Let's have a pow-wow on what to do about this steroid witch hunt.

Here is what is never going to happen:
It won't be legalized
Won't be decriminalized
Will never be accepted by society
Never will be understood by the general public.

So here is what I am thinking. We start an online initiative to point out worse legal govt. endorsed dangers in society. We start an online petition asking our govt. to stop wasting tax payer money on this steroid fiasco and start showing a true public concern and put an end to tobacco use.

1. Tobacco is far more abused by youth than steroids .

2. Tobacco kills more people a year than murder, suicide, car accidents, and drug overdoses combined. I am not sure, but I don't think the of steroid related deaths is a 3 digit number a year.

3. Let's say for a minute that steroids do kill their users. Well tobacco kills and sickens innocent people through second hand smoke.

Feel free to add to the list, but lets stop whining and do something. Anyone seriously interested PM me. We will gather a list of names of Congress people for every state to foward our petition to. We will send it to the media. We will do everything we can to stop the wanton disregard of the public's health by Congress. They should not be trying to win constituients by being hard on the flavor of the month, as opposed to tackling real health issues in this country.