This is directed at the GOLD's Corp in Austin...

I go to most of the gyms in my home town. And after GOLD came in and kinda monopolized I've seen good trainers seemingly forced out or fired. They have these close outs and give no incentive to trainers to really do what they love. The employees in Austin virtually have no HR support and are moved and transferred, fired like puppets.

I almost cant stand to train in any of them that are corp... you know the minute you walk in... Heaven forbid its some kinda close out period, end of month where the trainers are forced to sell with very little incentive, pressuring their clients to sign up for more training, sale, sale,sale!!!!. In the Corporate world I have always seen sales men and women do well and make more for their company when they have beneficial incentives directly correlated with performance... these men and women trainers get paid crap compared to the corp take, they have no or crap insurance and no HR support...(This is what I know of in Austin)

I wish there were a privately own Golds in Austin... I personally have a great year contract with Golds because I got a slamin deal with the Worlds before they got bought out... Its just seeing good people get knocked around chaps me...
There I feel better already

There has to be some Golds Employees here???? tell them