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  1. #1
    msu16366's Avatar
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    Need to erase computer, HELP

    The computer I have been using for the last 2 years is one from my wife's work. She is in the process of a lawsuit with them for sexual harrassment and we have to give the computer back. I dont want to leave anything on here that could lead to trouble. I have downloaded alot of jenna in the past and been to numerous steroid sites.
    Is their a way to erase everything I have done. I dont know what would happen if I gave him back a computer that has been totally erased (no drivers,windows, etc) so I dont want to delete the whole computer if not necessary, but I will if I have to.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    with a wife you shouldn't be looking at pics of jenna anyways man! To clear your harddrive, run all the virus, ad-aware, defragmentation, disk cleanup. That should help clear your internet files. Also, try to delete all your cookies!

    Good Luck,


  3. #3
    crash187ct's Avatar
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  4. #4
    Primetime_Pfeiff's Avatar
    Primetime_Pfeiff is offline New Member
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    i would just back up everything on disk and reformat. there is probably a better way to go about it but this is just an opinion of mine.

  5. #5
    msu16366's Avatar
    msu16366 is offline Member
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    What if I dont have a windows CD, can I still reformat and back up windows thats already on here?

  6. #6
    msu16366's Avatar
    msu16366 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by crash187ct

    If I use this will the computer work after or will I have to reinstall everything.

  7. #7
    bad_man's Avatar
    bad_man is offline Anabolic Member
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    What's a rusty trombone?
    Here are your options in order of preference (i.e. your safety).

    1) Throw the computer in the river
    2) Replace the hard drive with a brand new one (that leaves them with a blank drive with no software).
    3) Use Boot and Nuke (that still leaves them with a blank hard drive with no software)
    4) Use an alternative commercially available "secure disk eraser" software package and hope for the best.

  8. #8
    bad_man's Avatar
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    What's a rusty trombone?
    Quote Originally Posted by msu16366
    If I use this will the computer work after or will I have to reinstall everything.
    You'll have to reinstall everything.

  9. #9
    msu16366's Avatar
    msu16366 is offline Member
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    Thanks guys, I will hold off on using boot and nook until I know for sure I have to give back the PC< just incase I dont have to give it back I dont want to be out a PC>
    Is boot and nook free,

    Couldnt I just restore factory settings,
    On a old PC I accidently hit restore factory settings and everything was gone.

  10. #10
    sp9's Avatar
    sp9 is offline MMA Competition Sentinel
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    A hard drive can be re-formatted several times and the information can still be retrieved by experts. There are tools (maybe that link above) that will many times write information over and over to keep 99% of experts from being able to retreive info. Your best bet is to remove the hard drive. Keep it to put in your next computer or physically destroy it with a sledge hammer. Tell her work that the hard drive went bad an you destroyed it, and they need to buy a new one to replace it.

  11. #11
    Seajackal's Avatar
    Seajackal is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by msu16366
    What if I dont have a windows CD, can I still reformat and back up windows thats already on here?
    If don't have the windows installCD...forget about it. The best would just replace
    the HD and leave the hard work for who will use it or just be honest with your
    wife, just say...I did downloaded some Jenna's porn and if you find some files
    just delete it, simple as that no need to have headaches.

  12. #12
    Iron_Head_101's Avatar
    Iron_Head_101 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Growingpains
    with a wife you shouldn't be looking at pics of jenna anyways man! To clear your harddrive, run all the virus, ad-aware, defragmentation, disk cleanup. That should help clear your internet files. Also, try to delete all your cookies!

    Good Luck,


    There's nothing wrong with being married and still looking at porn....

  13. #13
    crash187ct's Avatar
    crash187ct is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Growingpains
    with a wife you shouldn't be looking at pics of jenna anyways man! To clear your harddrive, run all the virus, ad-aware, defragmentation, disk cleanup. That should help clear your internet files. Also, try to delete all your cookies!

    Good Luck,


    lol funny. data is still left on the HD. there is a geek saying, the only clear HD is a burnt HD. which means if you really really want to destroy data. then you need to incinerate the one you're using. even after you format, data is still left behind...despite what you were taught in computers 101 at your local highschool.

  14. #14
    chinups Guest
    Reformat that BITCH!! Then stick a magent on the hard drive for like 3 days!!!


  15. #15
    IBdmfkr's Avatar
    IBdmfkr is offline AR VET
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    Some of our wives are sitting on our lap while we look at porn
    Others jack off in the dark

  16. #16
    S.P.G's Avatar
    S.P.G is offline AR Workout Scientist
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    BRO, its all about BCWipe use it......

    When you delete sensitive files from a disk on your computer, Windows does
    not erase contents of these files from the disk - it only deletes 'references'
    on these files from filesystem tables. Contents of the deleted file remains
    unchanged on the disk and can be recovered by unerasing tools.

    "Wiping" is a term used to describe a process of file contents or disk space
    shredding. It is impossible to recover any data that has been properly wiped.

    The BCWipe software is intended to give you a confidence that erased files
    cannot be recovered by an intruder. BCWipe functions can be run as
    Shell extension (Explorer context menu) as well as from a command-line prompt.

    BCWipe v.3 is a powerful set of utilities which allows to use US DoD 5200.28-STD
    standard and Peter Gutmann's wiping scheme, as well as create and use you own
    customized wiping scheme to wipe sensitive information from storage devices,
    installed on your computer.

    General BCWipe features

    The BCWipe system provides the following ways to shred contents of deleted

    - Delete with wiping. Using the command, appeared in context menus of
    Windows Explorer window, you can delete and wipe file or folder, as well
    as selected group of them.

    - Wipe free disk space. To completely remove all the traces of the
    earlier deleted files, use this command to wipe free space on the
    disk, where these files were stored.

    - Swap file wiping. BCWipe utility has an optional switch for wiping
    unused portion of Windows Swap File, where the operating system can
    potentially store parts of files, earlier opened by applications.

    - Files slacks wiping. File slack is the disk space from the actual
    end of a file up to end of the last cluster used by that file. You
    can turn on/off file slack wiping before running BCWipe commands.

    - Directory entries wiping. Directory entry is a reserved space on
    a disk, where the filesystem stores names and attributes of files.
    Any file that has been 'deleted' by Windows, can get its name restored
    by unerasing utilities. BCWipe shreds directory entries so that the
    information cannot be recovered.

    - Wiping a whole hard drive. Sometimes it is desirable to avoid leak
    of information when you sell computer or the hard drive, and would not
    like if contents of the disk were read by someone else. The BCWipe system
    includes command-line BCWipePD utility which can be used for all physical
    sectors on disk.

    The following utilities from the BCWipe system allows to control wiping
    process and enhance security of Windows system Swap File:

    - BCWipe Task Manager. The utility allows to configure BCWipe to run
    wiping tasks automatically. You can set a time for running the task,
    as well as special options for the task.

    - Swap File Encrypting utility. Swap File is the Windows system file
    that is used for the virtual memory support, and it can store parts of
    documents, you are working with, in plain form on hard drive. Even
    if an original document is encrypted by some powerful encryption program,
    Windows can put a whole document or part of it to the Swap file in an
    opened form. Encryption keys, passwords, and other sensitive information
    can also be swapped to hard drive. Even if you use all of the security
    advantages of the latest Windows versions, simple investigating of the
    Swap file in DOS mode may allow to extract a lot of interesting information
    from the file. BCWipe allows to encrypt the Swap file contents and prevent
    such a leak in the operating system.

    - Hexademical File Viewer. Using the Viewer you can examine contents of
    file after wiping.The utility is useful for investigating a quality of
    wiping process, for example when you use a custom wiping scheme.
    Last edited by S.P.G; 02-23-2006 at 12:22 PM.

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