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Thread: What is love?

  1. #1
    VEGETA990's Avatar
    VEGETA990 is offline Associate Member
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    What is love?

    Well, before you tell me, let me tell you what science is telling everyone. Love is a intense feeling so strong that the chemistry in the brain actually CHANGES. Most importantly, when two people are in love, there is an increased amount of dopimine in the brain (a "feel good" neurotransmitter that basically makes you feel happy). Because extra dopimine feels so good, we (humans) seek out relationships. If the relationship ends, dopimine levels drop, and the person may feel depressed (depression is a recognized as a disease in which there is too little dopimine). Eventually, dopimine levels return to normal, and the person seeks out a new relationship to recieve once again, those high dopimine levels.

    And for all those people that think they have the power to choose who they will be in a relationship with, let me tell you this... YOUR WRONG, well kinda. Science can actually, through a series of tests, play matchmaker with statistical success (meaning that the results are highly unlikely to be from chance).

    Is there anything that science can't do?

  2. #2
    Terinox's Avatar
    Terinox is offline The One & Only
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    Is there anything that science can't do?

    Can science love?

  3. #3
    bigkev's Avatar
    bigkev is offline Scamming Traitor
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    what is love? who knows bro, but that sounds like a good explanation to me.

  4. #4
    Canes4Ever's Avatar
    Canes4Ever is offline Banned
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    I know when I am in love, and I am right now. I agree with the dopamine scientific explaination, because since August of 2001 I have been on a relativly high state.

    I also realized how *in-love* I was a couple of weeks ago, when I thought about a scenario whereas my partner was disabled as in a quadraplegic.....and it wouldn't matter one bit in the least, because I love him so much. When you think like that you are *IN-LOVE*.

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