As a Canadian this is just my thought on Canada and it’s identity!

Not a very impressive list it's actually pathetic really.

Heres a Canadian list of some of the culture and heritage throughout Canada's history thus far.
1-RCMP, 2-National Railway, 3-Canada's Vast Size, 4-Canadian Football League, 5-Montreal Canadians hockey team, 6-CBC, 7-Christianity, 8-National Post and Toronto Sun newspapers, 9-Musicians, 10-Authors, 11-Family mom dad and kids, 12-The Monarchy, 13-Capital city Ottawa, 14-Confederation Date 1867, 15-Canada's first Prime Minister a conservative Sir John A Macdonald. Also I would add BEER and Maple Syrup.

I think Finland could do better then us. When you ask people from other 'western' countries what they think of Canada......they don't. Not at all.
We're a country with no real identity, no real historical significance, not a real player on the world stage, not particularily respected for our principled stands. We mostly known as an easy haven for the third world.
No wonder we're basically ignored.