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Thread: drink driven

  1. #41
    Foskamink's Avatar
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    lol 922 stuball :P

  2. #42
    big L 17's Avatar
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    lol i was drunk when i typed that my bad

  3. #43
    Foskamink's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by big L 17
    lol i was drunk when i typed that my bad
    shame on you.. lol shame on me i was drunk when i made the thread

  4. #44
    stuball's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by big L 17
    lol i was drunk when i typed that my bad
    Thats funny you cant type drunk, imagine getting behind the wheel ??????

  5. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by Foskamink
    lol 922 stuball :P
    I was wondering what the fvck 922 ment, i got it and bro you gotta get a job, you got like three hundred post in a week !!!!

  6. #46
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    will if we want to get technical last week i was on 300.. so thats like 600

  7. #47
    QuieTSToRM33's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stuball
    Your fvckin kdding, right ???

    no im not fvckin kidding ............... where in my post does it say I'm drunk .... no where .... where does it say that I'm so fvcked up that I cant operate a vehicle .... no where

    stop trying to judge me motherfvcker ..... u know nothing about me

    having a few drinks and driving is still considered drinking and driving ...... i never said i was fvckin wasted and gettin behind the wheel did i ?
    Last edited by QuieTSToRM33; 10-08-2006 at 11:32 AM.

  8. #48
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    2x post
    Last edited by QuieTSToRM33; 10-08-2006 at 11:31 AM.

  9. #49
    Foskamink's Avatar
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    just fyi u posted twice

  10. #50
    QuieTSToRM33's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rake922
    I'm 97% sure he was being serious

    Pretty funny... but not when he kills somebody

    you're damn right i was serious ...... like i said ..... there is nothing wrong with having a couple drinks and getting behind the wheel ...... as long as you can function there is no problem with it

    im not a lil guy like most guys on here ..... so my couple of drinks might fvck u up while it does almost nothing to me

    when i kill somebody ? ..... fvck off bro .... gimme a break

  11. #51
    big L 17's Avatar
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    ya i have done alote of stuipd stuff behind the wheel thats why i dont drink and drive anymore

  12. #52
    cj1capp's Avatar
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    As A Paramedic I See Dui Accidents All The Time And They Make Me Sick, So Pointless .
    But When I Was Younger 16 Or 17 I Did It My Self THAT Is Drove Drunk. Never Got Caught Or Hurt Any One But Dame I Could Have.

  13. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by QuieTSToRM33
    no im not fvckin kidding ............... where in my post does it say I'm drunk .... no where .... where does it say that I'm so fvcked up that I cant operate a vehicle .... no where

    stop trying to judge me motherfvcker ..... u know nothing about me

    having a few drinks and driving is still considered drinking and driving ...... i never said i was fvckin wasted and gettin behind the wheel did i ?
    I DRINK AND DRIVE ALL THE TIME !!! That's your stupid fvckin comment how do you want people to react, drinking impairs your judgment so how many drinks does it take BIG GUY, 1, 2, 5, 10 ??? Im not judgeing you but your post came off that you drink and drive, it sounded stupid, sorry if you took it the wrong way ...

  14. #54
    QuieTSToRM33's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stuball
    I DRINK AND DRIVE ALL THE TIME !!! That's your stupid fvckin comment how do you want people to react, drinking impairs your judgment so how many drinks does it take BIG GUY, 1, 2, 5, 10 ??? Im not judgeing you but your post came off that you drink and drive, it sounded stupid, sorry if you took it the wrong way ...

    you're obviously the one who took it the wrong way

  15. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by QuieTSToRM33
    you're obviously the one who took it the wrong way
    Your the one that said you drink and drive, if i told you i do herion and drive what would you think ???

  16. #56
    Tren Bull's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Foskamink
    who here has driven under the influence, last weekend id rove home from gf house, i had a big glass of wine i hadnt driken in along time so it hit be a bit.. i drove home a little later but was still tipsy... and coming in the drive way i ran over the parking sign.. and thats when i realised it dosnt take much for ur reaction and thinking to go to hell.. dont drink drive.. share ur expirences here if uve had any

    oh man... ive gotten so fu_kin wasted and driven my car way too many times.

    i remember about 6 months ago i got fu_kin wasted off steel reserve and long island iced teas... i was so drunk they kicked me out of the bar, then i drove home after that. i vividly remember jamming on the brakes and skidding like 10-15 feet at the base of my street.

    most of the time id drink and drive though, i wasn't that drunk... haha well actually i probably would have blown way over a .08% but in reality .08% aint sh_t

  17. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tren Bull
    oh man... ive gotten so fu_kin wasted and driven my car way too many times.

    i remember about 6 months ago i got fu_kin wasted off steel reserve and long island iced teas... i was so drunk they kicked me out of the bar, then i drove home after that. i vividly remember jamming on the brakes and skidding like 10-15 feet at the base of my street.

    most of the time id drink and drive though, i wasn't that drunk... haha well actually i probably would have blown way over a .08% but in reality .08% aint sh_t
    Legally in NY one shot one beer one glass of wine, its all the same, thats what your allowed per hour to be totaly sober, because thats what you body burns off per hour, so if you had 24 drinks in 8 hours then slept 8 hours, you would wake up legally drunk !! So if you have two drinks in a 1/2 hour and get pulled over your legally drunk !!!

  18. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by stuball
    Legally in NY one shot one beer one glass of wine, its all the same, thats what your allowed per hour to be totaly sober, because thats what you body burns off per hour, so if you had 24 drinks in 8 hours then slept 8 hours, you would wake up legally drunk !! So if you have two drinks in a 1/2 hour and get pulled over your legally drunk !!!
    And size has nothing to do with it, It's called BAC... Blood ,Alcohol, content...

  19. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by stuball
    Legally in NY one shot one beer one glass of wine, its all the same, thats what your allowed per hour to be totaly sober, because thats what you body burns off per hour, so if you had 24 drinks in 8 hours then slept 8 hours, you would wake up legally drunk !! So if you have two drinks in a 1/2 hour and get pulled over your legally drunk !!!

    yea i know. i heard about some girl that crashed her car when she was hung over and they slapped her with a dui.

    its too bad there are so many bad drivers out there. imo, as long as you aren't sh_t faced drunk and you pay very close attention to the road, drunk driving really isnt as bad as everyone seems to think it is.

    like i said, ive driven drunk literally hundreds of times, but ive never gotten into an accident when i was drunk. actually, im more careful when ive been drinking cause i know im fu_ked if i crash or get pulled over.

  20. #60
    Tren Bull's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stuball
    And size has nothing to do with it, It's called BAC... Blood ,Alcohol, content...

    i thought bac was a % quantity

  21. #61
    Tren Bull's Avatar
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    well, there is no way in hell id drive drunk now... im living in a different area now, where they got dui checkpoints all over the place. it doesnt matter if you are driving carefully or not.

    id much rather spend my money on eggs than have to give it to the government for something dumb like drunk driving

  22. #62
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    eggs mmm protein

  23. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tren Bull
    yea i know. i heard about some girl that crashed her car when she was hung over and they slapped her with a dui.

    its too bad there are so many bad drivers out there. imo, as long as you aren't sh_t faced drunk and you pay very close attention to the road, drunk driving really isnt as bad as everyone seems to think it is.

    like i said, ive driven drunk literally hundreds of times, but ive never gotten into an accident when i was drunk. actually, im more careful when ive been drinking cause i know im fu_ked if i crash or get pulled over.
    C'mon being a bad driver has nothing to do with it, DRINKING EFFECTS YOUR DRIVING !!!!!! Being more careful has nothing to do with how you react to a situation.. Ive been driving longer than youve been alive, never got busted till i was 38, so i was drinking and driving fot 21 years before i got my first DWI. I really cant get mad at you guys because at your age i knew it all, and the drunker i got the better i though i could drive..

  24. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by stuball
    C'mon being a bad driver has nothing to do with it, DRINKING EFFECTS YOUR DRIVING !!!!!! Being more careful has nothing to do with how you react to a situation.. Ive been driving longer than youve been alive, never got busted till i was 38, so i was drinking and driving fot 21 years before i got my first DWI. I really cant get mad at you guys because at your age i knew it all, and the drunker i got the better i though i could drive..

    i think you misunderstood me. i dont think that its good to drive when you're sh_t faced drunk

  25. #65
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tren Bull
    i think you misunderstood me. i dont think that its good to drive when you're sh_t faced drunk
    What about a buzz ?????

  26. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by stuball
    What about a buzz ?????

    i think it depends on the person and how they handle themselves. when i drive after drinking, i go the exact speed limit, use my signal lights, and stop completely at every stop sign.

    other people might get careless when they are buzzed

  27. #67
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tren Bull
    i think it depends on the person and how they handle themselves. when i drive after drinking, i go the exact speed limit, use my signal lights, and stop completely at every stop sign.

    other people might get careless when they are buzzed
    So somebody blows a stop sign, you think your reaction time would be the same as if you werent drinking ??? Alcohol also impairs your thinking, so alot of times we think were ok when were not, try tellin a cop im over the legal limit only by a little but i obey the law, yeah every law but the drinking part, and your tellin me you dont stop at stop signs, you speed and dont use your signals when your not drinking ??? Im not bustin balls just tryin to make a point !!!!

  28. #68
    LBT's Avatar
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    I got drunk when I was a teenager and rode my pushbike into a hedge. Does that count?

  29. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by LBT
    I got drunk when I was a teenager and rode my pushbike into a hedge. Does that count?
    WTF is a pushbike ?????

  30. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by stuball
    WTF is a pushbike ?????
    A pedal cycle.

  31. #71
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    Quote Originally Posted by LBT
    A pedal cycle.

  32. #72
    STYLE74's Avatar
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    When i was younger i drove drunk and i totalled my father's car at 6am in the morning while people were out walking dogs and getting their newspapers, boy i learned my lesson. The cops were so cool that they just made a report and that was it, my sister and father came to the crash site and said i was so messed up that i was talking and saying really weird things to the cops about vegetables and they had to get me out of there as quick as possible before they realized how messed up i was. The only thing ever on my license was speeding tickets and moving violations.

  33. #73
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    Hmmm....don't know about this. Drinking has been shown to impair judgment and reaction times while driving. So, my question is...if you've been drinking and think you're being careful and under control - how do you really know? And I don't think not getting caught or having an accident qualifies as being careful and under control. Perhaps there weren't any cops around or traffic was light. All it takes is one accident or fatality to mess up your or someone else's life. Sorry to sound preachy, but over here in Japan a young man got behind the wheel after drinking with his buddies. On his way home, he ran head-on into an SUV. The SUV went over the guard rails of the bridge and went into the water. The father and mother in the SUV survived, but their 3 kids in the back died. And yes, the parents along with several witnesses tried to get the children out. The drunk driver admitted that he had driven while intoxicated on several occasions prior to this and said he didn't think it was a problem because he believed he was under control.

  34. #74
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    Quote Originally Posted by CSAR
    Hmmm....don't know about this. Drinking has been shown to impair judgment and reaction times while driving. So, my question is...if you've been drinking and think you're being careful and under control - how do you really know? And I don't think not getting caught or having an accident qualifies as being careful and under control. Perhaps there weren't any cops around or traffic was light. All it takes is one accident or fatality to mess up your or someone else's life. Sorry to sound preachy, but over here in Japan a young man got behind the wheel after drinking with his buddies. On his way home, he ran head-on into an SUV. The SUV went over the guard rails of the bridge and went into the water. The father and mother in the SUV survived, but their 3 kids in the back died. And yes, the parents along with several witnesses tried to get the children out. The drunk driver admitted that he had driven while intoxicated on several occasions prior to this and said he didn't think it was a problem because he believed he was under control.
    I hope this got through to at least one person, if so it could most likley save a life !!!!

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