Had an interview today at work for a Management position and it went well and just 10 minutes ago was officially offered the position. I accepted of course...the only downside is that i am moving into a less technical position as i currently work in the Help Desk. I am strictly doin this for my resume and hope i can use this time to score my MCSE certification.

The pay is roughly $3k more a year so thats not that big of a deal but like i said before i think a management position would only add to my resume at this point especially since i have no intention of staying in this position as i am merely going to be a paper pusher and deal with employee not showing up etc...

I had previously tried to score this position a few months back and got royally screwed by the HR department (made a post about it) basically where they took my resume and app and let it sit on their desk without moving it up the proper channels.

I am gonna be known as the "Tuna Manager" i just know it..