Hey everyone. This may be long so try and bare with me, thanks...

I am a divorced father of 2. I'm 31. Been seeing a 22 year old for about 10 months now. I am so in love with her you would not believe it. She treats me great, and for the first time since my ex wife, I want to marry this girl.

She spends a lot of time on a forum for women who are dating or married to divorced men... like a "second wives club" she gets what she needs from that, support, guidance, opinions, etc. Much like the support/guidance, and even entertainment I get on AR. Sometimes we both talk about what we chatted about on our forums.
This relationship has a past of her being kinda sneaky and scandelous; going through my phone, checking up on me, stuff like that. She is an extremely jealous women and can't stand other women looking at me, etc. She doesn't trust ME, becasue other chicks sometimes check me out... it causes arguments. The only thing we ever fought about is that stuff and how I won't tolerate it. I am not bragging, but I have been a good guy to her. I have never lied, cheated, or deceived her in any way shape or form. She is ALWAYS boasting about how she is SO not like my ex and that she is honest and all... my last 3 ex's cheated on me. And she always has a good level of confidence about being so much better...

well, this is what I found out yesterday. Since the end of May, my girlfriend has been logging into my forum and reading my threads that I post or post in every single day!! Being nosy, seeing if I was talking to other girls or what not. I found this out because I work in Network Security for the same company that she works in Legal for. I work on her PC whenever she needs me too. She said her pc was running really slow and I went to clear her temp files and cookies and one of the entries in the temp internet files was a login cookie for AR forums... I went back to my lab (my desk) and remoted to her pc and looked at all the cookies... ran some forensics...and bam. she has been doing it daily! I sent her an email and asked her if she had been to my forum lately "checking up on me", my phone rings and she is actually acting mad at me asking me why am I asking?? I start getting pissed and she finally says yes. I ask he rif she has an account and logs in. She said NO. I asked again, are you sure? She lied to me straight up AGAIN! Then I sent her a notepad document of a cookie that shows she logged in... she knew enough to know what that meant and said "I guess your gonna break up with me now?" She acted mad at ME?!?!
Well, now this morning she is all crying and apologizing saying that was wrong, sneaky, selfish, etc... I am not being a jerk and laying on the guilt... but seriously?? What should I do? I areally mad about this? It invaded my privacy and not to mention disresped me. I know this opens me up to flames and if so, go right ahead. This is actually kind of embarassing. But I love this girl -- How many times do I let her do this sneaky, lying shit to me? Honeslty, I don't want to leave her, But I care about my dignity as well. Thanks everyone. Sorry it was so long.