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  1. #41
    decadbal's Avatar
    decadbal is offline Banned
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    ive gotta tell u alex..worrying about strength is a waste of time less your a powerlifter.. youll end up hurt tryin to lift like one

  2. #42
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    MESSYUK: No I haven't. When Someone ask my max on Squat I will say 635 though, and I will still say that after today. I did 585x4 last leg day on the free squats. so I dont think it will be a problem.

    KINGPIN: My goal is to get my squat to 700, then get my bench to 350 (which isnt near powerlifting level, then get my dead to about 400 (that wont take long). Then try to get that bench up to comp levels. I still wouldnt be anything awesome, but I am only 20 years old now, so I Have a long time to get there. And the slower I go the easier on my body it will be I guess


  3. #43
    bigman96 is offline Junior Member
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    hey arkansasalex, lets see some pics, 256 at 6'2 is pretty dam big

  4. #44
    Elysium's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ArkansasAlex
    MESSYUK: No I haven't. When Someone ask my max on Squat I will say 635 though, and I will still say that after today. I did 585x4 last leg day on the free squats. so I dont think it will be a problem.

    KINGPIN: My goal is to get my squat to 700, then get my bench to 350 (which isnt near powerlifting level, then get my dead to about 400 (that wont take long). Then try to get that bench up to comp levels. I still wouldnt be anything awesome, but I am only 20 years old now, so I Have a long time to get there. And the slower I go the easier on my body it will be I guess

    Is it possible you aren't strong enough to lift 635?

  5. #45
    SMYL_GR8's Avatar
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    I'm not sure about your Smith, but what I've noticed about a few of the ones I've used is that they indeed are lighter than free weight BUT the reversal of momentum is MORE difficult depending on the machine. Some of them have a mechanism which makes this reversal of momentum a definitive sticking point THEN as soon as the weight is moving concentrically, the lighter resistance is realized. Just my .02.

  6. #46
    KGBnine is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigman96
    hey arkansasalex, lets see some pics, 256 at 6'2 is pretty dam big
    his avatar.

  7. #47
    Elysium's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigman96
    hey arkansasalex, lets see some pics, 256 at 6'2 is pretty dam big
    I hear ya, im 220 at 5'9 and i look pretty big. Wouldnt mind seeing some pictures!

  8. #48
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    Well, dad just walked in with a late xmas present..1 copy of the nov issue of PowerliftingUSA.......1 copy of the oct/nov issue of monster muscle.....1 copy of the jan 05 Muscular Develpment mag. Gonna look through these while I listen to the new eminem CD


  9. #49
    Elysium's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aXe
    his avatar.
    Doesn't look like 256lbs. Any pictures of your front Alex? Your arms, chest, abs etc? Legs?

  10. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by SMYL_GR8
    I'm not sure about your Smith, but what I've noticed about a few of the ones I've used is that they indeed are lighter than free weight BUT the reversal of momentum is MORE difficult depending on the machine. Some of them have a mechanism which makes this reversal of momentum a definitive sticking point THEN as soon as the weight is moving concentrically, the lighter resistance is realized. Just my .02.

    Well, thats what had me weired out. When I got to the bottom of the squat I had gotten the momentum going up, then got stuck a few inches after the upward motion started, then probally less then 1 second and it was down.

    MESSY: No, its not possible, I can squat 1000, bench 1000, and deadlift 2000. I dont know if you like to think you cant do stuff. And I do honestly don't really want to know why/how your brain works, but mine works by saying I am going to do something, and then I get it done.

    No other option, get it done, or dont do it

  11. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by MESSY_UK
    Doesn't look like 256lbs. Any pictures of your front Alex? Your arms, chest, abs etc? Legs?

    I am about 19% bodyfat atm, 4 weeks into a cycle, I do have some of my chest, and legs, but I am not going to post them untill after my cycle. Then I am going to do some before/during/after type thread.

    what you said you are 220 at 5'9. thats pretty **** big, lets see some of your pics?

    Oh and my abs are def very defined, I mean I dont even have a 6-pack, I have the nice round keg version =)

  12. #52
    Elysium's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ArkansasAlex
    Well, thats what had me weired out. When I got to the bottom of the squat I had gotten the momentum going up, then got stuck a few inches after the upward motion started, then probally less then 1 second and it was down.

    MESSY: No, its not possible, I can squat 1000, bench 1000, and deadlift 2000. I dont know if you like to think you cant do stuff. And I do honestly don't really want to know why/how your brain works, but mine works by saying I am going to do something, and then I get it done.

    No other option, get it done, or dont do it

    Lol what? I didnt really understand you. I simply asked if its at all possible if the reason why you couldnt lift the weight is that your not strong enough.

  13. #53
    Elysium's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ArkansasAlex
    I am about 19% bodyfat atm, 4 weeks into a cycle, I do have some of my chest, and legs, but I am not going to post them untill after my cycle. Then I am going to do some before/during/after type thread.

    what you said you are 220 at 5'9. thats pretty **** big, lets see some of your pics?

    Oh and my abs are def very defined, I mean I dont even have a 6-pack, I have the nice round keg version =)
    Well 220 isnt major, just looks big coz im not that tall. I'll post my pics when im happy with the way that i look.

    I wasnt doubting your weight or anything, just based on your pic you posted the other day, you didnt look that built.

  14. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by MESSY_UK
    Well 220 isnt major, just looks big coz im not that tall. I'll post my pics when im happy with the way that i look.

    I wasnt doubting your weight or anything, just based on your pic you posted the other day, you didnt look that built.

    I feel ya bro, thats why I am not posting many other pics of me, untill I am done with this cycle


  15. #55
    mass junkie's Avatar
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    Im calling bull**** on the squat

    Sorry if nobody agrees or doesnt like my post...... I know im not the strongest, but I do have some power.....and I'm not even close to doing 585 for reps....... If you can post pics of you choking your dam sure can post pics of a squat of that caliber

  16. #56
    anaBROLIC's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mass junkie
    Im calling bull**** on the squat

    Sorry if nobody agrees or doesnt like my post...... I know im not the strongest, but I do have some power.....and I'm not even close to doing 585 for reps....... If you can post pics of you choking your dam sure can post pics of a squat of that caliber

  17. #57
    DADDYDBOL's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mass junkie
    Im calling bull**** on the squat

    Sorry if nobody agrees or doesnt like my post...... I know im not the strongest, but I do have some power.....and I'm not even close to doing 585 for reps....... If you can post pics of you choking your dam sure can post pics of a squat of that caliber

    lol....give him a break bro.....he lives in a pink house.....

  18. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by DADDYDBOL
    lol....give him a break bro.....he lives in a pink house.....

    LOL thats true.

    Ok what do you want me to do. I mean I can take a still picture next leg day ( or get someone else to) but that really wouldnt proove anything. I mean even my workout partner could probally hold it up long enough to take a picture. But if thats what you want I'll attempt to get it done.

    I dont really care if you believe me or not, I dont have a reason to lie on this board, I am not trying to have sex with any of you, or at an online job interview. So why would I lie? just to be cool, and print the threads and tape them to my wall?


  19. #59
    mass junkie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ArkansasAlex
    LOL thats true.

    Ok what do you want me to do. I mean I can take a still picture next leg day ( or get someone else to) but that really wouldnt proove anything. I mean even my workout partner could probally hold it up long enough to take a picture. But if thats what you want I'll attempt to get it done.

    I dont really care if you believe me or not, I dont have a reason to lie on this board, I am not trying to have sex with any of you, or at an online job interview. So why would I lie? just to be cool, and print the threads and tape them to my wall?

    Most digital cameras come with the option of taking short movie clips.......
    get one and I'll believe you

    As for you not caring if anybody believes you or not....then why post pics of guns/cars/pets then? you simply could of just said you had em and that would of been sufficient...... Its ok though.. If you cant get a clip....Life still goes on

  20. #60
    apocalypseRC51 is offline Junior Member
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    Ohhhhhhhhhhh! are we still measuring internet penis's????

    Me next, me next.....!!!!

    In real life tho, when I wanted something big and powerful between my legs, I bought a motorcycle

  21. #61
    decadbal's Avatar
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    i can do 585 for reps...2 on a great thats my heavy max, and i mean when im bulkin hard and at the top of my squating i can do it.. thats alot of wt to squat, im not saying you cant aa, its just alot

  22. #62
    SMYL_GR8's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by apocalypseRC51
    Ohhhhhhhhhhh! are we still measuring internet penis's????

    Me next, me next.....!!!!

    In real life tho, when I wanted something big and powerful between my legs, I bought a motorcycle
    Thank you. Just when I thought this thread was rescued. . .BACK to kindergarten! I give up.

  23. #63
    G-Force's Avatar
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    come on guys its christmas isnt it?
    have another brandy or something

  24. #64
    TheGame826's Avatar
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    This is the third post in a row I've read that had unneccessary bashing and flaming. Sheesh I haven't been on this site in while... but **** alot around here aren't as supportive as they used to be. I remember when I first joined this site a long while back how every single topic would have 15 replys of guys giving advice and being just utterly supportive. I remember how rare it was for anyone to 'call someone out' or put them down and when it rarely did happened how so many people would jump on that individual and tell 'em to get lost because that is not what this board is about. What the hell happened? Maybe the added stress of christmas?

    Anyways Arkansas maybe your head wasnt all into it. Get mad and get focussed, don't let those weights push you around. Maybe you were dehydrated or tired from the past exercises. Next workout try again. If you still dont get it then theres always the following week's workout. Or maybe you simply aren't ready for that much yet, just hang in there you'll lift it eventually.

    I have no idea why messy_uk took offense to what was posted or why he decided to flame. Hopefully its not a habbit for him. Messy just remember what goes around comes around.

  25. #65
    TheGame826's Avatar
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    This is the third post in a row I've read that had unneccessary bashing and flaming. Sheesh I haven't been on this site in while... but **** alot around here aren't as supportive as they used to be. I remember when I first joined this site a long while back how every single topic would have 15 replys of guys giving advice and being just utterly supportive. I remember how rare it was for anyone to 'call someone out' or put them down and when it rarely did happened how so many people would jump on that individual and tell 'em to get lost because that is not what this board is about. What the hell happened? Maybe the added stress of christmas?

    Anyways Arkansas maybe your head wasnt all into it. Get mad and get focussed, don't let those weights push you around. Maybe you were dehydrated or tired from the past exercises. Next workout try again. If you still dont get it then theres always the following week's workout. Or maybe you simply aren't ready for that much yet, just hang in there you'll lift it eventually.

    I have no idea why messy_uk took offense to what was posted or why he decided to flame. Hopefully its not a habbit for him. Messy just remember what goes around comes around.

  26. #66
    Kärnfysikern's Avatar
    Kärnfysikern is offline Retired: AR-Hall of Famer
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    Scotty, beam me up
    I think smith squats are way harder then regular squats. It takes out the lower back from the movement completely. If you are a ham and back squat then the the smith will be heavier, If you are a quad squatter I guess the smith might be a bit easier.

  27. #67
    Elysium's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mass junkie
    Im calling bull**** on the squat

    Sorry if nobody agrees or doesnt like my post...... I know im not the strongest, but I do have some power.....and I'm not even close to doing 585 for reps....... If you can post pics of you choking your dam sure can post pics of a squat of that caliber
    Quote Originally Posted by Decadbal
    i can do 585 for reps...2 on a great thats my heavy max, and i mean when im bulkin hard and at the top of my squating i can do it.. thats alot of wt to squat, im not saying you cant aa, its just alot
    Quote Originally Posted by bigman96
    hey arkansasalex, lets see some pics, 256 at 6'2 is pretty dam big

    Here he is, your 585lb squating 6'2 tall 256lbs monster.

  28. #68
    mass junkie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MESSY_UK
    Here he is, your 585lb squating 6'2 tall 256lbs monster.
    I know Im scared

  29. #69
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    Wtf is that about? I dont know why all of a sudden you two want to jump on a bandwagon and flame me for posting about a failed attempt, maybe you just dont have anything better to do?

    As for me, I am not worried about what messy, or MJ thinks about me, I know what I did, and can do.


  30. #70
    RJstrong's Avatar
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    "had my belt on good and tight"... this is most likely not the reason that you missed your 635 attempt... but may I suggest loosening your belt a notch... it is important to be able to push your abs against your belt while squating... expanding your stomach... if your belt is too tight this cannot happen.

  31. #71
    Benches505's Avatar
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    The smith machine will help balance the weight and keep it on track. People that squat using free weights and then go to the smith machine do not notice a big difference in weight squatted but a guy going from a Smith machine to free weights could see a huge difference.

  32. #72
    Benches505's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mass junkie
    I know Im scared
    Was this pic taken inside of a mobile establishment?

  33. #73
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    Quote Originally Posted by Benches505
    Was this pic taken inside of a mobile establishment?
    Nope just my 60+ year old pink house LOL....peace..Alex

  34. #74
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    Quote Originally Posted by RJstrong
    "had my belt on good and tight"... this is most likely not the reason that you missed your 635 attempt... but may I suggest loosening your belt a notch... it is important to be able to push your abs against your belt while squating... expanding your stomach... if your belt is too tight this cannot happen.
    Also, I have never used a belt untill I started squating again, Am I putting it in the correct place, over the belly button?


  35. #75
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    Man I hate belts!!!


  36. #76
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    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat
    Man I hate belts!!!


    I dont like wearing them because my gut hangs over . But I want to take every safety precaution I can just incase.


  37. #77
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    I know belts can be a bit cumbersome... however it can be a very useful piece of lifting equipment if used properly... I have been competing in powerlifting for almost 3 years now and lifting gear is a large part of the sport... I do feel it is very important to lift w/o gear so the body does not depend on it... all warm-ups and even into my first few working sets I lift w/o a belt... basically I go raw as far into a workout as I can... but I use a belt for all heavy squats, benches, and deadlifts... as far as wearing the belt I believe comfort is #1 and as a mentioned previously tighter is not always better... I know that pobably sounds like a perfect set up for a joke... but the reality is if you train using heavy compound movements a belt can be useful.

  38. #78
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    That's just it, I hate them because they offer a false sense of security, and promote an even weaker back in the actual movement.

    If it's so heavy that you need a belt, then go lighter and build the core more so a belt/false sense of security is not needed.

    Just my $.02........


  39. #79
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    Good point Swole... you are pobably right in the sense that a belt will give many a false sense of security... however I do think that belts can serve a puprose if used correctly... I beleive the more you do w/o a belt the better!!! core strength is essential.

  40. #80
    KINGKONG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RJstrong
    Good point Swole... you are pobably right in the sense that a belt will give many a false sense of security... however I do think that belts can serve a puprose if used correctly... I beleive the more you do w/o a belt the better!!!
    It's great to have that core strength but that is something that must be built up slowly...I still wear a belt on heavy lifts...Ive seen to many hernia's with heavy deads..It scares me not to...

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