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  1. #161
    rugbyking's Avatar
    rugbyking is offline Associate Member
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    [QUOTE=co2boi] I've learned that all I really want is an intelligent virgin nympho with big boobs, a nice ass, no baggage, and lots of money.QUOTE]

    Couldnt have said it better myself! My ideal girl would be a girl that outgoing, innocent, talkative(not like she wont stfu, but can hold a convo), oh yea and nice tits, jello ass, tan loves to cook for me, gives great head, always in the mood for sex, likes to wake me up in the morning with head, likes to give head after a stressful day, likes to give head after a good workout in the gym, and basically likes to give head she must be a good cook too!! so if anyone on this board fits that description please pm me your contacts and we will make it happen :spudniksw

    oh btw, i am a very carring, sensitive, polite young man looking to settle down with the right girl
    Last edited by rugbyking; 08-10-2004 at 07:22 AM.

  2. #162
    Commando_Barbi's Avatar
    Commando_Barbi is offline AR's Arresting Angel Vet
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    I love it ... you guys want a virgin...but you want to screw every chick you meet. IF you don't get sex right split. Sigh.....
    1. Once a cheat always a cheat!
    2. YES, SHE can get pregnant the first time!
    3. NO, PULLING out IS NOT a RELIABLE method of Birth Control. DAMMMMIT..... Wrap that shyte UP!!

    Women over 30 are dignified. They seldom have a screaming match with you at the opera or in the middle of an expensive restaurant. Of course, if you deserve it, they won't hesitate to shoot you, if they think they can get away with it.

    For all those men who say, "Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free". Here's an update for you. Nowadays 80% of women are against marriage, why? Because women realize it's not worth buying an entire Pig, just to get a little sausage.

    What the mind can conceive....the body will achieve!

  3. #163
    co2boi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by co2boi
    I've learned that all I really want is an intelligent virgin nympho with big boobs, a nice ass, no baggage, and lots of money.QUOTE]

    Couldnt have said it better myself! My ideal girl would be a girl that outgoing, innocent, talkative(not like she wont stfu, but can hold a convo), oh yea and nice tits, jello ass, tan loves to cook for me, gives great head, always in the mood for sex, likes to wake me up in the morning with head, likes to give head after a stressful day, likes to give head after a good workout in the gym, and basically likes to give head she must be a good cook too!! so if anyone on this board fits that description please pm me your contacts and we will make it happen :spudniksw

    oh btw, i am a very carring, sensitive, polite young man looking to settle down with the right girl
    hehe, a truly talented partner would be able to give head while cooking. Strong PC muscles are a must as well.

    SWM LF BBBBVNC. ((Bib breasted, big booty, virgin, nympho, chef)
    Please provide pictures, cooking experience, and STD test results. Bi girlfriend couples welcome

  4. #164
    co2boi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Commando_Barbi
    I love it ... you guys want a virgin...but you want to screw every chick you meet. IF you don't get sex right split. Sigh.....
    We don't really want a virgin (well maybe sometimes). Like the song says "a lady on the street, but a freak in the bed" As far as sex goes, we have to get as much as we can upfront, cos we know that sh!ts gonna taper off after about 2 - 3 mths.

  5. #165
    rugbyking's Avatar
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    thats not true

    Quote Originally Posted by Commando_Barbi
    I love it ... you guys want a virgin...but you want to screw every chick you meet. IF you don't get sex right split. Sigh.....

    i am actually seeing a girl now for 3 weeks and the only thing i have done is kiss her. just cause i dont get sex doesnt mean i dump her to find someone easier. not getting sex right away actually increases my attraction for a girl because it becomes like a challenge. she is holding onto the prize. now im not saying that when i do finally achieve the goal i necessarily stay with her. but what decides that is based on many factors. mainly the amount of interest i aquired in the pursuit. i dont instantly know if i like a girl but i determine that over a period of time by getting together and spending time with her. personally i am kinda turned off by a girl that gives up sex right away(not saying i dont mind it , but i dont typically pursue a relationship with this kind of girl).

  6. #166
    rugbyking's Avatar
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    another reason ppl always say they like virgins is because they are extremely rare in todays society (unless you pick up your girls at junior high schools ) finding a virgin today is like winning the lottery (the odds are not in your favor)

  7. #167
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    Quote Originally Posted by rugbyking
    i am actually seeing a girl now for 3 weeks and the only thing i have done is kiss her. just cause i dont get sex doesnt mean i dump her to find someone easier. not getting sex right away actually increases my attraction for a girl because it becomes like a challenge. she is holding onto the prize. now im not saying that when i do finally achieve the goal i necessarily stay with her. but what decides that is based on many factors. mainly the amount of interest i aquired in the pursuit. i dont instantly know if i like a girl but i determine that over a period of time by getting together and spending time with her. personally i am kinda turned off by a girl that gives up sex right away(not saying i dont mind it , but i dont typically pursue a relationship with this kind of girl).
    I totally agree. A girl that gives it up right away is the kind of girl you might have fun with and then pray that you didn't catch something. A girl that wants to wait is more likely to be the kind of girl you want a long term relationship with. Sex is nice and all, but one of the biggest factors is meeting a girl who is down to earth, cool, and will always let me be me. I hate having to fake my way through something or having someone try to change me. Plus, just because a girl does want to have sex, it doesn't mean that she is cool to be around or that the sex will even be worth a ****.

  8. #168
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    Quote Originally Posted by rugbyking
    another reason ppl always say they like virgins is because they are extremely rare in todays society (unless you pick up your girls at junior high schools ) finding a virgin today is like winning the lottery (the odds are not in your favor)
    Oh, do virgins really exist? I thought that was an urban legend...and if you do find a virgin, then what?? If they wanted to have sex with someone, they wouldn't be a virgin. Unless you are ready to give up your cycle money for a diamond

  9. #169
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    Quote Originally Posted by co2boi
    Oh, do virgins really exist? I thought that was an urban legend...and if you do find a virgin, then what?? If they wanted to have sex with someone, they wouldn't be a virgin. Unless you are ready to give up your cycle money for a diamond

  10. #170
    twosocks40's Avatar
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    down south
    Nothing like a desperate woman.


  11. #171
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    Quote Originally Posted by Commando_Barbi
    I love it ... you guys want a virgin...but you want to screw every chick you meet. IF you don't get sex right split. Sigh.....


  12. #172
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    Quote Originally Posted by co2boi
    we have to get as much as we can upfront, cos we know that sh!ts gonna taper off after about 2 - 3 mths.
    Yup, it's like women "pyramid" the p*ssy...........

    Frontload like mad, then over the weeks taper off to nada.......

    However, they offer no post-coochie ancillaries!!!!!


  13. #173
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    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat
    Yup, it's like women "pyramid" the p*ssy...........

    Frontload like mad, then over the weeks taper off to nada.......

    However, they offer no post-coochie ancillaries!!!!!

    Bro, my forearms have gotten huge from PCT (Post Coochie Training). Primarily my right forearm, not sure what's up with that.

  14. #174
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    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat
    Yup, it's like women "pyramid" the p*ssy...........

    Frontload like mad, then over the weeks taper off to nada.......

    However, they offer no post-coochie ancillaries!!!!!


    OMG that is the funniest **** i have heard in a long time. i think women are taught at a young age to tease men with the thought of pussy. give them a boatload at first then lower the dosage of "medication" men are given. this puts women in a role of power because the guys is used to getting laid all the time. now when that stops the guy wont want to stop so he has to supplicate to the women to get more "medication" the way the guy combats this is by seeing more than one women cause if he stops getting it from one he can easily get it from another. GIRLS LISTEN UP - THATS WHY GUYS CHEAT. SO DONT HOLD BACK ON THE PUSSY. WILLINGLY GIVE IT UP TO KEEP YOUR MAN HAPPY!!!!!

  15. #175
    co2boi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rugbyking
    Werd brotha, werd...Girls just don't fvcking get that

  16. #176
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    Girls say..we don't have sex as much because you don't treat me like you used to..blah blah. blah. I don't treat you like I used to because we don't have sex anymore, biatch

  17. #177
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    Yes, put out or get out!


  18. #178
    rugbyking's Avatar
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    lol what would i do without AR forums to read throughout my work day. thank god i can just sit and reply all day.

  19. #179
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    Quote Originally Posted by rugbyking
    lol what would i do without AR forums to read throughout my work day. thank god i can just sit and reply all day.
    haha, I know right. This sh!t rocks

  20. #180
    rugbyking's Avatar
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    co2boi im gunna have to look around and find a better avatar to out do yours. is there any limit to how graphic they can be?

    btw i hope this info is helping you hb2. do you have any questions i can give you a guys perspective on. i wont hold anything back for ya. i love talking about this stuff.

  21. #181
    hockeybabe2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rugbyking
    co2boi im gunna have to look around and find a better avatar to out do yours. is there any limit to how graphic they can be?

    btw i hope this info is helping you hb2. do you have any questions i can give you a guys perspective on. i wont hold anything back for ya. i love talking about this stuff.

    Yes this is helping me! hehe. You all have different things you want. But I can hold my own and the bad thing is the guy can`t hold his. If he can keep up with me in a triathlon and not be a couch potatoe. I`m in. I stay very active.Hb2

  22. #182
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    Quote Originally Posted by hockeybabe2
    Yes this is helping me! hehe. You all have different things you want. But I can hold my own and the bad thing is the guy can`t hold his. If he can keep up with me in a triathlon and not be a couch potatoe. I`m in. I stay very active.Hb2
    well all guys are different. they all have there own goals. different guys like different things. they all have there own values and likes and dislikes. based on what you said, you want a guy version of yourself. thats not uncommon i would imagine. i was seeing one girl that was a spitting image of me and i was very attracted to her. if those are the types of guys you want then youll have to put yourself in a spot to be around those types of guys.(if that makes sense?) sounds like youll meet guys you have more connection with in places like gyms, parks, recreational events, sporting events, gnc, and other places where ppl are excessively active. try to create oppertunities for yourself and you will see that there are plenty guys out there willing to try to win your affection.

    what do you mean hold your own?

  23. #183
    Commando_Barbi's Avatar
    Commando_Barbi is offline AR's Arresting Angel Vet
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    You guys are terrible LOL. Well...not all women cut ya off after a few weeks/months. My last guy actually complained I wanted it too much. After over a year of being together... I still wanted him 2-3x a LEAST. But I was totally in love with the jackass and I loved being with him.

    That and I have a MAJOR sex drive. Sigh........single life SUCKS!!!
    1. Once a cheat always a cheat!
    2. YES, SHE can get pregnant the first time!
    3. NO, PULLING out IS NOT a RELIABLE method of Birth Control. DAMMMMIT..... Wrap that shyte UP!!

    Women over 30 are dignified. They seldom have a screaming match with you at the opera or in the middle of an expensive restaurant. Of course, if you deserve it, they won't hesitate to shoot you, if they think they can get away with it.

    For all those men who say, "Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free". Here's an update for you. Nowadays 80% of women are against marriage, why? Because women realize it's not worth buying an entire Pig, just to get a little sausage.

    What the mind can conceive....the body will achieve!

  24. #184
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    2-3 times a day???

    U need to teach the women of the world some things MAMMA!


    Quote Originally Posted by Commando_Barbi
    You guys are terrible LOL. Well...not all women cut ya off after a few weeks/months. My last guy actually complained I wanted it too much. After over a year of being together... I still wanted him 2-3x a LEAST. But I was totally in love with the jackass and I loved being with him.

    That and I have a MAJOR sex drive. Sigh........single life SUCKS!!!

  25. #185
    BulletCatcher is offline New Member
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    When you stop LOOKING for the right person, they always show themselves. Relax and let it happen on its own. I have always found that after giving up and saying to hell with dating, that is when the southern hottie with a brain shows up asking me out.

  26. #186
    GQ-Bouncer's Avatar
    GQ-Bouncer is offline Anabolic Member
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    look beyond what you see
    good god

    okay, first off don't take ANY advice from this board at all

    a man will see a women and think that she is the most special, beautiful thing he has ever had the luck and fate to meet, his first intentions will be wanting to cuddle, sex with you will come, but the initial love phase will take time to pass - than after you first kiss, and make love he'll feel so lucky to have had god's grace to be with you - hopefully you should feel the same way

    eventually that love feeling will die down, and you'll both have to think up things from keeping it from getting boring, what i suggest you do is be identified as a couple in your group of friends or take routine walks around your local lake or something

    peace out
    (btw, if you put out or do anything sexual in the first night, you'll be dismissed as a slut, men enjoy the hunt more than the kill)

  27. #187
    rugbyking's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BulletCatcher
    When you stop LOOKING for the right person, they always show themselves. Relax and let it happen on its own. I have always found that after giving up and saying to hell with dating, that is when the southern hottie with a brain shows up asking me out.

    the reason this tendency happens is because when you are not out actively trying to pursue a relationship you are more comfortable. you find it easier to approach girls and carry on conversations with them because you already told yourself that you arent trying to hook up. that takes all the pressure off of the situation. you tend to give off more of the "alpha" vibe. Confident, outgoing, dont deal with other ppls sh!t. your dont see girls the same way when you tell yourself you dont want to date. you do things that attract women without even knowing it. things like being busy. if you tell a girl you are busy and cant hang out with her. think how she percieves that. she will realize that your time is valuable and that she isnt the only thing going on in your life. that will create attraction in her eyes because girls want what they cant have. now if you were out trying to find girls to date you would drop everything and make yourself available to her schedule. this makes her realize that she is the only oppertunity you have and that makes her LESS attracted to you. thats why when your not out consciously trying to pick up women they tend to find you, because you give off a vibe that you dont need women. that and your confidence is higher because your not expecting anything. you just talk to them like they are your friend. what you need to do is have this mentallity all the time and guess what, youll meet women.

  28. #188
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    Quote Originally Posted by GQ-Bouncer
    good god

    a man will see a women and think that she is the most special, beautiful thing he has ever had the luck and fate to meet, his first intentions will be wanting to cuddle, sex with you will come, but the initial love phase will take time to pass - than after you first kiss, and make love he'll feel so lucky to have had god's grace to be with you - hopefully you should feel the same way
    maybe if the guy is a virgin, that shouldnt be the way you look at women. it certainly isnt the way i look at women. i try to reverse the roles and make women realize I AM the prize. they need to win my approval.

  29. #189
    co2boi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rugbyking
    co2boi im gunna have to look around and find a better avatar to out do yours. is there any limit to how graphic they can be?

    btw i hope this info is helping you hb2. do you have any questions i can give you a guys perspective on. i wont hold anything back for ya. i love talking about this stuff.
    Man, my avatar was wwwaayyy better. Same chick, different view, but some mod told me to change it....eerrr

  30. #190
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    Quote Originally Posted by rugbyking
    co2boi im gunna have to look around and find a better avatar to out do yours. is there any limit to how graphic they can be?

    btw i hope this info is helping you hb2. do you have any questions i can give you a guys perspective on. i wont hold anything back for ya. i love talking about this stuff.

    Oh, I've been meaning to ask too, is that your girl in your avatar? That's hot.

  31. #191
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    Quote Originally Posted by Commando_Barbi
    You guys are terrible LOL. Well...not all women cut ya off after a few weeks/months. My last guy actually complained I wanted it too much. After over a year of being together... I still wanted him 2-3x a LEAST. But I was totally in love with the jackass and I loved being with him.

    That and I have a MAJOR sex drive. Sigh........single life SUCKS!!!

    U my friend are THE exception. A normal man could only wish for such fortune...

  32. #192
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    Quote Originally Posted by rugbyking
    the reason this tendency happens is because when you are not out actively trying to pursue a relationship you are more comfortable. you find it easier to approach girls and carry on conversations with them because you already told yourself that you arent trying to hook up. that takes all the pressure off of the situation. you tend to give off more of the "alpha" vibe. Confident, outgoing, dont deal with other ppls sh!t. your dont see girls the same way when you tell yourself you dont want to date. you do things that attract women without even knowing it. things like being busy. if you tell a girl you are busy and cant hang out with her. think how she percieves that. she will realize that your time is valuable and that she isnt the only thing going on in your life. that will create attraction in her eyes because girls want what they cant have. now if you were out trying to find girls to date you would drop everything and make yourself available to her schedule. this makes her realize that she is the only oppertunity you have and that makes her LESS attracted to you. thats why when your not out consciously trying to pick up women they tend to find you, because you give off a vibe that you dont need women. that and your confidence is higher because your not expecting anything. you just talk to them like they are your friend. what you need to do is have this mentallity all the time and guess what, youll meet women.
    Exactly! Couldn't have said it better myself...

    Quote Originally Posted by GQ-Bouncer
    good god

    okay, first off don't take ANY advice from this board at all

    a man will see a women and think that she is the most special, beautiful thing he has ever had the luck and fate to meet, his first intentions will be wanting to cuddle, sex with you will come, but the initial love phase will take time to pass - than after you first kiss, and make love he'll feel so lucky to have had god's grace to be with you - hopefully you should feel the same way

    eventually that love feeling will die down, and you'll both have to think up things from keeping it from getting boring, what i suggest you do is be identified as a couple in your group of friends or take routine walks around your local lake or something

    peace out
    (btw, if you put out or do anything sexual in the first night, you'll be dismissed as a slut, men enjoy the hunt more than the kill)
    Dude, your a homogay...what in the hell are you talking about. I never looked at a hot chick and thought, man I sure would like to cuddle her. Whateva flava. Furthermore, although playing the game (the hunt) is fun, I have way more fun fvcking like rabbits...

  33. #193
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    Quote Originally Posted by co2boi

    Dude, your a homogay...what in the hell are you talking about. I never looked at a hot chick and thought, man I sure would like to cuddle her. Whateva flava. Furthermore, although playing the game (the hunt) is fun, I have way more fun fvcking like rabbits...
    Exactly what I was thinking, .

    He went from a hot-headed, kick anyone's ass who walks by me, beat someone unconscious bouncer at a "bar", to one who is compassionate, caring, sensitive, and cuddle bound.


  34. #194
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    Quote Originally Posted by co2boi
    Exactly! Couldn't have said it better myself...

    Dude, your a homogay...what in the hell are you talking about. I never looked at a hot chick and thought, man I sure would like to cuddle her. Whateva flava. Furthermore, although playing the game (the hunt) is fun, I have way more fun fvcking like rabbits...


  35. #195
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    So rugby, is that your girl in your avatar?

  36. #196
    rugbyking's Avatar
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    but dont you worry i am not a lonely guy

  37. #197
    co2boi's Avatar
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    cool, since she isn't your gurl I can tell you how hot that fvcking ass is..
    luvin the tat, gimme soma dat

    ass makes me poetic like homogay

  38. #198
    rugbyking's Avatar
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    but dont worry i am not a lonely guy

  39. #199
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    I think we're gonna make HockeyBabe go lesbo. This obviously isn't the rock you want to look under. Going on 6 pages though, congrats for that

  40. #200
    Pork Chop is offline Member
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    I don't like games. I don't like sex being used to play games, like a girl holding out as long as she can. If a girl didn't put out in reasonable period of time, i bailed. Save your head games for the next guy.

    The baddest, most abusive guys i know are always surrounded with quantities of hot girls. The nice guys that would make good partners are kicked to the curb.

    As for the girl asking where to look for nice guys - try smilling. The biggest turn off to any good guy is a snooty, pouty girl. If a girl get's snooty with me its the biggest turn off ever and she becomes gross.

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