is a lot like cheating on your diet. First off the two are very similar, marriage and a hardcore diet. Both are long term commitments that both have there positives and negatives. When you cheat on your wife with some hot ass slut or cheat on your diet with some sweet, fat glazed doughnut, it feels great while you are doing it and you dont care what negative effects it might have on you. After it is all said and done and you have had your fair share of that cheap sexy slut, or that good ass chinese buffet, you find yourself guilty and wondering why the **** you did that. Here you have your wife or diet that has been good to you, stood by you, and made you what you are today and you go pull some stupid shit like that. Then the guilt sets in. You start to think damn why did I cheat. I was doing so well. Then you suck it up, go back home to your trusty wife/diet that is always there no matter what. And you start back fresh, UNTIL you are tempted again by some other slut or candy bar and you have another CHEAT DAY!