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  1. #1
    William Wallace's Avatar
    William Wallace is offline Junior Member
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    Need Your Input On Low Test Levels, Here's The Numbers

    Im a 36yr old male, depressed and anxious almost on a constant basis and have severe sleep issues...whats your thoughts about the correlation between that and my Test levels below? Any recommendations? (Such as AndroGel )

    Total: 313
    Free: 12.3


    (FYI, I wanted to post this in AR to get as much feedback as possible...its effected my life for years and I need any help/opinions I can get and I know I'll get the BEST here)

  2. #2
    Keyser Sozey is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by William Wallace
    Im a 36yr old male, depressed and anxious almost on a constant basis and have severe sleep issues...whats your thoughts about the correlation between that and my Test levels below? Any recommendations? (Such as AndroGel )

    Total: 313
    Free: 12.3


    (FYI, I wanted to post this in AR to get as much feedback as possible...its effected my life for years and I need any help/opinions I can get and I know I'll get the BEST here)
    I can not give you any info regarding low test levels and anxiety, depression and sleeplessness. However, I can recommend you something that I have been taking to help me sleep. I suffered from the first three you spoke of, and my Dr prescribed me Trazodone 150mg. It is a mild anti-depressant, but it's main function is to help you sleep. No b.s., I take one and after a half hour, I'm asleep. It's not like Ambien, at all. Ask your Dr about it.
    Anyway, I will say that lack of sleep could be the cause of the anxiety and depression, but I don't know about the test levels.

  3. #3
    William Wallace's Avatar
    William Wallace is offline Junior Member
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    Thats great my good man, I'll ask him.

    Many Thanks

  4. #4
    BG's Avatar
    BG is offline The Real Deal - AR-Platinum Elite- Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by William Wallace
    Thats great my good man, I'll ask him.

    Many Thanks
    Whats up Wallace welcome, I have to hit up BB4L more , after this cycle Im going to see a TRT doc, 31 fell like crap when off. Well felt like crap for years until went on test, think low levels are my problem.

  5. #5
    MuckDog's Avatar
    MuckDog is offline Senior Member
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    see your prim physician and have him go over your test levels with him. then ask him to put you on test


  6. #6
    William Wallace's Avatar
    William Wallace is offline Junior Member
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    When you say "test", are you referring to something specific...

    or just AS in general?...forgive the ignorance

  7. #7
    William Wallace's Avatar
    William Wallace is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigGuns101
    Whats up Wallace welcome, I have to hit up BB4L more , after this cycle Im going to see a TRT doc, 31 fell like crap when off. Well felt like crap for years until went on test, think low levels are my problem.
    My primary care Dr. is sending me to an endocrinologist to see if there is an underlying problem to the low test lvls...he doesn't just wanna throw me on Andro-gel or something of the like...feels it may just be a patch and not addressing the real hidden problem...for the record, I just disagree, I think its pretty straight forward...some guys are born with alot, some mediocre and some with low levls...I just think I one of those poor bastards thats been handed a shit deck of low lvls and the effects of it suck...low self esteem, depression, anxiety, is not an enjoyable thing to me, its a job

    Sorry to ramble, just need to unload on someone...don't think my wife needs to hear me piss n moan like a 1/2 a phag


  8. #8
    spywizard's Avatar
    spywizard is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer~
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    In the Gym, if i could
    the endo shold be able to help alot..

    the issue is the "normal" range is so wide, and goes so low, that treatment is often not given even though it would benefit the patient..

    thus we are left with taking test boosting suppliments instead..
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  9. #9
    William Wallace's Avatar
    William Wallace is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by spywizard
    the endo shold be able to help alot..

    the issue is the "normal" range is so wide, and goes so low, that treatment is often not given even though it would benefit the patient..

    thus we are left with taking test boosting suppliments instead..
    I know, the range is absurd...I don't think some guy in his mid 30's should have a test lvl at the lowest end of the spectrum and be told by a Dr. that your "normal" (which I was initially until I pressed the issue)...300 for an 80yr old, yes...I think I should be 500-600 minimum at my age...


  10. #10
    oldman's Avatar
    oldman is offline Anabolic Member
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    I would have been happy at that level. I got my blood work done Total Test was at > 56 and Free was at 13.6.

    Now does this do something to you and mess up your sleep? I think so because I have not slept in about 2 years more than 3-4 hours a night if I am lucky. I am 38 years old BTW.

    Anyway I started on a test a week ago and the last two nights I got more sleep than I normally do in a week and I feel fantastic.

    Normal Total Test levels for our age range is 400-1080 and Free is 47.0 - 244.0 so you can see I was much lower than you but I bet adding even a Test Gel like Andro or Testim 1% would help you if you are not wanting to go into AAS.

    Of course I am not a doctor I only play on on TV and this is just my personal opinion.

    Good luck and go for it sleep has turned out to be a really neat idea.


  11. #11
    William Wallace's Avatar
    William Wallace is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by oldman
    I would have been happy at that level. I got my blood work done Total Test was at > 56 and Free was at 13.6.

    Now does this do something to you and mess up your sleep? I think so because I have not slept in about 2 years more than 3-4 hours a night if I am lucky. I am 38 years old BTW.

    Anyway I started on a test a week ago and the last two nights I got more sleep than I normally do in a week and I feel fantastic.

    Normal Total Test levels for our age range is 400-1080 and Free is 47.0 - 244.0 so you can see I was much lower than you but I bet adding even a Test Gel like Andro or Testim 1% would help you if you are not wanting to go into AAS.

    Of course I am not a doctor I only play on on TV and this is just my personal opinion.

    Good luck and go for it sleep has turned out to be a really neat idea.


    Music to my ears OLDMAN, thank you sir!

  12. #12
    BigJohnE is offline Junior Member
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    I agree, the range of acceptable is far too wide. I can tell you from personal experience that when your test starts to decline in your 30s, it can cause all of the symptoms you describe. If you want to stay the family Dr. route, I suggest you find a Dr. who does both GP and Sports Medicine...they understand the athletic mindset far better and are often more willing to prescribe HRT.
    You can also try an HRT consulting group such as Oasis (see banner on this board) if you do not mind going out of pocket, but want to remain "safe & legal".
    Either way, you should definitely pursue the testosterone supplementation option. It'll change your life more than you can possibly imagine!

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    bro don't feel bad, after taking a lot of ish and not knowing the proper way or AGE to take test dropped to total of 210 lol! i took clomid for a few months and now my normal level is in the 700s.

  14. #14
    decadbal's Avatar
    decadbal is offline Banned
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    just masterbate more, and get angry more

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