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Thread: Melancholy rant

  1. #1
    Kärnfysikern's Avatar
    Kärnfysikern is offline Retired: AR-Hall of Famer
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    Melancholy rant

    Been thinking alot about the high school days lately.

    Shit I cant belive I didnt appriciate that time more. Hell all I had to worry about was eat, lift and grow. No bills, no rent, no responsibility. Lifes simple goal was to grow muscle.
    School was so easy that it was a joke to get good grades. Life was good Especialy the last year when I got my own place and didnt have to deal with my asshole dad.

    I miss those times, the good friends, all the laughs.

    It almost feels as time is passing way to fast right now. Soon 3 years since I graduated from high school, thats ****ing insane!!! Feels like yesterday, I would take a few more years of beeing a iresponsible kid thank you.

    Things is never that simple again I guess? Many say the university time is the best in there life and I sure am happier and more secure now than when I went to high school. But there is so much I miss. Especialy the good friends, the laughs and never having to worry about getting ends to meet financialy. Just seems like its impossible to find new friends as good as those during the high school period.

    In a little over 3 months Im going to switch towns again and move togheter with my girl, so I guess Im just panicking a bit. Dont get me wrong I love her like nothing else and Im realy looking forward to it! But it will be the ultimate step into adulthood.

    How long into your 20's does it take to fully realise your not a late teen anymore

  2. #2
    D7M's Avatar
    D7M is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer (RETIRED)
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    i know what you mean, but after a while you don't even think about that. all you think about is training and all the stress of adult life. If per chance you do get nostalgic, then all those adult stressers come back to take your mind off it:0

  3. #3
    WEBB's Avatar
    WEBB is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    its been 10 years since i graduated and i cant believe it. it has gone by so fast it seems like yesterday and man do i miss it. not care in the world.just having fun and that was all i was concerned about.

  4. #4
    Mizfit's Avatar
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    It's funny for a lot of people when they are younger.. they always seem to wanna grow up.. then when they're older.. u wanna be younger again..

    I never felt like that when i was younger and i don't feel like that now..

    i kinda look forward to the future because i wanna strive for more

  5. #5
    Chookster's Avatar
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    my 20's were a uncertain time but 30's have been great so far. it feels great to be established and see resukts from hard work. youll have many better days and better lays ahead.

  6. #6
    Prada's Avatar
    Prada is offline Anabolic Member
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    I really enjoyed my high school years. I think the keywords you used were, "NO RESPONSIBILITY". Amen to that. I'd go out 3X a week, on my parents subsidized $25/week. Mind you I was 16-17 and not in the US. In europe to buy beer and go out you needed to be 18. All I cared about was clothes and my hair

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by johan
    How long into your 20's does it take to fully realise your not a late teen anymore
    Don't worry Johan, when you hit your mid 30's you start to miss your 20's It never ends!


  8. #8
    Jantzen4k's Avatar
    Jantzen4k is offline Anabolic Nittany Lion
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    i feel same way about college.

    eat, train, sleep.

    good ole days

  9. #9
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    20's are a trip, and around 25/26 u finally let go of the teen thing.

    Once you reach 30, u have no choice but to let it go, because once you progress 2-3 years into your 30's, you really are then able to examine those in their 20's and understand why many of them think like they do.

    Decades change perspective on every aspect of life. Just wait, you'll experience it for yourself.


  10. #10
    63190's Avatar
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    I hated high school. I wasn't a popular kid by any ones standards. I was more likely to go Colimbine on my high school. I don't talk to any one I knew in high school. I don't miss it at all.
    As soon as I was out, I took my twenties pretty serious. I just worked and paid bills. Rarely went out. I didn't start going out on a regular basis until I was 25. Before then, I just hung out at the drag races or circle track.
    Now at 29, I feel like I'm on the out side lookin in again. I like to hang out where late teens and early 20's do; on the live music scene. Lucky for me, my looks hold out and people think I'm in my early 20's. More and more often though, I'm not carded for beer at the corner store.

  11. #11
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    everyone tells me im 25 going on 80 ... IM an old crumudgeon

    Dam young Farts!

  12. #12
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by 63190
    I hated high school. I wasn't a popular kid by any ones standards. I was more likely to go Colimbine on my high school. I don't talk to any one I knew in high school. I don't miss it at all.
    As soon as I was out, I took my twenties pretty serious. I just worked and paid bills. Rarely went out. I didn't start going out on a regular basis until I was 25. Before then, I just hung out at the drag races or circle track.
    Now at 29, I feel like I'm on the out side lookin in again. I like to hang out where late teens and early 20's do; on the live music scene. Lucky for me, my looks hold out and people think I'm in my early 20's. More and more often though, I'm not carded for beer at the corner store.
    ditto i hated my HS kuz it was nothing but RED NECK DRUNKS/DRUGGIES and loosers and i MEAN LOTS it was INSANE!!! i only had 1 class my last 2 yrs so i was like meh.. i might just goto work early today...
    got in the AirForce ASAP to get away from that petty BS and leteveryone grow up while im away.. BUT come back 6yrs later and NOTHING still tards.. goodness gracious i tell you wat

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