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  1. #1
    fitguy is offline Anabolic Member
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    reason behind banning ross

    some say that its history ,some say he scams people,but actually no one knew the truth so moderatots please elaborate cause i cant think of anything that he did that is worth banning ,i am not a fan of his and i am not a believer of his theories and thoughts but i just like to hear new ideas , to believe and follow some ones beliefs its my decision in the end and nothing will influence that...
    ps : big kig i didnt say that the ar vets are useless ,cause if i believe so i wouldnt be here in the 1st place ,its just that i cant find the reason behind banning the guy and i am thinking that the ar vets wouldnt like to have somone with conflicting ideas and a lot of followers, thats the only reason i can think of no more ..i dont give a **** if he is banned or not just wanna know the reason ...peace

  2. #2
    ianchov's Avatar
    ianchov is offline Associate Member
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    do you think the STEROID FORUM is the place for your thread?

    Or you just make yout thread calculator bigger..

    If you have such a question PM some mods then...

  3. #3
    fitguy is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ianchov
    do you think the STEROID FORUM is the place for your thread?

    Or you just make yout thread calculator bigger..

    If you have such a question PM some mods then...
    i didnt know where to post this thread and no i dont want to increase my thread count ,thats not my aim from posting this ..peace

  4. #4
    goose is offline Banned
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    The crazy thing is if I Owned this place and hated this guy,I would still have him as a member,no one will ever match his talent to bring traffic like this guy.He has his gay fans,but he would be a huge bussiness asset to this place.

  5. #5
    ITripMidgets is offline Junior Member
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    who is he or what is he that makes him have so many fans? What are his different ideas that everyone talks about? Give me some info on the guy cause I don't know him from Adam but I would like to.

  6. #6
    BajanBastard is offline VET Retired
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    You really believe Ross was banned because he had 'conflicting ideas' with the board? And what 'new ideas' has Ross brought up that were never discussed here? I'm not dissing Ross, i remember him when he posted under the name The mind of Ross, and far as i can remember he was a cool dude who liked to think outside the box. He was banned during a time i was inactive on this forum so i don't know exactly as to why he was banned but people here are banned for a good reason. I asked why he was banned and was told Ross is a scammer, i don't know how accurate that is.

    You're a nothing but a fanboy really, someone posts something ‘new’ and guys like you are all over their nuts and then you the gall to say the staff here banned Ross because we were somehow jealous of his great ideas?

  7. #7
    fitguy is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by goose4
    The crazy thing is if I Owned this place and hated this guy,I would still have him as a member,no one will ever match his talent to bring traffic like this guy.He has his gay fans,but he would be a huge bussiness asset to this place.
    i am not a fan of his at all...heheheh its just that i dont like to be banned for a shitty reason and i dont like other memebers as well to be banned for a small reason and seems that he did something wrong and i am curious to know what did he do ,,thats all

  8. #8
    fitguy is offline Anabolic Member
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    You're a nothing but a fanboy really, someone posts something ‘new’ and guys like you are all over their nuts and then you the gall to say the staff here banned Ross because we were somehow jealous of his great ideas?[/QUOTE]
    seems that you didnt read my first post ,i dont give a **** about his ideas ,about him nor do i believe in his theories ..i didnt say that he has brilliant ideas or that the board is jealous of him ,did i ??

  9. #9
    BG's Avatar
    BG is offline The Real Deal - AR-Platinum Elite- Hall of Famer
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    +You guys have no idea, he started shit with evry MOD almost, was proven wrong time and time again by Hooker. He was against test, he would always reply in every thread about the dangers of test, its side effects ect,ect, then uses it and loves it! He used to push oral only cycles which we all know are very toxic on the liver and it was also said he scammed people out of $$$ getting then to PM him about cycle info, then he would tell them he would send them orals then nothing came of it. All said and done he is the classic DOUCHE BAG !

  10. #10
    fitguy is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigGuns101
    +You guys have no idea, he started shit with evry MOD almost, was proven wrong time and time again by Hooker. He was against test, he would always reply in every thread about the dangers of test, its side effects ect,ect, then uses it and loves it! He used to push oral only cycles which we all know are very toxic on the liver and it was also said he scammed people out of $$$ getting then to PM him about cycle info, then he would tell them he would send them orals then nothing came of it. All said and done he is the classic DOUCHE BAG !
    thats what i was looking for ,the reason ,now he deserves to be banned ..peace

  11. #11
    BG's Avatar
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    SO to all you newbies, dont be so fast to jump on his jock, he feeds off of you guys.

  12. #12
    goose is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigGuns101
    +You guys have no idea, he started shit with evry MOD almost, was proven wrong time and time again by Hooker. He was against test, he would always reply in every thread about the dangers of test, its side effects ect,ect, then uses it and loves it! He used to push oral only cycles which we all know are very toxic on the liver and it was also said he scammed people out of $$$ getting then to PM him about cycle info, then he would tell them he would send them orals then nothing came of it. All said and done he is the classic DOUCHE BAG !

    I got to start using this term `DOUCHE BAG` Is this a new york thing?

  13. #13
    BG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by goose4
    I got to start using this term `DOUCHE BAG` Is this a new york thing?
    Pretty much

  14. #14
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by goose4
    I got to start using this term `DOUCHE BAG` Is this a new york thing?

  15. #15
    RA's Avatar
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    At the time he had done a couple cycles and automatically assumed he knew more than everyone else. Its not his ideas that got him banned its his tude. It would be nice to have him around if he wasn't such a dipshit.

    Or maybe Im totally wrong, maybe he was a scammer...

  16. #16
    BG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by roidattack
    At the time he had done a couple cycles and automatically assumed he knew more than everyone else. Its not his ideas that got him banned its his tude. It would be nice to have him around if he wasn't such a dipshit.

    Or maybe Im totally wrong, maybe he was a scammer...
    Im not totally positive but I heard another foruum had alot of trouble with him scamming.

  17. #17
    BajanBastard is offline VET Retired
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    Quote Originally Posted by fitguy
    seems that you didnt read my first post ,i dont give a **** about his ideas ,about him nor do i believe in his theories ..i didnt say that he has brilliant ideas or that the board is jealous of him ,did i ??
    Oh i'm sorry, did you miss it the first time?

    Quote Originally Posted by fitguy
    actually i dont find a good reason to ban you ross,you aint dangerous to the board members at least you have some experience unless some other guys like tank 2005 who gives advice and he is still a newbie ,you can say your theories as you want but to follow it or not ,its our decision to take...
    ps ; i am thinking that you maybe dangerous to the vets not the members ,just my thought...peace
    I even made it extra blue and extra big so you don't miss it this time.

  18. #18
    Spyder's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by big k.l.g
    You really believe Ross was banned because he had 'conflicting ideas' with the board? And what 'new ideas' has Ross brought up that were never discussed here? I'm not dissing Ross, i remember him when he posted under the name The mind of Ross, and far as i can remember he was a cool dude who liked to think outside the box. He was banned during a time i was inactive on this forum so i don't know exactly as to why he was banned but people here are banned for a good reason. I asked why he was banned and was told Ross is a scammer, i don't know how accurate that is.

    You're a nothing but a fanboy really, someone posts something ‘new’ and guys like you are all over their nuts and then you the gall to say the staff here banned Ross because we were somehow jealous of his great ideas?
    I remember reading some of his posts, the guy seems out of his mind.
    By the way big k.l.g, Halo 3 looks insane doesn't it?

  19. #19
    BajanBastard is offline VET Retired
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    Quote Originally Posted by Spyder
    I remember reading some of his posts, the guy seems out of his mind.
    Ross had a strong opinion about his AAS use, IMO nothing wrong with that as long as you can back it up, i do remember he being an asshole sometimes but on the other hand we all are at one point or the other.

    Quote Originally Posted by Spyder
    By the way big k.l.g, Halo 3 looks insane doesn't it?
    Don't get me started

  20. #20
    cfiler's Avatar
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    When I joined, there were afew reports from members on here listing him as a scammer.

    I don't know who banned him, but BDTR, Powerlifterjay, and other mods/vets used to get so much flac from him. He was VERY cocky, and had worse advise than Mr.Snake.

  21. #21
    Spyder's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cfiler
    When I joined, there were afew reports from members on here listing him as a scammer.

    I don't know who banned him, but BDTR, Powerlifterjay, and other mods/vets used to get so much flac from him. He was VERY cocky, and had worse advise than Mr.Snake.
    I've been hearing the same thing, there has to be atleast some truth to it. Scamming someone out of their hard earned money is a sick thing to do and should not only be banned but also have their heads knocked in, thats if their proven guilty ofcourse. I trust the mods in this place, when someone is banned you can be sure it is for good reason.

  22. #22
    diezell's Avatar
    diezell is offline Senior Member
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    ross is just a cocky idiot he belongs being banned, i know i wont miss him

  23. #23
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    F_ucken Two Bitches
    ......who cares?

  24. #24
    Samson7's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ~fuelforfire~
    ......who cares?

    TRUE!!! Whats done is done. I didnt have a problem with him but i didnt know him or his passed. There is nothing anyone here can do about it, and more importantly who cares. He was just another member who was banned. When other members get banned I dont see everyone asking questions, whats the difference?

  25. #25
    Maetenloch's Avatar
    Maetenloch is offline Associate Member
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    Before you take anything Ross has to say seriously, take a look at his history here -

    Here a few threads in which Ross claims that test is dangerous and unnecessary in cycles:
    *How Deca KILLED Test: The MYTH of TESTOSTERONE Necessity!*
    Why NOT to take TEST in every cycle

    and then he reappears, promoting test prop as the ultimate AAS:

    **Testosterone PROPIONATE: The ULTIMATE Testosterone!**

    Furthermore he tends to make exaggerated, misleading, or outright false claims in his posts. He's dogmatic in his beliefs and leaves no room for doubt on his pronouncements (right up until he changes his own mind). Plus he posts in all caps with gratuitous exclamation marks - a prime indicator of kookiness in general.

  26. #26
    BajanBastard is offline VET Retired
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    Oh God

  27. #27
    thegodfather's Avatar
    thegodfather is offline Dulce bellum inexpertis
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maetenloch
    Before you take anything Ross has to say seriously, take a look at his history here -

    Here a few threads in which Ross claims that test is dangerous and unnecessary in cycles:
    *How Deca KILLED Test: The MYTH of TESTOSTERONE Necessity!*
    Why NOT to take TEST in every cycle

    and then he reappears, promoting test prop as the ultimate AAS:

    **Testosterone PROPIONATE: The ULTIMATE Testosterone!**

    Furthermore he tends to make exaggerated, misleading, or outright false claims in his posts. He's dogmatic in his beliefs and leaves no room for doubt on his pronouncements (right up until he changes his own mind). Plus he posts in all caps with gratuitous exclamation marks - a prime indicator of kookiness in general.
    This is correct. And to touch on my knowledge with 'the mind of Ross'... The above outrageous claims were made by Ross and he CLAIMED to have tons of lab data and blood work to back up his proposterous or 'out of the box' ideas, but after being prompted to post them he never came through, a pretty good indicator that the guy was full of shit. Yes, he has been called out before for giving DANGEROUS advice, if you are going to PROMOTE (which goes much further then simply proposing an idea) ideas which go against the status quo you ought to have the information/research/lab reports/blood work/etc, to back up your claims, prove its validity, and show that its safe to do.

    ALL of that aside...He was banned for a reason, he has an opportunity to APPEAL that banishment with systemadmin, so if he hasn't done so, then the reason for his initial banishment doesn't ****ing matter, the mods have the obligation to ban him outright regardless of the previous reason. If he scammed even ONE person, then cya later!

  28. #28
    thegodfather's Avatar
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    Also refer to this...

    Quote Originally Posted by Warrior
    For a little clarity...

    :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

    The Official AnabolicReview Guide to Being Banned.

    The goal here is not to maintain some kind of secret fight club. The goal is to have as many constructive members as possible talking about fitness and ergogenics. We don't feel a suspension or banning as some kind of sadistic victory - usually it is quite the opposite of our intent. But you will be kicked out the back door
    if you prove to be a liability to contructive conversation or the board's success in general.

    I. How do I know if I have been banned?
    Posting privileges are revoked and a message is delivered when attempting to post threads and/or replies.

    III. Is it temporary?
    Onced banned - always banned. Attempts to register a new username will eventually be met with another banning. Why be a part of a community that keeps kicking you off? There are plenty of other boards to go to... find them. Trying to upset the constructive online members on AR will only be met with other inside tactics and possible bannings from other communities... there are other forum administrators on AR - don't completely burn out your online presense by being a pest here.

    VI. How do you get banned?
    Read the
    Rules, Guidelines, Policies, and WARNINGS!!! thread.

    X. Good advice and member heatlh.
    Suspensions or bannings may be a result of harmful or dangerous advice - d[COLOR=black][SIZE=3][SIZE=2]ue to the health risks involved in a physical fitness program and/or the use of performance enahancing drugs. If a pattern is reported and observed - we reserve the right to ban/suspend an account for the general safety of our members. Revolutionary ideas are welcome, but please be prepared to back them up with studies or place a disclaimer in your posts.

    :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

  29. #29
    topvega's Avatar
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    Back from the dead.....
    I don't miss staying up till 4 in the morning posting in his off the wall threads... He was definetley entertaining.. a guy u love to hate... but he was banned quite awhile ago and he showed his lack of respect for the peeps who are in charge of running the board by continually signing back up under different names and stirring shit up again and again.... He is like the travelling circus who comes to town every now and then, makes u laugh then gets run out of town....

  30. #30
    *Narkissos*'s Avatar
    *Narkissos* is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather
    Also refer to this...

    Moving this thread to the lounge... where all Ross fan Mail should go


  31. #31
    C_Bino's Avatar
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    The stupidest thing about the guy is how he says he INVENTED certain stacks. What a fool, and he calls them dianaviron, or turinavar etc. Ya like no one has ever stacked t-bol and var before, yet he claims he invented it? My good god, if anyone actually believes this crap they are just as stupid as he is. How can you invent a stack, its called buying two steroids and using them together, how do you INVENT that?

    That is the real part that pisses me off, other than that I mean the guy has some intelligence and has done a fair amount of research but w/e.

  32. #32
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    He comes here to purposely stir up shit, and that is something that we used to think but that we now know with the 17 different sign-in names that he has created.

    We usually classify that as OCD.

    Obsessive Compulsive Dickhead.


  33. #33
    BajanBastard is offline VET Retired
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  34. #34
    Join Date
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    F_ucken Two Bitches
    Quote Originally Posted by SwoleCat
    He comes here to purposely stir up shit, and that is something that we used to think but that we now know with the 17 different sign-in names that he has created.

    We usually classify that as OCD.

    Obsessive Compulsive Dickhead.


  35. #35
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    i thought he was bannd for posting pics of his jewish bush?
    THANK GOD I never saw them kuz by the time i entered the thread they were removed...

    GO AHEAD make ur gay jokes u know u want to><

  36. #36
    zimmy's Avatar
    zimmy is offline Anabolic Member
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    i heard he was banned for making threads asking why other people were banned :P

  37. #37
    juiceboxxx's Avatar
    juiceboxxx is offline Banned
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    maybe the guy who started this thread is ross

    lol jkk bro dont snap now

  38. #38
    Carlos_E's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by goose4
    I got to start using this term `DOUCHE BAG` Is this a new york thing?
    Yes. I use it to.
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  39. #39
    Mizfit's Avatar
    Mizfit is offline Banned
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    For the record.. the term douch bag From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    technical term- A douche bag is a piece of equipment for douching: a bag for holding the water or fluid used in douching (the word can also be used as a verb)

    Slang - Terms such as douchebag, d-bag, douche nozzle, douche cake, bag of douche, giant douche, and just plain douche are popular derogatory terms of insult or ridicule in North America and Australia. Example: "Dude, you are such a douchebag." Or, "Man, that chick is such a douche."

  40. #40
    Mizfit's Avatar
    Mizfit is offline Banned
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    I've been hearing and using douch bag for a long time.. (toronto)

    Use it to refer to hoes -women who are promiscuos for those less familar with a hoe person rather than a hoe gardening tool.

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