I've realized that i need to eat an average of 3,800 calories a day to maintain my bodyweight. This morning the scale said 196 pounds at 5'11". Before my last cycle i was 190 lbs approximately, and did not gain any bodyfat. I ate an average of 4,300 calories a day and gained six pounds in about 11 weeks. I've been steady at the same weight for a few weeks now

I am wondering why i have to eat this much to stay at the same weight? Because when i check my BMR, it says it is about 2100 calories a day, with moderate activity, that calculates to about 3,000 calories a day (moderate because i don't workout each day)

so it seems my actual calorie needs to stay at the same weight are like 800 calories more per day than what these 'calculators' say. I am wondering why this is the case- it seems odd, based on these calculations