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  1. #1
    Alpha-Male's Avatar
    Alpha-Male is offline Senior Member
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    feeling MIGHT-E small....

    well, here's my sob story...

    just had (well, about 8 months ago) about half of my L5-S1 disc cut out...bad herniation, couldn't walk, or barely move for that matter, no potty, no nothing, so rushed to the hospital and crunch, whack, snip, here i am, eight months later, down to 220 from about 255, and i just can't seem to find the motivation...i look around at all the big boys, the guys squattin' and deadliftin' and poundin' out the heavy shit, and there i sit, on the Hammer Strenth machines (not even the plate loaded ones), crankin' out 15 reps or's so friggin' depressing...

    i mean, i ran a little run, just to give me some motivation, if nothing else, and still, because i simply cannot go heavy on damn near anything anymore, it just wasn't the same...i mean, i started my diet, getting nice and lean, doing my walking nearly every a.m., but f'n-a man...i don't want this stupid swimmer's body!!!! no offense...

    anyhow, i realize it's much more practical for me to maintain a lighter load now, so as i don't end up with a fusion and then completely take myself out of the game, but it's just sucking the life outta me...working out hard since the age of 12 for football, bodybuilding seriously for the past 13 years, damnit man, it's just what i do...and now, i'm only 30, and i feel like i'm twice that, hell, my wife's dad is that age and he gets around better than i do...

    could use some encouragement, like "it's okay, it's not that important to be big", but i'm probably on the wrong board for that eh? it's cool, i just wanted to vent a bit...i'm feeling better though, at this lighter weight, and was even considering going as low as 210 or so (i'm 6'1" btw), and i suppose if i could drop to 5 or 6% that might not look that bad...but damn, i wanna be big...(anyone know where i could find that machine, you know, where you drop the quarter into the Swami's, nvm)...thanks fer listening...

  2. #2
    Kärnfysikern's Avatar
    Kärnfysikern is offline Retired: AR-Hall of Famer
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    Scotty, beam me up
    is heavy squats and deads out of the picture for good ??

    what about heavy upper body exercises?

  3. #3
    DutchCowboy's Avatar
    DutchCowboy is offline Associate Member
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    Just kidding buddy. Look at it this way, you know how many people would do anything just to reach 200 pounds?


    oh, and waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah

  4. #4
    Alpha-Male's Avatar
    Alpha-Male is offline Senior Member
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    man, r u serious? so totally out it's not even funny...dude, i'm missing half my l5-s1 disc, and my l4-l5 is deteriorating at a steady pace...i have degerative disc disease, genetic bullshit...i've started going fairly heavy on some exercises, mostly seated or lying stuff, when i have a good back support (something flat)...but it's weird, couple weeks, i feel great, then i push it a bit, and couple weeks, i feel 80 years old...just kicked the 10 vicodin and 10 soma a day habit, had that runnin' strong nearly 8 about withdrawals dude, it was the hardest thing i've had to do in my life...three weeks and all i take are some anti-inflammatories as needed...

  5. #5
    Alpha-Male's Avatar
    Alpha-Male is offline Senior Member
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    Houston, Texas
    Quote Originally Posted by DutchCowboy

    Just kidding buddy. Look at it this way, you know how many people would do anything just to reach 200 pounds?


    oh, and waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah
    yeah, i hear ya, but i was 225 my senior year in high school, before leaving for school to play ball (bloated a bit, sure, but still....yeah, where's my bottle....)

  6. #6
    DutchCowboy's Avatar
    DutchCowboy is offline Associate Member
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    I feel ya on the weight thing. You can still have an amazing physique though. Look at Carlos, he only weighs like 225 and he looks huge.

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