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Thread: drink driven

  1. #1
    Foskamink's Avatar
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    drink driven

    who here has driven under the influence, last weekend id rove home from gf house, i had a big glass of wine i hadnt driken in along time so it hit be a bit.. i drove home a little later but was still tipsy... and coming in the drive way i ran over the parking sign.. and thats when i realised it dosnt take much for ur reaction and thinking to go to hell.. dont drink drive.. share ur expirences here if uve had any

  2. #2
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    im too big to get drunk

  3. #3
    THE_DOME's Avatar
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    yea dont drink and drive my cousin got a dui and ruined his whole summer said it cost him somewhere in the rage of 5k

  4. #4
    lightwaytbaby's Avatar
    lightwaytbaby is offline "Anabolic Reviews Affliction"
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    officer-sir how much have u had to drink tonight?
    my drunk ass-"all of them"

  5. #5
    DSM4Life's Avatar
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    I have seen a lot of bad stuff happen to good people that try and drive drunk but i have been guilty of it myself.

  6. #6
    Foskamink's Avatar
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    im hungry and tempted but i know alot of people who crashed

  7. #7
    QuieTSToRM33's Avatar
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    i drink and drive all the time ..... never had a problem ..... but i can control myself when it comes to getting behind the wheel .... it all comes down to mental discipline and composure .... some can do it, some cant

  8. #8
    Anabolic CEO is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Foskamink
    who here has driven under the influence, last weekend id rove home from gf house, i had a big glass of wine i hadnt driken in along time so it hit be a bit.. i drove home a little later but was still tipsy... and coming in the drive way i ran over the parking sign.. and thats when i realised it dosnt take much for ur reaction and thinking to go to hell.. dont drink drive.. share ur expirences here if uve had any
    So remember kids....."DON'T DRINK DRIVE"....LMAO...ROFL...

  9. #9
    Foskamink's Avatar
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    yeh it also depends how often u drink.. like when i was smoke bad stuff alot after a few weeks i could control 100% when i wanted to and still have the fun.. but i dont do it anymore.. and i hardly drink
    Last edited by Foskamink; 10-07-2006 at 03:57 PM.

  10. #10
    SVTMuscle* is offline Banned
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    arnt you also like 19?

  11. #11
    Foskamink's Avatar
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    yeh i dont see the difference 16 is legal to drink in many countrys and 18 too

  12. #12
    SVTMuscle* is offline Banned
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    are you in one of those countries?

  13. #13
    GUnit33 is offline Member
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    I have a dui and one's shitty. Alcohol makes me do bad things. So I just make all my friends drive when we go out now. I ain't risking shit anymore...once was enough, and than I got tagged doing 47 in a 45, but he said it was a 35, and he breathalized me and I BARELY blew over. They tossed me into the car and did like 85 to get to the station in time to process me so they'd get the collar...mother ****ers.

  14. #14
    Foskamink's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SVTMuscle
    are you in one of those countries?
    here in switzerland
    beer = 16
    spirits - 18
    and sir im 18

  15. #15
    Snrf's Avatar
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    i drove drunk once, wrote off my car. some how no one was injured, i was doin 70mph down a country lane, so drunk I don't even remember driving or hitting the rock...i honestly don't know how I didnt die. and i will never ever ever do it again, it still scares me thinking about it now..and pisses me off that my friends let me drive that drunk.

  16. #16
    cfiler's Avatar
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    Drinking and driving is stupid, and I hope that everyone who drinks and drives gets hit by a bus and dies. By making the choice to drink and drive you are putting people in danger. You could have hit a kid instead of that parking sign. Definately not something to be proud of.

  17. #17
    Foskamink's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cfiler
    Drinking and driving is stupid, and I hope that everyone who drinks and drives gets hit by a bus and dies. By making the choice to drink and drive you are putting people in danger. You could have hit a kid instead of that parking sign. Definately not something to be proud of.
    i totally agree.. but i felt fine and every one said i was fine to drive and i only had a little bit but i just wanted to tell everyone even tho u may feel fine and not had much and waited many hows it can still stay in ur system and i am glad i learnt my lesson the easy way and that every one dosnt do it.. thanks for the comment it helps open my eyes and others too

  18. #18
    QuieTSToRM33's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cfiler
    I hope that everyone who drinks and drives gets hit by a bus and dies.

    yeah .... thats something to be proud of

  19. #19
    rake922's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cfiler
    Drinking and driving is stupid, and I hope that everyone who drinks and drives gets hit by a bus and dies. By making the choice to drink and drive you are putting people in danger. You could have hit a kid instead of that parking sign. Definately not something to be proud of.
    I actually agree with that. But do you realize how many people are drinking and then driving?

    I mean cops could easily just stake out a bar and follow people driving away.. They'd catch everyone so basically there isn't even wnough cops to catch all the people that drive drunk.

    It's kind of sick to think that people are endangering and sometimes killing other people by doing that crap while soldiers are risking their lives every day in Iraq.

  20. #20
    zimmy's Avatar
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    depends on what you consider dui... here in texas...the limit is so low, that you really don't feel much and you are considered "drunk"... it's more dangerious to drive half asleep which i tend to do alot since i'm an insomniac.

  21. #21
    rake922's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by zimmy
    depends on what you consider dui... here in texas...the limit is so low, that you really don't feel much and you are considered "drunk"... it's more dangerious to drive half asleep which i tend to do alot since i'm an insomniac.
    I thought it was like that in just about all states and not just in TX

  22. #22
    ginkobulloba's Avatar
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    Here in Thailand you can be so drunk you can't even walk and if a cop sees you, he'll probably help you get onto your motorbike and start it up for you. My buddy routinely gets wasted and drives his scooter afterwards, crashing into all kinds of shit. Gotta love this place.

  23. #23
    AnabolicAndre's Avatar
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    DL- nofx - dont drink and drive.

  24. #24
    AnabolicAndre's Avatar
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    "You Drink You Drive You Spill"

    I say don't drink and drive
    You might spill your drink
    Before you get behind the wheel, just stop & think
    You can take your chances
    But there's so much to lose
    Another bumpy road,
    There's so much wasted booze

    I'm not so worried
    About how many I kill
    I'm much more concerned
    With how much beer I spill
    35% of accidents
    Are cause by pixilated
    The other 65% are not
    Alcohol related
    What does this tell us
    About the drunk drivers
    They seem to have a
    Better record than
    the sober team

    I'm not so worried
    About how many I kill
    I'm much more concerned
    With how much beer I spill..

  25. #25
    stuball's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by QuieTSToRM33
    i drink and drive all the time ..... never had a problem ..... but i can control myself when it comes to getting behind the wheel .... it all comes down to mental discipline and composure .... some can do it, some cant
    Your fvckin kdding, right ???

  26. #26
    rake922's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stuball
    Your fvckin kdding, right ???
    I'm 97% sure he was being serious

    Pretty funny... but not when he kills somebody

  27. #27
    stuball's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rake922
    I'm 97% sure he was being serious

    Pretty funny... but not when he kills somebody
    I hope he is kidding, because i used to say that sh!t when i was seventeen !!!

  28. #28
    spywizard's Avatar
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    My uncle was killed by a drunk driver.. my brother in law just got his 2nd dui... lost his 22,000 car..

    12,000 in attorney fees, and 1 year license suspention, with 30 days in jail, and 6 months house arrest..

    he also has to blow in the tube via his house phone anytime they call..
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  29. #29
    stuball's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by spywizard
    My uncle was killed by a drunk driver.. my brother in law just got his 2nd dui... lost his 22,000 car..

    12,000 in attorney fees, and 1 year license suspention, with 30 days in jail, and 6 months house arrest..

    he also has to blow in the tube via his house phone anytime they call..
    Well im one of those idiot's with 2 dwi's spent some time in jail for wreaking a car with tree kids in it, needless to say i havent had a drink in 4 1/2 years, its always the innocent that get hurt... I had no right taking other lives in my hands, it's fvckin stupid and selfish !!!!

  30. #30
    rake922's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stuball
    Well im one of those idiot's with 2 dwi's spent some time in jail for wreaking a car with tree kids in it, needless to say i havent had a drink in 4 1/2 years, its always the innocent that get hurt... I had no right taking other lives in my hands, it's fvckin stupid and selfish !!!!
    How do you get from place to place now?

    Are you allowed to drive?

  31. #31
    spywizard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stuball
    Well im one of those idiot's with 2 dwi's spent some time in jail for wreaking a car with tree kids in it, needless to say i havent had a drink in 4 1/2 years, its always the innocent that get hurt... I had no right taking other lives in my hands, it's fvckin stupid and selfish !!!!
    good for you man.. i'm not sure my brother in law has figured that out yet..
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  32. #32
    stuball's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rake922
    How do you get from place to place now?

    Are you allowed to drive?
    Went away to detox, june 1 st 2002, then rehab then jail, got my licence back a year and a half later, then got my CDL back 6 months after that, i had to take everything over the written test a 6 hour course, then the drivers test, than 6 months probation.. At that point having a licence was not a problem, staying sober was..

  33. #33
    stuball's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by spywizard
    good for you man.. i'm not sure my brother in law has figured that out yet..
    I guess he didnt stop drinking !!!!!

  34. #34
    zimmy's Avatar
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    I don't mean to bring down the mood of the board but i feel this is relevant

    I went to a party, Mom,
    I remembered what you said.
    You told me not to drink, Mom,
    So I drank soda instead.

    I really felt proud inside, Mom,
    The way you said I would.
    I didn't drink and drive, Mom,
    Even though the others said I should.

    I know I did the right thing, Mom,
    I know you are always right.
    Now the party is finally ending, Mom,
    As everyone is driving out of sight.

    As I got into my car, Mom,
    I knew I'd get home in one piece.
    Because of the way you raised me,
    So responsible and sweet.

    I started to drive away, Mom,
    But as I pulled out into the road,
    The other car didn't see me, Mom,
    And hit me like a load.

    As I lay there on the pavement, Mom,
    I hear the policeman say,
    "The other guy is drunk," Mom,
    And now I'm the one who will pay.

    I'm lying here dying, Mom...
    I wish you'd get here soon.
    How could this happen to me, Mom?
    My life just burst like a balloon.

    There is blood all around me, Mom,
    And most of it is mine.
    I hear the medic say, Mom,
    I'll die in a short time.

    I just wanted to tell you, Mom,
    I swear I didn't drink.
    It was the others, Mom.
    The others didn't think.

    He was probably at the same party as I.
    The only difference is, he drank
    And I will die.

    Why do people drink, Mom?
    It can ruin your whole life.
    I'm feeling sharp pains now.
    Pains just like a knife.

    The guy who hit me is walking, Mom,
    And I don't think it's fair.
    I'm lying here dying
    And all he can do is stare.

    Tell my brother not to cry, Mom.
    Tell Daddy to be brave.
    And when I go to heaven, Mom,
    Put "Daddy's Girl" on my grave.

    Someone should have told him, Mom,
    Not to drink and drive.
    If only they had told him, Mom,
    I would still be alive.

    My breath is getting shorter, Mom.
    I'm becoming very scared.
    Please don't cry for me, Mom.
    When I needed you,
    you were always there.

    I have one last question, Mom.
    Before I say good bye.
    I didn't drink and drive,
    So why am I the one to die?

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by zimmy
    I don't mean to bring down the mood of the board but i feel this is relevant
    Just like i said ,,, The Innocent suffer !!!

  36. #36
    stuball's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by zimmy
    I don't mean to bring down the mood of the board but i feel this is relevant
    And your not bringing the mood down, thats just the reality of it all !!!

  37. #37
    big L 17's Avatar
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    i used to till a good freind of mine called a 80 yr old guy becuase he was drunk driven.

  38. #38
    Foskamink's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by big L 17
    i used to till a good freind of mine called a 80 yr old guy becuase he was drunk driven.

  39. #39
    CSAR's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by big L 17
    i used to till a good freind of mine called a 80 yr old guy becuase he was drunk driven.
    What did your friend call him? Sorry, I don't get it. Driving while intoxicated = tragic accidents. Typing while intoxicated = tragic posts.

  40. #40
    stuball's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CSAR
    What did your friend call him? Sorry, I don't get it. Driving while intoxicated = tragic accidents. Typing while intoxicated = tragic posts.

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