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  1. #41
    Mike Dura's Avatar
    Mike Dura is offline Senior Member
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    Yeah and the culture is dead here (for me anyway). Everyone has a tatoo and it's mass culture galore and too many consumers. I live in Sayville, where are you here on LI?

    Quote Originally Posted by aadrenaline
    you live on long island!! lol i live here as well its expensive here!

  2. #42
    Mike Dura's Avatar
    Mike Dura is offline Senior Member
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    Can an American or Canadian reasonably live in Mexico?

    Quote Originally Posted by Ejuicer
    The south east portion of mexico or venice beach would be my choices. I would love to get away from these damn canadian winters.

  3. #43
    aadrenaline is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Dura
    Yeah and the culture is dead here (for me anyway). Everyone has a tatoo and it's mass culture galore and too many consumers. I live in Sayville, where are you here on LI?
    not too far i grew up and live on south shore

  4. #44
    Prada's Avatar
    Prada is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ginkobulloba
    For a while I lived in Prague, CZ and Kuwait, South Korea, Washington State (near Seattle), East coast of Florida, Wisconsin, and now Phuket, Thailand. Some countries I have visited are Costa Rica, Panama, Germany, Ireland, Poland, Holland, Cambodia, Burma, and I'm sure a few others I can't recall.

    I enjoyed living in Prague...beautiful women, walking through the city is like walking into a movie scene at every turn, just beautiful. That said, you've got to find a place that really suits your lifestyle. For me, it's the ocean, tropical beaches, sunshine, palm trees and turqoiuse waters that speak to me. That's one of the reasons I love Thailand.

    Living in the US isn't something that appeals to me anymore. I love my country, don't get me wrong, the vast majority of my life was inside the US borders. It's just that I don't feel like I have a fair amount of freedom to live there like I want. When I'm in the states, I'm constantly watching the speed limit, trying to follow rules and stay out of trouble even though I never do anything to get into trouble. Part of why I love to live in places like Thailand and Czech Republic is that in those places the government gives you enough freedom to fvck yourself up. You know...what I mean is that, it's not so heavily regulated and things aren't enforced to the point where the daily norm turns into a boring way of life. Here I can drive my motorcycle on the wrong side of the road, in front of a cop, after drinking a liter of whiskey and while it's not the smartest thing to do, I like the fact that I can do that.
    Agree with Czech women being gorgeous, they are amazing in every sense of the word. Hungarians are up their as well
    Also agree Phuket, Thailand for the beaches albeit I have yet to go

  5. #45
    stik's Avatar
    stik is offline Junior Member
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    Anywhere but Houston.
    S.E. Alaska is unparralled if your into the wilderness along with the ocean and wildlife. Anywhere in the Oceana Islands would be nice too.

  6. #46
    aadrenaline is offline Banned
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    i havent been to many places too far..but i enjoys hawaii, st thomas, jamaca..i wouldnt settle my life there but i would like to spend 6months to a year living some places....i know guys that too koff to surf hawaii for a month and spent a year there was easy to find a job and camping is free until you have enough money for an apartment it was sweet i was there for 2 weeks i loved it..

  7. #47
    Warrior's Avatar
    Warrior is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by stik
    Anywhere but Houston.
    S.E. Alaska is unparralled if your into the wilderness along with the ocean and wildlife. Anywhere in the Oceana Islands would be nice too.
    Alaska is beautiful with lots of wildlife - and great tax breaks - BUT... the rotating daylight and the sometimes scarce nightlife would get me diggin' for something else pretty quick. My Alaska experience was a few weeks in late winter two years back-to-back. It was crazy how they were gaining nearly 10 minutes of daylight a day... and in the summer the sun eventually never sets before you start losing daylight all over again. In the winter the sun just flirts with the horizon. Plus, many nights I found Fairbanks (majority of my stays) and Anchorage basically empty... nobody around... nothing to do. And it was frickin' cold! It could be that Alsakan summer's are a lot more active than the winters but either way, I couldn't do it. Wouldn't want to live there. But for seeing wildlife and the ocean/rivers - fo' sho!

    I knew a guy who had lived there a few years told me he came home from work one day... took a nap, woke up and starting mowing his lawn. He got a phone call from his neighbor- screaming at him, "Why the fuk are you mowing at 3 in the morning!" Pffft... he didn't realize he had slept that long. He said it's easy to burn yourself out in the summer - and then sleep all winter...

  8. #48
    Warrior's Avatar
    Warrior is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by aadrenaline
    i know guys that too koff to surf hawaii for a month and spent a year there was easy to find a job and camping is free until you have enough money for an apartment it was sweet i was there for 2 weeks i loved it..
    Lived out there a few years. Finding work depends on who you know, what type of work you want or how much money you intend to make... and sometimes, how well you can speak Japanese (more so than the native Hawaiian language) Being of an Asian decent (or with those characteristics) helps there too...

  9. #49
    taylormade is offline Associate Member
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