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  1. #41
    THE_DOME's Avatar
    THE_DOME is offline Anabolic Member
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    you guys are telling me when your doing db bench and you have lets say 125 you dont drop them to the side.

    as for grunting sometimes its very annoying, i dont do it, my training partner on the other hand does it when hes deadlifting 495 for reps, its heavy weigth so i can condone it

  2. #42
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    people curling in the only power racks for 55 minutes

  3. #43
    helium3's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by THE_DOME
    you guys are telling me when your doing db bench and you have lets say 125 you dont drop them to the side.

    as for grunting sometimes its very annoying, i dont do it, my training partner on the other hand does it when hes deadlifting 495 for reps, its heavy weigth so i can condone it

    actually i make some noise i draw the line at screaming but yeah i have to say 140db's and i put them down myself,i maybe a little too reserved in teh gym.end of the day everyones different.

  4. #44
    THE_DOME's Avatar
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    with the db i dropp those bitches

    its really just how i roll

  5. #45
    DSM4Life's Avatar
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    A guy asked me to spot him with 85lbs DB's for chest press which i had no problem with. I helped me bang out a decent 8 reps which he then drops the DB's to the floor and walks out. I could really care less because i don't clean the place but damn man. If you can throw around 85's then at least pick them the hell up. I see this a lot.

    One night i saw a smaller kid that works at the gym, about 140 5'5 maybe cleaning the gym. He was draggin a$$ trying to clean up all the heavy DB's and plates. If was cursing his @$$ off while he was doing it ,i would be mad too if i had to clean them up.

  6. #46
    Superhuman's Avatar
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    I really have nothing to complain about at my gym... everybody respects me and asks for advise and compliment me so I always have a good experience. If someone is using a machine or bench I need I will typically ask "hey, how many sets do you have left" and they will be like, "oh you can have it man!" or "i'm almost done, I'll hurry up for you!"

    I work out at the YMCA and our dumbells go up to 140lbs. For most lifts that is fine, but for bent-over rows I need 200s now and for dumbell shrugs I need to go up to 150s.

    I also get along well with the juice-bar guy (i gave him some liquid viagra) so now he hooks me up with free smoothies and towels.

  7. #47
    THE_DOME's Avatar
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    viagra for smoothies good deal

  8. #48
    novastepp's Avatar
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    its ok to work up a sweat, but i hate guys who stink way before they even begin to sweat. its good repellant to keep people off your ass, but i hate it.

  9. #49
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    people cumin up axing if i use da roids. piss me off. if u cum up axing me if i on roids n u cant tell den u is dum. haha!

  10. #50
    CSAR's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by THE_DOME
    with the db i dropp those bitches

    its really just how i roll
    I don't know dude. Dropping dumbells damages them, the floor, etc. And should some knucklehead get too close without you noticing, chances are his/her foot is gonna get f#$%ed up. IMO, if you're strong enough to lift them off the rack, you should be strong enough to put them back. I use 120s for incline presses and after 6+ reps to failure, I still set them back on the rack. Then again, I don't know where you work out, but I know my gym is just looking for any excuse to kick me out because I'm a gai-jin (foreigner).

  11. #51
    Terinox's Avatar
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    I hate it when guys go to the gym and watch what everyone else is doing, and then go online to some website and start nagging about how they hate those things those guys do at their gym...

    LOL!!! Just kidding, that was funny though!

    (All of the above...)

  12. #52
    deepinsideofme's Avatar
    deepinsideofme is offline Female Member
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    guys that use the leg sled, put way too much wt on it, push it about 3 inches, while holding their knees and then leave all the plates on the sled..
    young guys with lots of cologne, do 3 reps on the bench and never once hit their chest and their cologne buddy spotter does the lifts for them...
    guys that have to let everyone in the gym know what rep they are on because the are yelling it with each rep...
    old guys sitting on machines for 20 min...i thinks someone said that one...
    putting a towel or water bottle on a machine to "hold it" for them while they get up and go talk to a friend....

  13. #53
    Mizfit's Avatar
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    people who do not whip their damn sweet off the machines

  14. #54
    Mizfit's Avatar
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    oayha nd moving hundres of pounds of weight soff the bakc and leg machines so i can use them

  15. #55
    powerliftmike's Avatar
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    1) college guys that have been drinking and then vomit in the powerrack. 2) mixing up pound and kilo plates and leaving them on the barbell. 3) guys that come in bang out 220 lb (100kg) on bench for 5 min and then do bicep curls for the next hour and then leave.

  16. #56
    powerliftmike's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mizfit
    oayha nd moving hundres of pounds of weight soff the bakc and leg machines so i can use them
    the leg press was invented to keep sissies out of the racks. thats an ole powerlifting saying anyway

  17. #57
    Haro3 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by powerliftmike
    1) college guys that have been drinking and then vomit in the powerrack. 2) mixing up pound and kilo plates and leaving them on the barbell. 3) guys that come in bang out 220 lb (100kg) on bench for 5 min and then do bicep curls for the next hour and then leave.
    LOL someone puked in the power rack? haha i've puked from lifting once but never in the gym i atleast went in the bathroom

  18. #58
    mick-g's Avatar
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    Couple phat girls that take up the machines and sit on them an gab for 1/2hr.

  19. #59
    chest6's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cfiler
    I told the manager, and had him suspended for a week for rubbing the cheesy powder on the controls.
    LMAO..eating dorritos while doing cardio thats the best. Last time I was in the cardio area there werre these girls just sitting on bikes talking to their friends next to them actually doing it..I wanted to slap them

  20. #60
    gymnutt is offline Associate Member
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    People circuit training in the free weight section and thinking them placing their evian water bottle on the bench, their lavendar towel on the squat rack, and clipboard at the pulleys all at the same time will reserve their right to lay claim to hogging up three stations at the same time and get pizzy when someone calls them on there selfishness.

  21. #61
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    get this.. i got this guy at my gym.. pretty lean..long hair..looks like a chick.. what makes it worse is he works out in tight tanktops... BOXER BRIEFS.. and workboots!?!?!

    what kind of gay shit is that.. imagine shrugging 4 plates and having twingle does doing dead lifts in front of you with his spandex undies!!


  22. #62
    Snrf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IIIIIIIIIIII
    get this.. i got this guy at my gym.. pretty lean..long hair..looks like a chick.. what makes it worse is he works out in tight tanktops... BOXER BRIEFS.. and workboots!?!?!

    what kind of gay shit is that.. imagine shrugging 4 plates and having twingle does doing dead lifts in front of you with his spandex undies!!



  23. #63
    Mizfit's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by powerliftmike
    the leg press was invented to keep sissies out of the racks. thats an ole powerlifting saying anyway
    We both know the leg press sucks.

    I love hack squats and there is sometimes 6 to 8 45's on both sides.

  24. #64
    Flagg's Avatar
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    This thread has been done a thousand times.

    I think there's only a few things that **** me off. People that dont put away weights after they are done, people that stand around goofing about or chatting...umm i think that's about it.

    Im there to workout and that's it. I go into super serious mode when im in the gym.

  25. #65
    MAXIMA5's Avatar
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    I have a new one from my experience yesterday.

    I lock my stuff in my locker, I workout, I come back into an empty locker room, except for two old stinky naked men. The gym is completely empty, and my padlock is the only lock on any of the lockers, and my gym bag is on top of the locked locker.

    These two wrinkly corpses are both sitting naked directly in front of my locked locker chatting about God knows what for 20 minutes.

    Now what the hell am I supposed to do in this situation? I need to get dressed and get back to work, and these guys think it's a Senior Citizen nudist colony, not a locker room.

  26. #66
    PROTEINSHAKE is offline Protein Power
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    i used to work out @ the YMCA....right outside the gym door they had a vending machine w chips/candy/soda... WTF?

  27. #67
    Psychotron's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by THE_DOME
    you guys are telling me when your doing db bench and you have lets say 125 you dont drop them to the side.

    as for grunting sometimes its very annoying, i dont do it, my training partner on the other hand does it when hes deadlifting 495 for reps, its heavy weigth so i can condone it
    i flip them so both ends land on the ground at the same time, dropping them on their ends bends them, and you should stick with lighter weight if you cant deal with it.

  28. #68
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    Quote Originally Posted by Psychotron
    you should stick with lighter weight if you cant deal with it.

  29. #69
    FLBMWMech is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mizfit
    We both know the leg press sucks.

    I love hack squats and there is sometimes 6 to 8 45's on both sides.

    I have to use the leg press I had a compression injury to one of my vertibrates a few years back... so now I'm afraid of the squat rack

  30. #70
    MAXIMA5's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by getnjakked
    i used to work out @ the YMCA....right outside the gym door they had a vending machine w chips/candy/soda... WTF?
    They have that at mine too. Makes no sense. But ask if they sell protein bars and they'll look at you like you're mental.

  31. #71
    Psychotron's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mizfit
    We both know the leg press sucks.

    I love hack squats and there is sometimes 6 to 8 45's on both sides.
    i guess my hack squat machine is different then yours heh, i usually top out at like 5-6 45's a side.

  32. #72
    Superhuman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by getnjakked
    i used to work out @ the YMCA....right outside the gym door they had a vending machine w chips/candy/soda... WTF?
    well when u think of it the YMCA is a family place and u know there are a lot of kids who go just to hang out, play basketball, etc.

    I FEEL YOU THOUGH, they shouldn't have vending machines with that garbage, in fact they shouldn't even make that garbage in the first place.

    that reminds me of a commercial for coke where it shows Mike Vick in the locker room after a game downing an ice cold coca-cola.... complete f*cking bullsh*t

  33. #73
    LawMan018's Avatar
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    There are a few things I hate...

    1.) When you're relaxing in the hot tub and some naked old dude walks in, stands infront of you (facing to the right), and starts doing pelvic thrusts

    2.) Those gay dudes that prance around the locker room checking guys out

    3.) Annoying kids who go straight to the Preacher Curls and stand around chatting walking on the other machines around them and placing their belongings on other equipment

    4.) People with horrible form and you feel too bad to correct them for their ego might become hurt

    5.) Those "big bad asses" that walk in with huge upper bodies and stare people down... Whilst their legs are tiny and scrawny...

    6.) When you step away from a machine for one second to get a drink of water from the fountain and a lady walks up, throws your towel which was on the seat on the floor, changes the weight, and starts working out

    That's all I can think of right now... Oh... And I use the cell phone occasionally in the gym for like a minute or two. I don't wanna walk my tired, sore ass downstairs and out of the building to talk to someone when I can do it right in the room!

  34. #74
    Foskamink's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lavinco
    I hate it when the homo's prance around naked in the locker room.
    i feel ur pain.. not really homos just people over 30 tend to do it alot

  35. #75
    BigLittleTim is offline Senior Member
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    I'm 36 years old and I remember when gyms had gang-showers and guys weren't afraid to get undressed or shower in front of another guy. Jeeze! When did guys get so prissy? Anyone still play Football, Hockey, or Rugby?

    Hard-core gym I started out at didn't even have doors on the toilet stalls. (Built in the 1920's, it was literally a "temple of iron"; collegiate-gothic windows and stone arches, and tons of old iron weights... hardly any machines.)

    Have to laugh when I see some dude taking his pants off only once he's safely behind the shower curtain of his private shower stall, and then wiggling into his shorts UNDER his shower towel, like he's some sort of a Vestal Virgin!

    Or the guys who can't even change in the locker room, but wear their gym stuff under their street clothes, shuck-off their outer layer right on the gym floor, and then carry everything around the gym in a big hockey-bag!

    They don't want anyone to "look at them", but they can't stop checking themselves out in the mirrors!

    Poor Baby!


  36. #76
    BigLittleTim is offline Senior Member
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    [QUOTE=Lavinco]I hate it when the homo's prance around naked in the locker room.

    Prance? Naked?

    It's a locker room.

  37. #77
    2gunzup11 is offline New Member
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    when sweaty people dont wipe down their bench! that gets me heated.

  38. #78
    MAXIMA5's Avatar
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    I hate when people forget to bow when I walk into the gym.


  39. #79
    NotSmall is offline English Rudeboy
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigLittleTim
    I'm 36 years old and I remember when gyms had gang-showers and guys weren't afraid to get undressed or shower in front of another guy. Jeeze! When did guys get so prissy? Anyone still play Football, Hockey, or Rugby?

    Hard-core gym I started out at didn't even have doors on the toilet stalls. (Built in the 1920's, it was literally a "temple of iron"; collegiate-gothic windows and stone arches, and tons of old iron weights... hardly any machines.)

    Have to laugh when I see some dude taking his pants off only once he's safely behind the shower curtain of his private shower stall, and then wiggling into his shorts UNDER his shower towel, like he's some sort of a Vestal Virgin!

    Or the guys who can't even change in the locker room, but wear their gym stuff under their street clothes, shuck-off their outer layer right on the gym floor, and then carry everything around the gym in a big hockey-bag!

    They don't want anyone to "look at them", but they can't stop checking themselves out in the mirrors!

    Poor Baby!

    No offence mate but you are gay so no wonder you don't object to cocks flapping about everywhere.

  40. #80
    Kal-El's Avatar
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    Mine is the sitting on equipment not doing shit complaint. Gym I go to has shitty hours so when i get in I have about an hour to bust my ass and get out. At least 1 day out of the week more so right before summer starts, the "UPS gang" comes in. Their depot is in the next town like 10 mins away so they all hit the gym before they finish up for the night, they do more talking and holding other people up then anything.

    Example the other night I'm doing deads and there are 4 of them standing beside the power rack so i get set to bang out the deads and the one dick won't move as they are talking about their new uniforms for fall softball (not that i have anything against softball mind you but people around here take it WAY TO SERIOUS). So i said "hey man can you move so I don't hit you" in a very cool manner and he just gave me a look. So i hefted the bar on my first lift and it banged his leg and he was like "WTF man?" All I said was "dude I asked you to move and you didnt, the only thing your working out right now is your mouth, if you have a problem take it up with the owner". And I kept on with my workout.

    I took a year off because of injuries from football and just got back in the gym and they all look EXACTLY the same, I would figure with the "studs" that they think they are they would be ronnie's size by now. The dickhead who wouldnt move was saying to another guy as I was leaving..."he hasnt even been in here for awhile...whisper whisper...i would like to know what the fck he is taking". I just smiled to myself and walked out.

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