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  1. #1
    anaBROLIC's Avatar
    anaBROLIC is offline Only The Strong Survive
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    Doc visit 2day, Very high BP, need bloodwork..HELP

    this is posted in the steroid question forum but id like some help from anyone that has experience or knowledge on this. i think im in trouble..

    OK This may get a little long and i may repost in lounge also as i need advice pretty quickly!

    so i am in the process to apply to a few police depts locally. and one of the first processes needed to be done is to hand in a release from the doctors office saying that i am capable of taking the physical part of the test.

    today i had the appointment to get a physical done and so i went in there. the nurse was a bitch from the start. she took my blood pressure and it was 180/85! i know this is high since i took an emt class. should be around 120/80. she asked me if i am taking any meds or anything that would raise it. i told her no i did say that i just finished working out 45 minutes ago, and i drank a redbull, had my breakfast, shake and creatine. (used creatine as a decoy!)lol.. i told her that i check it myself and i usually sit high around 140/80. all of a sudden she got pretty bitchy and was like theres no way at your age even if you worked out today it would get that high. i said ok. she then starts asking me "are you sure your not taking anything that would cause this"? i said no. i know where she wanted to go with it but i wasnt going to tell her. she hooked me up to an ekg and said there are some inconsistant patterns but its almost normal.

    they want me to have blood work done in the morning. she gave me a sheet to bring so i know what they are testing for. i dont know what they mean tho. so im wondering if any of it is because they are curious for steroids or because its just part of the physical. anyone that is familiar with these please comment.

    electrolyte panel
    hepatic function panel
    lipid panel
    CBC w automated diff
    creatinine, serum
    glucose, serum
    hemoglobin A 1 c
    iron, Serum
    thyroid stim. Hormone
    Urinalysis, Routine
    Urine culture & sensitivity

    i wonder if im screwed. so then at the end she took my bp again and it dropped to 160/80. and i was like ya see its dropping. she then says. its still way to high and it should have dropped more then that. i cannot release you until we figure out what is wrong.

    heres the deal. i go back on monday morning to check to see if my bp drops lower. if i can get it down to about 130ish i am sure i can talk them into agreeing that the day i went i was really active right before the appointment. heres my plan on getting it down. i always take sunday off from the gym so i scheduled the appointment first thing monday morning. so i wont be too active. i have hawthorne at the house and will take a couple of those each day until then to try to lower it. take 2 aspirin right before bed until i go. midday sunday i am going to switch to eating just fruits and vegetables with lots of water until i go.

    what do you guys think? i know im doing it to get the okay on here for the application process but i am aware that if my bp is that high that is my biggest concern that i need to focus on my overall health. i am going to monitor my bp each day and if the hawthorne works i will continue taking while on cycle. today is thurs and i was supposed to inject but im going to wait until after blood work tommarow to do it so that i dont spike any of the blood levels that they are testing.

    any serious advice is appreciated. btw i am 8 weeks into t400, deca cycle.

  2. #2
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    wat are u on?!
    i get that high on tren

    i take blood pressure meds AND I LOVE EM!

  3. #3
    anaBROLIC's Avatar
    anaBROLIC is offline Only The Strong Survive
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    im taking 600mgs test t400 and 425mgs deca a week. but i dont feel any different while my bp is that high. what does the meds do for you?

  4. #4
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by anaBROLIC
    im taking 600mgs test t400 and 425mgs deca a week. but i dont feel any different while my bp is that high. what does the meds do for you?
    well seeing how at one time when on tren i was 180/110.. it helped ALLOT
    i now down to 140/82

  5. #5
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    im taking like 20mg of Lisoprosil or wat ever a day

  6. #6
    anaBROLIC's Avatar
    anaBROLIC is offline Only The Strong Survive
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    bump for info on the bloodwork..just wanna know if those things being tested will show outragous numbers caused by the use of juice and will cause the doctor to say i cannot go on with the physical fitness test.
    Last edited by anaBROLIC; 02-23-2006 at 11:29 PM.

  7. #7
    Polska's Avatar
    Polska is offline Anabolic Member
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    dude lower your dosages!! that systollic is in full blown hypertension zone

  8. #8
    anaBROLIC's Avatar
    anaBROLIC is offline Only The Strong Survive
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    quick update. just got back from my follow up visit. the doc cleared me to move on to take the physical fitness test. my blood pressure had dropped well enough to go on with it. also blood work came back pretty much perfect tho my cholesterol was a bit high. its a hereditary thing tho. i have had slightly high cholesterol for years now. big sigh of relief...

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