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  1. #41
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    The strange part was when she pushed her plate away and said she didnt want him to think shes fatter than she something like that...

    I also didnt see that you were going to the army...still though...she seems strange...maybe thats why you guys would make a good couple

  2. #42
    1buffsob's Avatar
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    Like I said guys, it isn't the fact that I had to break my diet, which I would of done had she asked. It's the fact that she forced me into that situation in front of her family. She gave her mom the idea to cook dinner and told me we would be going out. She wanted to see how she rated compared to my lifestyle and goals.
    I don't think I'm better than them because I watch what I eat and train a lot. I choose to do it because it matters to me. She doesn't need to because she already looks good. I have to stay dedicated to reach my goals. If everyone keeps offering you things that deter you from your goals, when is enough enough? You compromise a little here, a little there, and then two years later your still in the same place when you started.
    I don't plan on becoming the next Mr. Olympia. I don't even see myself competing in the future. But I came from being a 318lb fat ass to where I am today. I haven't reached my goals yet and I don't plan on going back to my old lifestyle. If a girl can't comprehend that, and doesn't appreciate all the work I put into myself to look better, then why would I compromise my goals for her. I wouldn't. This isn't just 1 cheat meal, this was her wanting to control me. I figured if anyone would understand you guys would. I guess I was wrong.

  3. #43
    Anna Bollick's Avatar
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    On Rampart, Girlfriend!
    You should have ate the food and then declined further dinner invitations. You could have invited THEM over to YOUR house for dinner another time, and they would get an idea of what you like to eat.

    "Pass the Met-RX, please."
    "I think I'll have some more of those delicious BCAAs."
    "These protein bars are FABULOUS! You MUST give me the recipe!"
    "How many calories in these celery sticks?"
    "I never knew that tuna straight from the can could taste this good!"
    "More multivitamins, anyone?"

    But eating the food, at least one plateful, would have headed off a lot of drama. Meanwhile, this chick seems pretty neurotic and maybe you should keep your eye on the almost inevitable breakup.


  4. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by NewKid
    The strange part was when she pushed her plate away and said she didnt want him to think shes fatter than she something like that...

    I also didnt see that you were going to the army...still though...she seems strange...maybe thats why you guys would make a good couple
    She was just taking a stab at me there to make me look like a dick in front of her family. I'm sure it worked. The look on her older sister's face was priceless. Kind of a "Just who in the hell do you think you are?" look mixed with a "I'm going to castrate you for making my sister cry."

  5. #45
    USfighterFC's Avatar
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    One meal big fvckin deal. tell the mother you're not hungry and ate previously instead of making her look like an asshole after cooking this meal for you when she doesnt cook. Furthermore you dont even explain yourself and sit there and drink water and make your girl feel like a total douche for giving her mom the idea in the first place. Nobody forced you to do anything and nobody put you in a tight spot, it was your own silence and failure to speak up that put you there.

  6. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by USfighterFC
    One meal big fvckin deal. tell the mother you're not hungry and ate previously instead of making her look like an asshole after cooking this meal for you when she doesnt cook. Furthermore you dont even explain yourself and sit there and drink water and make your girl feel like a total douche for giving her mom the idea in the first place. Nobody forced you to do anything and nobody put you in a tight spot, it was your own silence and failure to speak up that put you there.
    Harsh . But I get what you're saying. I probably could have said something different but hindsight is always 20/20. I figured I'd just claim illness, we'd get through the meal, and everything would be good. I didn't think she was going to make it a big thing, because until she put on her little show, it wasn't. It was just me not feeling well enough to eat but having a good conversation with her family regardless. She does have a very nice family though. I was being as polite as I can until her little episode.

  7. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1buffsob
    Harsh . But I get what you're saying. I probably could have said something different but hindsight is always 20/20. I figured I'd just claim illness, we'd get through the meal, and everything would be good. I didn't think she was going to make it a big thing, because until she put on her little show, it wasn't. It was just me not feeling well enough to eat but having a good conversation with her family regardless. She does have a very nice family though. I was being as polite as I can until her little episode.

    I didnt mean to come off so harsh. It just sucks cuz you know how they say first impressions are always the most important. It's like now if you see them in the future that night will always be in their mind. Her little episode was not good on her part and that's tough to handle and i dont even know what i would've done. But point being is it was just one meal, its not gonna kill you and even set you back in the gym. no biggie.

  8. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by USfighterFC
    I didnt mean to come off so harsh. It just sucks cuz you know how they say first impressions are always the most important. It's like now if you see them in the future that night will always be in their mind. Her little episode was not good on her part and that's tough to handle and i dont even know what i would've done. But point being is it was just one meal, its not gonna kill you and even set you back in the gym. no biggie.
    Yeah, I hear ya. Like I said though I had my birthday last Sunday. A lot of cake, ice cream, other shit loaded with fats and massive cals. Then of course alcohol, which was actually her fault. I didn't want to but she asked if I would do it for her. I did. So we go up to CSU where a lot of our old friends are and have one hell of a time. But then I'm kind of thrown off my routine most of the week. And when last night rolls around and I'm finally back on track, she pulls that crap.

  9. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1buffsob
    Like I said guys, it isn't the fact that I had to break my diet, which I would of done had she asked. It's the fact that she forced me into that situation in front of her family. She gave her mom the idea to cook dinner and told me we would be going out. She wanted to see how she rated compared to my lifestyle and goals.
    I don't think I'm better than them because I watch what I eat and train a lot. I choose to do it because it matters to me. She doesn't need to because she already looks good. I have to stay dedicated to reach my goals. If everyone keeps offering you things that deter you from your goals, when is enough enough? You compromise a little here, a little there, and then two years later your still in the same place when you started.
    I don't plan on becoming the next Mr. Olympia. I don't even see myself competing in the future. But I came from being a 318lb fat ass to where I am today. I haven't reached my goals yet and I don't plan on going back to my old lifestyle. If a girl can't comprehend that, and doesn't appreciate all the work I put into myself to look better, then why would I compromise my goals for her. I wouldn't. This isn't just 1 cheat meal, this was her wanting to control me. I figured if anyone would understand you guys would. I guess I was wrong.
    Oh she pulled a little decieving trick on ya.. not cool then!

  10. #50
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    Yeah, I found that out this morning when I talked to her. She made it seem like she was trying to surprise me rather than decieve me. Kind of playing dumb. I don't know.
    Like I said, it wasn't even that big of a deal until she threw a fit. I was enjoying talking with the family until that point. I assume she thought having her mom cook for me would make me change my eating habits. When that didn't work she tried making a scene. That certainly didn't work. So now she's apologizing for everything. I don't think this has as much to do with my dieting as it does with her trying to manipulate me. At least that's the way it seems now.

  11. #51
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    fu_k that, i hate when girls try to manipulate me. unfortuneately for them though, girls have tried to manipulate me in the past, and as a result i never forgot or let it go. now i am very very intollerant of sh_t like that. now when a girl tries to manipulate me, she gets all the built up resentment that i feel for all the manipulation ive been through.

  12. #52
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    Holy sh!t. I just go a text message from her. In it was "I still want you to be my boyfriend. I love you so much...." . Since when did this turn into a real relationship. I have never told a girl I was dating that I love her. I'm freakin out man. The army is sounding better by the second.

  13. #53
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    hit it while you still can bro. youl probably regret it if you dont

  14. #54
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    I don't know if I love this girl or not. It's too soon to say. But she is the first one that I actually miss when I'm not with her. But then I'm leaving for the army in 3 months. Excuse me, I'm just a little shocked. I'm going to go meet her in 2 1/2 hours. Do I break it off now before it gets more serious or do I try and keep the relationship going even though I'll be hundreds of miles away for the next couple of years? I don't like either option to be honest. This sh!t just gets more complicated every minute.

  15. #55
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    Someone............PLEASE................ ..................ME

  16. #56
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    she sounds dangerous...tail isnt an excuse...there are plenty of easy girls out there...

  17. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by NewKid
    she sounds dangerous...tail isnt an excuse...there are plenty of easy girls out there...
    Very true. I need to keep that in mind when I go to see her. But I tend to stop thinking logically when I'm around her. I'll say sh!t like that now, but after 5 minutes with her it'll be

  18. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1buffsob
    Very true. I need to keep that in mind when I go to see her. But I tend to stop thinking logically when I'm around her. I'll say sh!t like that now, but after 5 minutes with her it'll be
    I understand...just do your best...

  19. #59
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    Man you guys gotta meet my ex g/f if you think this stuff is bad.

  20. #60
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    Quote Originally Posted by USfighterFC
    Man you guys gotta meet my ex g/f if you think this stuff is bad.
    I don't think it's "bad" just complicated and a littled FUK'd up. She certainly has some issues but who doesn't. In a week this will only be a memory. But right now I have a decision to make. Hearing everyones' opionions seem to help. Well, not everyones opinions, but most.

  21. #61
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    i hear on that USfighter, !!!! and 1badsob she aint the only thing walking around with a pu$$y just tell her " look im leaving in like 90 days to go to the army there is no way we can be togather "

  22. #62
    Myosin is offline New Member
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    I agree 100%

    Quote Originally Posted by needmorestrength
    well if you want to be single then you did the right thing.. And if you keep making similar choices you'll be single for a long time to come! Lifting isn't everything in life!! Sometimes you have to make a menial sacrifice!

  23. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1buffsob
    I don't think it's "bad" just complicated and a littled FUK'd up. She certainly has some issues but who doesn't. In a week this will only be a memory. But right now I have a decision to make. Hearing everyones' opionions seem to help. Well, not everyones opinions, but most.

    The more i read the more i kinda understand she set you up to eat shitty when she knew you ate healthy...i kinda didnt grasp that. Women......gotta love em

  24. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by steve0
    i hear on that USfighter, !!!! and 1badsob she aint the only thing walking around with a pu$$y just tell her " look im leaving in like 90 days to go to the army there is no way we can be togather "
    I've come to the conclusion this is how it will have to be. I don't see a way for us to be together and I wouldn't ask her to wait 3 years for me to come back. I don't know how she'll take it. Her last text said "I don't want to lose you over something so stupid. You're the best thing to ever come into my life." So now I feel like a huge a$$. An hour and a half before I go to see her.

  25. #65
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    Owww...I hate it when they say things like weakens us...Im not even in your situation and I WANT TO TELL YOU TO KEEP HER! Man...good luck...

  26. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by USfighterFC
    The more i read the more i kinda understand she set you up to eat shitty when she knew you ate healthy...i kinda didnt grasp that. Women......gotta love em
    Yeah, like I said, I think she was trying to see how she rated compared to my personal goals. It just happened to be food in this case. It could have very well been her wanting me to choose between her and something else I care about. Girls always seem to want you to give up something you really care about, as if to prove they are the most important thing to you. The more I think about my previous relationships, the more I realize how common that is. This has just been the first one I ever heard about a chick trying to get her man to quit dieting as apposed to quitting school/friends/sports/etc.

  27. #67
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    Quote Originally Posted by NewKid
    Owww...I hate it when they say things like weakens us...Im not even in your situation and I WANT TO TELL YOU TO KEEP HER! Man...good luck...
    Man, tell me about it. I just have to remember that it's what's best for both of us. If I get back and she wants to hook up again, so be it. If it is really love, then that's how it would work out. But telling her to wait 3 years for me isn't right.

    When we first hooke up I told her I wasn't looking for a girlfriend and that I was leaving for the army. She said that's cool because she didn't want a boyfriend. I don't know how it got this far.

  28. #68
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    Alright, I'm about to head over there. If all goes to plan it will be short and sweet. I'll keep you posted. But if you don't hear from me in at least an hour, pray for me, because one of three things will have happened.

    1. I got soft, told her how much I care about her and that I wanted us to stay together.

    2. She cries, which is my weakness with women, and I'll say anything to make her feel better even if I don't mean it.

    3. Worst case scenario. I go through with my plan to break it off then she ties me to the bed and cuts my pecker off.

    If #3 takes place, then you'll hear about it in tonights news. Wish me luck.

  29. #69
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    I want to hear what happens...

  30. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1buffsob
    Alright, I'm about to head over there. If all goes to plan it will be short and sweet. I'll keep you posted. But if you don't hear from me in at least an hour, pray for me, because one of three things will have happened.

    1. I got soft, told her how much I care about her and that I wanted us to stay together.

    2. She cries, which is my weakness with women, and I'll say anything to make her feel better even if I don't mean it.

    3. Worst case scenario. I go through with my plan to break it off then she ties me to the bed and cuts my pecker off.

    If #3 takes place, then you'll hear about it in tonights news. Wish me luck.
    This is an update for those of you following my pathetic little story commonly reffered to as "my life". Things didn't go excactly as planned.

    Since this has already turned into a freaking movie, I might as well just tell it like a script. This is how it went down.

    Her: Listen (my name), I shouldn't have put you in that position last night. It was stupid and I made it into something that it wasn't. I just always feel bad because your always eating healthy and working out all the time and I feel that I come second to that. I know it means a lot to you, but I think you look great and it bothers me to see you always obsessing about your appearance. But if it really means that much to you then I'll support you. I'll eat how you eat, I'll run and lift with you. I just want us to be able to do it together. That way it won't come between us and I won't feel worthless all the time. I love you (my name), and I don't want anything to come between us. Your the most important thing in my life and I don't want to change you. I just want to know that you love me and that I'm important to you. I'm sorry.

    So now I feel like the scum of the earth. Here is this beutiful intellegent young girl who practically worships the ground I walk on, and I'm about to break her heart. I tell myself I have to do what's best for both of us and proceed to break it off.

    Me: (her name), I really care about you. And I'm not mad at you for what happened last night. I was at first but now I realize you just wanted to know where you stand in my priorities. You do matter to me, and for you to want to do the same things I do just because you want to be with me, it really means a lot. I've never known anyone that was willing to change their way of life just for me. But regardless of last night, the fact is that I'll be leaving in 3 months for the army. I can't ask you to wait for me and I'm not going to put you through it. I think it's best if we just end this now.
    Man I barely got that last sentence out before she started crying hysterically. I didn't know what to say so I just sat there for a minute. I got up to leave and she goes into a "You don't love me. You don't even care for me. Nobody would put someone they care for in this type of situation. I fall in love with you and then you say we should end our relationship" I start to go into how "I didn't mean for this to happen, and that I didn't want to get into a relationship because of the fact I was leaving". She cuts me off saying how that's no excuse, and that if I love her at all that we would be able to make it work. This goes on for about an hour back and forth with me defending saying how it's best for both of us while she keeps saying that she would do anything to stay with me, even if that meant we would be apart for the next 3 years. That she wanted to wait for me and she could never love anyone as much as she loved me.
    Finally it came down to me compromising saying "Let's just take this relationship one day at a time. If you still feel this way before I leave, then I'll stay faithful and we'll stay together."

    That's pretty much the jist of it. I didn't say "I love you" and we didn't have sex although she was pushing for both pretty hard. I still don't know if this solves anything. Actually, I'm pretty sure that after tonight, my ship has sprung a few more holes.
    Hope you have enjoyed the chronicles of 1buffsob. What started out with a girl trying to manipulate her guy (I didn't even realize this was a relationship as of yesterday) turned into full blown soap operah with the man "going off to war" and the girl he left at home.


  31. #71
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    8:54 pm...

    It will be so weird if I hear about you on Fox news...

    ^^^^and nevermind here you are!

  32. #72
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    Shoulda just ate the tasty food and drank whatever sugar filled piss they were serving, smiled, had a nice time with your girl, and made sure you told her afterwards that you werent pleased.

    Gotta have some tact and learn to give a little bit. Itll make your life easier.

    You knew you were gonna cause a fight, so you got what you wanted.

    have fun man. Not your first mistake, not your last.

  33. #73
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    sounds to me this girl is totally insecure, and she is the type that has to have a man in her life or she feels out of place she dosnt know hoe to fend for herslef IMO..

    here are some signs you should look for...

    1- constantly buys you shit, it may be shit you need but mostly it's shit you want..

    2- changes her life style for you, after she realizes your not changing, IMO on this one you are who you are thats what makes you unique and your own person, so dont try to pretend your someone else...

    3-calls you all the time day and night, hates it when you go out wit your boys, she calls you repeated amounts of times when your with your friends, this means she dosnt trust you and she is an exstreamly jealouse person..


  34. #74
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    wow thats a tuff one.... Eat the fried catfish and gain 1/2 pound of water weight and get some a$$, or go home alone and wack off.

  35. #75
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    How about an update...

  36. #76
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    Quote Originally Posted by NewKid
    How about an update...
    Oh hell man..... where to start.

    First let me say that having a "girlfriend" is a lot different than just dating different girls. It has its pros and cons but I like it so far. When problems usually came along between me and a girl, I would just move on and find another one. Can't do that anymore. But it's nice to have someone that you are comfortable with and not worrying about impressing her or worrying about how crazy the broad is. I already know that this one is a little "off" but I kind of like it. Like you said Newkid, "she seems strange...maybe thats why you guys would make a good couple ". She's not as crazy as most and not as boring as some.

    Things are going good for now. Everytime she brings up anything too serious, like me leaving for the army or if I love her or if we'll stay together, I just change the subject. I think she knows I'm avoiding it but doesn't want to push it. Not sure why she hasn't. Maybe she's worried I'll just bounce out. Don't know.

    She has been dieting with me. I didn't put her on any real kind of cutting diet, because I think she really doesn't need to, I just kind of have her eating better. Healthy carbs and fats, more protein, low sugar. She likes it. She was standing naked in the mirror last night for half an hour saying how she could already tell how much better she looks. I picked her up this morning for cardio. While she was getting dressed she asked me how many calories you burn having sex. Needless to say I didn't go running this morning.

    That's pretty much it for the last couple of days. I see some problems coming up in the future, but I'll just have to cross those bridges when I get to them. Her parents happen to be big Broncos fans. So I gave her family my Broncos tickets for yesterday because I couldn't go. 4 tickets. If that doesn't smooth things over, nothing will.

  37. #77
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    I've noticed there are a lot of women who have viewed this thread but very few have responded. Any reason for that? If you ladies would like to come right out and call me an asshole, your more than welcome to. Everyone is welcome to their own opinion, and I'd like to hear it.

  38. #78
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    ummm, i just dont understand man

  39. #79
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    Quote Originally Posted by steve0
    sounds to me this girl is totally insecure, and she is the type that has to have a man in her life or she feels out of place she dosnt know hoe to fend for herslef IMO..

    here are some signs you should look for...

    1- constantly buys you shit, it may be shit you need but mostly it's shit you want..

    2- changes her life style for you, after she realizes your not changing, IMO on this one you are who you are thats what makes you unique and your own person, so dont try to pretend your someone else...

    3-calls you all the time day and night, hates it when you go out wit your boys, she calls you repeated amounts of times when your with your friends, this means she dosnt trust you and she is an exstreamly jealouse person..

    1. She bought me some new running shoes along with a new fossil watch yesterday.

    2. She diets and works out with me now. She also dropped 2 of her classes so she would have more time to spend with me.

    3. She hardly calls me because I'm always with her. I left all my boys back in Oklahoma when I came home. But she texts me non stop while she's at class. There was a couple of H.S. girls staring at me when we were working out today. I could tell it bothered her but she didn't say anything.

    Freaky. With all due respect SteveO, I hope you're wrong.
    Last edited by 1buffsob; 01-23-2006 at 05:58 PM.

  40. #80
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    insecure girls are the best. Just get her to buy stuff. I wish my g/f's were insecure but they were just total bitches who were whores on the side.

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