It's been almost a month now, and lately Ive been getting BAD cravings not the 3 mins ones, no but for as long as hours, Im so close to going out and getting one right now, more like 3.

I used to smoke up to 5 packs a day, full flavour 100's but usually, 3-4

thats anywhere from 60-100 cigs a day, or half a carton.

the cravings are so damn bad I wanna grab a whole fvcking carton now and smoke it in the next few hours.

Damn damn damn, I dont think its just the nicotine cravings but the things I used to do while smoking, after sex, on long bike rides(bicycle), sometimes while running(yes I know LOL) in between working out, taking a break at work, etc.... etc.... and while reading, on the comp...

I so wanna grab a fvcking cig right now and suck the all the nasty shit out of it as fast as I can damn

I think Im good and Ill try to stay free but any advice or tips??????????