Hey bro's, I wasn't going to plaster my personal shiit up here all over the message board but I'm hurtin' pretty bad right now. My wife walked out on me a little over a week ago and with no warning. I thought things were going good. One day we're sitting on the couch watching TV together and the next she's telling me it's over and she's made up her mind and there's nothing I can do about it. I love this woman more than I know how to say so I'm pretty shaken up. The worst part of it is I was just starting to get my head straightened out over the past few months and I really felt in control of my life for the first time in a long time. I had some money in the bank and my diet and training were going good. Now I'm not eating much and losing weight. I have to pop a half a pack of Unisom just to sleep a couple hours. I'm right in the middle of a cycle too, an expensive one. It's like someone snuck up behind me and pulled the rug right out from under me. I can't deal with this at this stage of my life. I'm 34 years old with a business to run and a little girl to take care of. One minute I'm happily married and the next I'm all alone. It's taking all I've got not to start drinking again. Sorry, just rambling now.