  24. #144
    LORDBLiTZ Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by abstrack
    He we go with the religion thing and I am sure he will put you in change of disposable sinners for "ALL" the good that you do

    Attention everyone!!!!! We have a walking Saint on our board and you did not even know it.

    Only god can judge me.

  25. #145
    spywizard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LORDBLiTZ
    Only god can judge me.
    amen.......... (so be it)

    Hey Bro... give us an update on how it goes with your brother, and his friend...

    Peace to you and your family.................
    The answer to your every question


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  26. #146
    Sierra_Breeze's Avatar
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    I'm sorry you're having a tough time dealing with this new knowledge of your brothers lifestyle, however I doubt the love you have for him has changed because of his sexual prefference.

    Would you rather see him with a Partner who makes him happy and treats him well, and loves him unconditionaly.And for who he is! Or would you rather see him suffer in silence, with a woman, trying to be something he's not to make it less stressfull on his family and friends?

  27. #147
    worldknown's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carlos_E
    Judging by your avatar you would be the one who's a light weight. There are plenty of gays on this board bigger than you, stronger than you, and more masculine than you. Not all gays are light weight femmy girlie men prancing around trying to get attention. Most of them look like regular guys. You'd have no idea the AR bro you're having a beer with is going home to a dude.

    oh okay, just becuase i was joking, you start to go making fun of my phsyique? Im sorry i didnt start working out earlier than you but i am putting as much effort towards it as you and thats the best i can do till i get bigger than your ass, i dont agree with the gay situation but i have no problem with it, so thanks for putting words in my mouth. Did i ever say they werent bigger than me or stronger than me? I really don't care and if you can accept a joke then why dont you shove it. Maybe you should try and put more words in my mouth than yuo arelady did. And dont assume just becuase im 'small' im a lieghtweight brotha. would it make you happy if i put 'jk' after it? Would that not make me a small lightweight? god your the one who cant see past his blind ignorance. you so big man, you have no room to talk, there are plenty of people here that are bigger than you, so i leave you with this picture, treasure it.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Okay- I have a homosexual brother, and I need help...-homo.jpg  
    Last edited by worldknown; 07-28-2004 at 02:22 PM.

  28. #148
    zOaib's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blown_SC
    I asked why they would CHOOSE to be gay, not whether or not it was wrong.
    its called lust ! .............. and lust is one of the seven sins !

  29. #149
    palme's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ZOAIB
    its called lust ! .............. and lust is one of the seven sins !

  30. #150
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    Quote Originally Posted by abstrack
    many animals have been reported to be homosexual. So how does that take life out of balance?

    Also God created women just for mans pleasure? I thought God created people in being equal and that we are people from all sorts of different backgrounds, lifestyles, sexual preference, etc.. and we are not to judge
    God gave life and the freedom of choice. He only wanted us to love each other unconditionally with out hatred for difference.
    any idiot knows that only human beings were given the choice of free will , plus i dont think we are on the animal level , atleast i dotn lick my dick the way my dog does !

  31. #151
    Carlos_E's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ZOAIB
    its called lust ! .............. and lust is one of the seven sins !
    Hey Zoaib. Read this!

    Quote Originally Posted by CYCLEON
    I Do Not Want To See Any More Of This On This Thread _ This Thread Is About How To Deal With His Brother's New Relationship - Not A Discussion On Homosexuality!

    If You Want To Argue That - And It Is No Secret That I Believe It Is Behavioral - Do It In Another Thread - Not One Where Someone Is Asking For Help

  32. #152
    OGPackin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ZOAIB
    any idiot knows that only human beings were given the choice of free will , plus i dont think we are on the animal level , atleast i dotn lick my dick the way my dog does !

    Ya but if u could i bet u would never leave the house....


  33. #153
    Carlos_E's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ZOAIB
    any idiot knows that only human beings were given the choice of free will , plus i dont think we are on the animal level , atleast i dotn lick my dick the way my dog does !
    But if you could, you would.

  34. #154
    tryingtogetbig's Avatar
    tryingtogetbig is offline Whiney Member
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    for real guys...get off of the gay is right or wrong.....we all have our beliefs....right or wrong.....the guy that started this thread was asking for help dealing with a situation....not if you approve of his lifestyle or not.....start your own thread to talk about gayness approval or disapproval.....

  35. #155
    zOaib's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by palme
    Your going to become banned if you dont chill out, no joke...

    And i couldnt care less what religion tells me!!! More piece of crap in a book has never been written down!

    Do you know that the accient greeks took women as wifes and men as lovers? The women was used for 2 things, cleaning the house and making babies, when the men (soilders) wanted sex and pleasure they turned to other men.
    The greatest legion in Sparta was a legion filled with gay men! They had orgys to become closer, the were willing to die for eachother, this made them to the best soilders of there time.
    maybe u wanna know the whole greek history , they all perished the whole nation did ! ........... i wonder why ? (GODSMACK)

  36. #156
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    Quote Originally Posted by ZOAIB
    maybe u wanna know the whole greek history , they all perished the whole nation did ! ........... i wonder why ? (GODSMACK)
    Still does ghey men had more respect then you will ever have.

  37. #157
    OGPackin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ZOAIB
    maybe u wanna know the whole greek history , they all perished the whole nation did ! ........... i wonder why ? (GODSMACK)

    Are u trying to say they perished because they were gay? Thats just ridiculous! Its not my thing, but IMO everyone has the right to be with whoever they want to be with.....Man or woman.


  38. #158
    spywizard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CYCLEON
    I Do Not Want To See Any More Of This On This Thread _ This Thread Is About How To Deal With His Brother's New Relationship - Not A Discussion On Homosexuality!

    If You Want To Argue That - And It Is No Secret That I Believe It Is Behavioral - Do It In Another Thread - Not One Where Someone Is Asking For Help
    what happened to this warning from "The Mod"???

    this is a supportive thread for this guy.. please .........
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  39. #159
    zOaib's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CYCLEON
    I Do Not Want To See Any More Of This On This Thread _ This Thread Is About How To Deal With His Brother's New Relationship - Not A Discussion On Homosexuality!

    If You Want To Argue That - And It Is No Secret That I Believe It Is Behavioral - Do It In Another Thread - Not One Where Someone Is Asking For Help
    sorry i just scrolled up to see what else was in this post , will not utter any more words , thx

  40. #160
    worldknown's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ZOAIB
    sorry i just scrolled up to see what else was in this post , will not utter any more words , thx
    same here, agreed!

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