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  1. #1 is offline Junior Member
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    not were I want to be,YET

    Thumbs down Everyone turns into an expert

    Don t know if im the only one who s noticed this but why is it when people start to see a change in your phsique wether it be fat loss or an increase in muscle size they suddenly become an expert on how you should train.
    Now don t get me wrong i love useful advice and would openly ask people who have phsique s that are good about routine diet ext. BUT when some 40 lb over weight prick is telling me how i should be doing my cardio or 110 lb bloke is telling me how to lift weights it takes the piss.


    My brother is back from uni and wanted to start training so i got him doing the same weight training routine as me, four nights a week diff body parts per night cept fri when arms and legs are done together. upper body 8 reps sets of 4/5 lower body sets of 12 of 5/6 sets. now hes making better strenth and weight gains than me because he hasnt trained before and he s following the clean bulking diet of this site( Im also only eating 1500 cals a day trying to get rid of my last 8lb of body fat) He goes into to work now its apparent he s putting on muscle so him and his boss get talking about weights. He then preceads to tell my brother that he should be doing reps of 20 on his whole body and the only way he ll gain off 8 reps is if he uses steroids .
    So my bro comes home and tells me after i laugh my ass of i think hold on maybe this guy is a former body building champ with a secret that no body builder before has managed to find out. maybe this guy will make make trillions from his body building secrets. Well nope he s another 40 lb over weight man whos only time near a gym i imagine was driving past it on the way to the shop to get some pies. BUT i have another non weight lifter who has become an EXPERT.

  2. #2
    Timm1704's Avatar
    Timm1704 is offline Anabolic Member
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    lol tell me about it. "the key to sheer size is pushups with your knuckles to the floor" eh? no weights?

  3. #3 is offline Junior Member
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    not were I want to be,YET
    lol yea had that one as well, what about the "if you want to lose weight do 500 sit ups a day you ll have a six pack in no time" Fvcking hernia more like.

  4. #4
    Timm1704's Avatar
    Timm1704 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by
    lol yea had that one as well, what about the "if you want to lose weight do 500 sit ups a day you ll have a six pack in no time" Fvcking hernia more like.

  5. #5
    stee is offline Member
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  6. #6
    G-Force's Avatar
    G-Force is offline Anabolic Member
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    i get this from the people that work at my gym - they think they no it all cos they have done some course and they tell me shit like

    "u shouldnt do leg extensions before squats cos it will ruin your balance" (erm f*ck off - i'm not a balariner - i wana squat heavy without my quads being ripped apart thanks)

    or - "you will build more muscle with pushups than bench press"
    hmmm yeah ok and all this advice from so some 150lb scrawny kid

    and what is it with all this balancing exercises? i have seen people doin the most ridiculous things under the PT's supervision...

    doin one legged squats with 5lb dumbells while simultaneously doing a one arm shoulder press is not gonna build u muscle

  7. #7 is offline Junior Member
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    doin one legged squats with 5lb dumbells while simultaneously doing a one arm shoulder press is not gonna build u muscle[/QUOTE]

    lol, That would be some funny lookin shit

  8. #8 is offline Junior Member
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    not were I want to be,YET
    sorry to bump my own thread, I would like to see some more examples of what dumb advice people have had.

  9. #9
    anaBROLIC's Avatar
    anaBROLIC is offline Only The Strong Survive
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    i dont get many people trying to tlel me how to train. i do get alot of guys from the gym, work or even on the street that ask me for tips and how to either get their arms bigger(because its my best feature) or what they should take(cuz they think i do it overnight) to get bigger.

  10. #10
    Panzerfaust's Avatar
    Panzerfaust is offline Ron Paul Nuthugger
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    I heard this from a guy i worked with:

    Do this machine (Ab Cruncher thingy) and you will lose weight cause you won't want to eat after doing it.

  11. #11
    scriptfactory's Avatar
    scriptfactory is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by muriloninja
    I heard this from a guy i worked with:

    Do this machine (Ab Cruncher thingy) and you will lose weight cause you won't want to eat after doing it.
    No way!

  12. #12
    cfiler's Avatar
    cfiler is offline Anabolic Member
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    I've heard "Cardio longer than 20minutes is hard on your heart. You could have a heart attack." From a 60lb overweight guy, who slowly used a stationary bike, while reading, and eating a protien bar.

  13. #13
    Liftnainez's Avatar
    Liftnainez is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by cfiler
    I've heard "Cardio longer than 20minutes is hard on your heart. You could have a heart attack." From a 60lb overweight guy, who slowly used a stationary bike, while reading, and eating a protien bar.

  14. #14
    G-Force's Avatar
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    why do people use energy/carb drinks while doin cardio?

    it negates the point of doin cardio in the first place - unless your training for the marathon

  15. #15
    *Narkissos*'s Avatar
    *Narkissos* is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by G-Force
    why do people use energy/carb drinks while doin cardio?

    it negates the point of doin cardio in the first place - unless your training for the marathon
    The people in your gym do cardio?

    I thought the treadmill and stuff were places to hang out with my crew and shoot the shit?

  16. #16
    G-Force's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Narkissos
    The people in your gym do cardio?

    I thought the treadmill and stuff were places to hang out with my crew and shoot the shit?
    well the girl do - and the blokes just walk around perving on them

  17. #17 is offline Junior Member
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    not were I want to be,YET
    I could not make this shit up. Talking to my bro this morning bout posting this thread on here to do with what his boss told him bout training. My bro then starts to tell me bout his bosses miracle weight loss program. Now the boss has lost 12lb on this so far so hear we go, "wetabix for breakfast, wetabix for lunch and its great cause their is so few calories I can have a chinease every night and still lose weight" WTF

  18. #18 is offline Junior Member
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    not were I want to be,YET
    now thats a well ballanced diet.

  19. #19
    sooners04's Avatar
    sooners04 is offline Senior Member
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    My girlfriend hates my diet and constantly argues with me that if I eat three "Normal" meals a day I will look the same as I do right now. I can't get it through her head that the ONLY reason I look this way is because I eat the way I do. Damn my heart rate is accelerating just thinking about her lack of logic on the subject.

  20. #20
    bor's Avatar
    bor is offline D-bol Poppin'
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    Quote Originally Posted by sooners04
    My girlfriend hates my diet and constantly argues with me that if I eat three "Normal" meals a day I will look the same as I do right now. I can't get it through her head that the ONLY reason I look this way is because I eat the way I do. Damn my heart rate is accelerating just thinking about her lack of logic on the subject.
    Oh don't even get me started on that

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