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  1. #41
    clockworks's Avatar
    clockworks is offline Anabolic Member
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    Re: bad luck

    bahaha, that is freaking hilarious! i couldn't stop laughing when i told my roommate. and yeah man, thats weird...fart smell and pee on the floor? maybe you >should< look for another gym...

    -clocky baby

    Originally posted by joeyc
    one time i was going back to the squat rack and it smelled like farts so I turned to walk away and I slipped in some piss. What kind of people do I work out with?

  2. #42
    Tank21's Avatar
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    smell like farts and pissed on the floor? someone must have been straining for that last rep a little too hard. Now that is what i call perseverance.

  3. #43
    shorty2big's Avatar
    shorty2big is offline Member
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    how about meeting my ex-gf

  4. #44
    nitro4 the body's Avatar
    nitro4 the body is offline Junior Member
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    I had changed bars on the cable machine the one I put on was a little heaver than the other one. So you need to hold it up or hold on to the cable ,I pulled the pin to change weight and it came down and hit me in the back of the head. I looked around to see if anyone seen me. Iam not sure if they did or not. Other timeI was at the firestation benching 315 and at the top almost locked out both my wrist gave out , it hit me in the chest fractured my sternum didnt feel very good either. I was more embarassed at the time than anything.
    Last edited by nitro4 the body; 08-31-2002 at 04:36 PM.

  5. #45
    Sir hugenstein's Avatar
    Sir hugenstein is offline Junior Member
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    had 3 45's on either side and a 5 lb on either side. Went to take the 45's off and forgot about the 5 lb and it smashed my toe real good. It was black for like 2-3 months.

  6. #46
    Bark's is offline New Member
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    hi all,
    the best laugh i have ever had was when mobile phones had just come out and this guy was talking away loudly on the phone, kinda showing of to everyone how important he was, but i mean really loud and gym was packed, everyone was standing watching him, and then while he was talking on the phone.... it rang!! his face!!! i've never seen so many people laugh so much in one time, and we never saw him again?!?! wonder why?

  7. #47
    Shredz is offline Respected Member
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    Originally posted by Bark's
    hi all,
    the best laugh i have ever had was when mobile phones had just come out and this guy was talking away loudly on the phone, kinda showing of to everyone how important he was, but i mean really loud and gym was packed, everyone was standing watching him, and then while he was talking on the phone.... it rang!! his face!!! i've never seen so many people laugh so much in one time, and we never saw him again?!?! wonder why?
    what a loser

  8. #48
    skid's Avatar
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    sh!t, I would have just said it was CALL WAITING ... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

  9. #49
    Quad's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Cali
    OK, Quad on days where you don't want the headlights on (or half on as it may be) the band aid trick works...PM me if you need info.
    Nope..but thanks! I figured that one out RIGHT away! I also bought stock in Body By Victoria bras! Then if one or BOTH headlights are on hi beam no one knows but me!!!
    Winners never quit...Quitters never win!!!

  10. #50
    Jarod's Avatar
    Jarod is offline Associate Member
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    I got a buddy of mine who was about to do a lot of weight on the preacher bench so when he stood up and grabbed the bar he sat down hard and slide forward could here the ring of the metal post as his balls hit the preacher bench support bar.....OUCH!!!!!!!!!!

  11. #51
    6F2 is offline New Member
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    This one time at band camp......

    My worst moment happened a couple of weeks ago. Warming up in the squat rack which has a TV above it. Usually I turn the sound off and respond to any queries with "if you wanna watch TV go and sit in your living room", well this time I left it up and as I started a light warm up set there was a loud nopise on the TV and I looked up, baaaad move as me and the bar went straight back and as it crashed to the floor I crashed down after it. It was then compunded by the skinniest guy in the gym coming up and asking me if I was alright. Oh the shame.

  12. #52
    Kärnfysikern's Avatar
    Kärnfysikern is offline Retired: AR-Hall of Famer
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    Scotty, beam me up
    one time there was a bunch of german turists in my gym on the exercise bikes. Anyway I put a barbel on the floor in front of them adn started doing deadlifts. Then when I started piling on weight it started. Every god damn repetition I let out a horrible stinky fart that sounded real high. At the end of my last set all the germans was laughing their brains out.

    Another time when I was doing front squats I got stuck in the bottom. My spotter was checking out a babe at the time so he didnt notice. So I just stayed there stuck with a stupid look on my face and then slowely I started to tilt backwards with the freaking bar against my throat. Luckily my spotter grabbed the bar so it didnt smash into my face when I hit the floor. Everyone was laughing.

    And recently when doing squats I heard a rip in my pants and didnt think about it much. But for every rep I heard that rip over and over. And then when I was done with the set my pants had split right over the ass. I still finished my workout in those pants and boy did the people on my gym snicker and stair. The worst thing is that I forgot that they where ripped and used them my next workout

  13. #53
    partyboynyc is offline Anabolic Member
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    well i don't know how bad this is but

    back in the day when i was PT'ing at a gym back home, i went out to soundfactory and went to work str8 from there.i threw up all over the aerobics room before a class and it smelled so bad.i cleaned that shit up and let the room.well, later girls were all complaining about how bad it smelled in there like someone had died.haha.not that bad

  14. #54
    MMA Junkie is offline Junior Member
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    I'm glad I'm not the only one who's farted in the gym.

    Gotta love protein shakes.

  15. #55
    Commando_Barbi's Avatar
    Commando_Barbi is offline AR's Arresting Angel Vet
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    I was working legs one day ... had 4 45lb plates a side on the leg press. Some guy walked up and asked if he could work in with me. Sure thing. He jumps in thinking that if this little female can do that so can he. He struggled but he made it through about 8 reps. I move up to 5 plates a side... do my set. He jumps in, releases the weight and next thing I know..... his knees are stuck under his chin and he's begging me to help him out.

    After I pulled some plates so he could get out... he quietly disappeared from the gym. I NEVER saw that guy in the gym again.

    Never under estimate little people power


  16. #56
    harl's Avatar
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    Figured i would drag this one up from the dead...

    I had a several embarasing moments at the gym.

    I just started going to the gym, and I got 135 stuck on my chest no one was around, luckly some dude that worked there at the time said "need a hand" and I said please he grabed it one handed and racked it I felt so stupid.
    Another time i was doing cable curls and the cable broke, i wacked myself in the head *ouch*
    And the time I blew the crotch out of my shorts, i was going commando at the time, there was luckaly only one person in the room hes spun his head around like the ectorsist when he heard the rip.
    The one time i was on the squat rack and was going to rerack the bar and missed a pin and all the weights on one side slid on to the floor made quite the noise

  17. #57
    Aguro's Avatar
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    Sleeping in the Leg Press
    I saw a girl doing seated cable rowing by holding snap clip with 2 finger, i guess the 4 handle laying just next to the machine didnt ring a bell..

  18. #58
    Decoder's Avatar
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    one day this HOT BITCH was working she is some fitness model she has won like 4 comps this year, has big fake boobs damn she is soo hot.. SO anyways... I was working out with my friend and i kept saying damn that girl is soo hot and my friend said you do know her husband is on the machine bedhind us listen to you , and i turn around and look at him and say YOUR WIFE IS FUCKING HOT!

  19. #59
    Aguro's Avatar
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    Sleeping in the Leg Press
    Tell me he didnt smack you up?

  20. #60
    Terinox's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Decoder
    one day this HOT BITCH was working she is some fitness model she has won like 4 comps this year, has big fake boobs damn she is soo hot.. SO anyways... I was working out with my friend and i kept saying damn that girl is soo hot and my friend said you do know her husband is on the machine bedhind us listen to you , and i turn around and look at him and say YOUR WIFE IS FUCKING HOT!

    Fucking classic!

  21. #61
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    My nastiest was at my old gym many years ago. One day I was sick as hell, flu had me hard... decide to train anyways but go light, and it goes well...

    ... a little too well...

    ... so I pack it on, and go heavier...

    ... did I mention it was legs day?...

    ... I am halfway thru a set of squats when all of a sudden my heart rate shoots thru the roof, my legs go soft and my stomach yell "EVERYBODY OUT!!"... and I proceed to projectile vomit clear into the mirror - as I collapse and drop the bar right in the squat rack.

    Fortunately I was feeling so crappy, I didn't have time to get embarassed. I actually had to insist the gym people not call me an ambulance. I just crawled into a hot shower for an hour and was ok after that.

    Ahhh the mighty flu!


  22. #62
    Fooboy's Avatar
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    i saw a bunch of penises in the men's happens everyday...i hate it. it is the worst thing that has ever happened to me in the gym.

  23. #63
    rambo's Avatar
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    When i first started working out i was learning to do some overhead snatches...well i snatched the bar...well over my head, sending me backwards off the platform, sending my legs up in the air, and resulting with the bar resting one inch over my neck. Don't think i will ever forget that one.

  24. #64
    Babyweight's Avatar
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    Originally posted by shorty2big
    how about meeting my ex-gf
    My thoughts exactly!! Never again..

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