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  1. #1
    boarder034's Avatar
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    Pulled over by police

    OKAYYYYY Got a good story for you guys to laugh at. So im driving on my way to class today, and i take a turn, and my door goes wide open, so im like WTF, and i keep trying to close it, and it wont work. So then i look up in my rearview and im getting pulled over, so im like son of a bitch. He walks up and im like "yea door wont close for some reason" and hes like "yea i can see, well thats not why i pulled u over, ur inspections up" and im like "are you fregin serious i just bought this" so hes like "just give me proof of owner ship and ill give you a warning, so im like okay..." So i show him and he looks behind my seat...
    "whats that"
    "oh thats just my suplements for like body building you know"
    "really well can i see them"
    "yea sure here you go" hand it over to him
    "whats it called?" (because i had it in a plastic baggy)
    "ehh winstrol " (**** could have easily said its a multivitamin
    "oh okay well im gonna go back to my car and check this out, ill bb with your warning

    whole time im sitting in my car freaking out about how im gonna claim that i had no idea it was a steroid , got it from a friend, blah blah...

    he comes back with everything in his hand "well i gave a call to your folks and she said your into lifting so i guess this is just a suplement, you just gotta understand what blue pills in a plastic baggy look like"

    "oh no sir i understand"

    "heres ur inspection warning"

    Thank god...

  2. #2
    boarder034's Avatar
    boarder034 is offline Member
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    well i thought u might find it funny lol

  3. #3
    damiongage's Avatar
    damiongage is offline Anabolic Member
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    good excuse...."It's Winstrol ".....At least there would be no obstruction charge.

    ps. How old are you??? Police called your mommy???

  4. #4
    Pooks's Avatar
    Pooks is offline Anabolic Member
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    u get that door fixed?

  5. #5
    scriptfactory's Avatar
    scriptfactory is offline Anabolic Member
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    You got REALLY lucky. Wow.

    Quote Originally Posted by damiongage
    good excuse...."It's Winstrol ".....At least there would be no obstruction charge.

    ps. How old are you??? Police called your mommy???
    For real. I find it funny that the cop had to call your mom to verify you were into bodybuilding. You must be small! j/k

  6. #6
    scriptfactory's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pooks
    u get that door fixed?
    Is that Rampage Jackson in your avatar?

  7. #7
    bustedbusted is offline Junior Member
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    hide ur gear

  8. #8
    Pooks's Avatar
    Pooks is offline Anabolic Member
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    Rampage Jackson LOL WTF? no. Its Oprah

    Just did some research on Rampage Jackson.. he woudl be a cool avatar.

  9. #9
    boarder034's Avatar
    boarder034 is offline Member
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    OPRAH lol, barry bonds guys lol...

    Well i still live at home so i went to him "can i give my mom a call while you write that" and hes like "oh u still live at home, well let me get her number"... so i was kinda saved... but now my mom knows what i take, cause she made me fess up lol

    Yea i got the door fixed, he drove off, and it went "click" i was like "you mother F*cker

    And to be honest with you, arnold would look small in my car, its about 3 inches off the ground, makes a miata, look like a hummer.. lol

  10. #10
    BOUNCER is offline Retired Vet
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    I'd a funny one with a cop recetnly too.

    It was just after 3am and I'm doing just over 130mph on the highway, nothing ahead of me only a truck about 1 mile ahead. So I keep the boot down. As soon as a pass the truck there's a police car, he clocks me and comes screaming after...

    I break like a bitch and get out of the car to walk up to him. I hate the fvckers walking to me. But the clothes I'm wearing this night look like a cops. Everyone in work was saying I looked like an off duty cop.

    I walk up to the cop, he eyes me up and down and asks "are you in a hurry?".. "Yea, I'm just on the way home from work and wasn't watching my speed" I say. Again he looks me up and down and says "Ah, your in the job, go ahead buddy".....

    I walked back to my car, sit in and my heart is almost exploding. At 130+mph here in Ireland I'd have lost my licence for 12 months. I can't believe I'm getting away with this. So I'm sitting there, heart racing, he pulls out around me blows his horn and gives me a wave!..


  11. #11
    boarder034's Avatar
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    my dad was a cop in oakland, so i have the police stickers on mine and my parents cars, so usually things go well lol they go "oh well just slow down"

  12. #12
    MotoXracer's Avatar
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    I got a good one, this happened to my friend.

    So my friend has to go onto an Army base for some classes he was taking about chemicle clean ups. When he gets to the gate, it has a bomb sniffing dog and the whole 9 yards. So he gets to the gate and the Guard at the gate asks him to pop his trunk and his hood for a quick search. So they look into his trunk and see his gym bag. They open it up and see two clear plastic bags, one had creatine in it, the other had protien shake mix. My friend told them what it was but this was right around the time of the antrax scare so as soon as they saw those bags they tripped the alarm.

    They had 6 armed guards watching my friend, helicopters flying over head and the shut the base completely down. They called in a team of guys wearing the full biohazard protection suits who had to come over and test the two powders.

    They found out what it really was and let him go on his way like nothing happened. When they were letting him go, they told him that they believed what he said it was, it's just that they have to follow their orders and couldn't just take his word for it.

  13. #13
    Anabolios's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pooks
    Rampage Jackson LOL WTF? no. Its Oprah

    Just did some research on Rampage Jackson.. he woudl be a cool avatar.
    hahaha i was just out to eat at a steak house and i seen that same freak in your avatar on tv there...wat a ****bag reminds me of a stocky rodman haha

  14. #14
    boarder034's Avatar
    boarder034 is offline Member
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    Does anyone not realize thats barry bonds?

  15. #15
    scriptfactory's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pooks
    Rampage Jackson LOL WTF? no. Its Oprah

    Just did some research on Rampage Jackson.. he woudl be a cool avatar.
    No, really. Who the heck is that?! I'm really curious because I say a Quinton "Rampage" Jackson video where he was dressed up in a wig hitting on Japanese girls and he looked a lot like that.

  16. #16
    scriptfactory's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by boarder034
    Does anyone not realize thats barry bonds?
    Is it really? Haha! That's great.

    Edit: Hahahahahahahahaha!

  17. #17
    boarder034's Avatar
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    its his last year... he said "he wants to lighten up"

    and by lighten up he wants tits?? Hmm guess next time my gf flips on me ill tell her to lighten up like barry and get a boob job

  18. #18
    diezell's Avatar
    diezell is offline Senior Member
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    lmao wow, thats damn luck bouncer haha

  19. #19
    copenhagen's Avatar
    copenhagen is offline Member
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    funny stories.....most people are so ignorant when it comes to steroids . that cop prolly took a few thinking it was viagra!!

  20. #20
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    wow carrying AAS in a baggy in ur car in open view
    ur one sharp cat..

  21. #21
    Wrath's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by scriptfactory

    For real. I find it funny that the cop had to call your mom to verify you were into bodybuilding. You must be small! j/k

  22. #22
    boarder034's Avatar
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    it actually was odd that it was that way, my back seat has compartments, and i usually keep it in there, but my friend was looking at it last night, thats why the compartment wasnt closed...

  23. #23
    BeerBaron's Avatar
    BeerBaron is offline Senior Member
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    there is no reason to take aas out of your house.

  24. #24
    boarder034's Avatar
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    There is when you still have a momma duece that LOVEs to go "oh i was just cleaning and i found..."

  25. #25
    BeerBaron's Avatar
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    dude there are a million places you can hide shit. to name a few: dvd case if its just winny pills, cut a small slit under the boxspring of your bed, inside of a sock in your sock drawer, inside your computer tower, or just do like me and buy a ****in safe.

  26. #26
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    i have my very own special AAS drawer.. but now it has to be expanded to 2 drawers

  27. #27
    boarder034's Avatar
    boarder034 is offline Member
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    2 drawers i wish lol, i wanted a safe cause i read somewhere that it was a good thing, but then i shit you not my mom( the day i go to go get one) says to me...

    "yea ur cuz just got caught with pot in a safe, his mom wanted him to open it up, he refused, she finally had *** bust it open for her and found wat it was"

    "oh well he'll learn...." (FU_CK)

  28. #28
    BeerBaron's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    i have my very own special AAS drawer.. but now it has to be expanded to 2 drawers
    lmao tai you juice head!

  29. #29
    Animal Cracker's Avatar
    Animal Cracker is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by scriptfactory
    You got REALLY lucky. Wow.

    For real. I find it funny that the cop had to call your mom to verify you were into bodybuilding. You must be small! j/k

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