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  1. #41
    AnabolicBoy1981 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by notorious_mem
    not that night bout 4 years later,if someone ever starts a thread that starts out "Have you ever got totally sh!t faced in a hot tub and had a threesome in front of a bunch of peaple at a party" then ill have a hell of a story to tell.
    ....i just did. get to it

  2. #42
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flagg
    Unless you're an infant or a deranged old person, basically anyone that needs to wear a nappy then no. There is no excuse to shit yourself if you're a grown person in control of their facalties.

    Beast is that true about that guy who used to come into your pub? Or is this one of your jokes? If that's true then jesus....
    I'm serious. I swear, I witnessed it with my own eyes. Here is a picture of him. It was taken in the pub I ran. he was drinking in there on his day off. I don't think he poohed himself that day. He was recently arrested. He took a dump outside the law courts late at night and was caught on CCTV. The police came and took him away and he wiped pooh on the inside of there van for good measure. He was fined £400.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Has anyone pooped their pants...-image1.jpg  
    Last edited by perfectbeast2001; 10-19-2006 at 09:21 AM.

  3. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by perfectbeast2001
    I'm serious. I swear, I witnessed it with my own eyes. Here is a picture of him. It was taken in the pub I ran. he was drinking in there on his day off. I don't think he poohed himself that day. He was recently arrested. He took a dump outside the law courts late at night and was caught on CCTV. The police came and took him away and he wiped pooh on the inside of there van for good measure. He was fined £400.

    You know, no matter HOW bad people think their lives are, through to losinga job, relationship breakdown,'re life could be infinitely worse. You could be this walking shit bag. And i mean that literally.

  4. #44
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flagg
    You know, no matter HOW bad people think their lives are, through to losinga job, relationship breakdown,'re life could be infinitely worse. You could be this walking shit bag. And i mean that literally.
    I'm glad that Vince is able to help those with problems feel better about themselves!!!!

  5. #45
    notorious_mem's Avatar
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    i do suddenly feel much better about myself thanks

  6. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by perfectbeast2001
    I'm glad that Vince is able to help those with problems feel better about themselves!!!!
    In his own way, Vince is making others happy

  7. #47
    notorious_mem's Avatar
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    steal his moms social security checks?

  8. #48
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    well he worked in the bar then he worked for a welder as a labourer for a bit. His mum used to send him money every month as she is quite well off but sort of disowned him. I think she basically payed him to leave her alone!

  9. #49
    whynot960 is offline Associate Member
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    I sharted in my pants once.When ever I have to crap really bad I call it groundhogging and if I dont hurry he's going to see his shadow

  10. #50
    kloter1's Avatar
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    man i had ibs and i had the soiled britches all the time. i keep a spare in my toolbox.

  11. #51
    Johny-too-small's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kloter1
    man i had ibs and i had the soiled britches all the time. i keep a spare in my toolbox.

    Do have whitie-tidies or boxers?

    The worst feeling in the world is after a long hard day you come home and throw your drawers on the floor only to have your wife or gf see them laying there exposing the evil skid mark you didn’t know you made. Then she says the smart remark, “oh, was baby sick today?”

  12. #52
    kihop's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by perfectbeast2001
    I used to run a pub and had a guy work for me who had this problem. This was due to the fact that he drank real ale all the time, even if it was out of date or had line cleaner in it, he drank the drip trays and he would eat food that had been left out all night after pub parties and barbecues. Once he pealed the mould off some chilli that had been there for MONTHS and ate it in front of me. Anyway this led to him shitting his pants ALOT. Sometimes he would walk into work bow legged and stinking and I would have to send him home to change. Once we were out and he shat his pants in a bar. He went to the toilet and took his underpants off. When we left the bar he took the shitty underpants out of his pocket and threw them against the wall where they remained glued with pooh till the next day. During that day he also threw up all over a girl serving behind a cigarette kiosk.
    That part about the chili messed messed up so bad, almost threw up.
    Month old chili probably has worms in it...disgusting.

  13. #53
    MoneyAddyct is offline Member
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    I've never crapped my pants, but I was at the gym one time when I dude crapped himself doing squats. Hilarious.

  14. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by kihop
    That part about the chili messed messed up so bad, almost threw up.
    Month old chili probably has worms in it...disgusting.

    Dude, your avy is BAD (an opened vagina?) . Good luck keeping that one for more that two seconds.
    Actually makes me messed up and I love pie.
    Last edited by Johny-too-small; 10-20-2006 at 06:58 PM.

  15. #55
    HORSE~'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Johny-too-small
    Dude, your avy is BAD (an opened vagina?) . Good luck keeping that one for more that two seconds.
    Actually makes me messed up and I love pie.
    It is a picture of a female hand on top of a mouse.......

    It does make you look twice and think dirty thoughts though.....

  16. #56
    eyecandy_44 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life
    The Anal Stage
    At one and one-half years, the child enters the anal stage. With the advent of toilet training comes the child's obsession with the erogenous zone of the anus and with the retention or expulsion of the feces. This represents a classic conflict between the id, which derives pleasure from expulsion of bodily wastes, and the ego and superego, which represent the practical and societal pressures to control the bodily functions. The child meets the conflict between the parent's demands and the child's desires and physical capabilities in one of two ways: Either he puts up a fight or he simply refuses to go. The child who wants to fight takes pleasure in excreting maliciously, perhaps just before or just after being placed on the toilet. If the parents are too lenient and the child manages to derive pleasure and success from this expulsion, it will result in the formation of an anal expulsive character. This character is generally messy, disorganized, reckless, careless, and defiant. Conversely, a child may opt to retain feces, thereby spiting his parents while enjoying the pleasurable pressure of the built-up feces on his intestine. If this tactic succeeds and the child is overindulged, he will develop into an anal retentive character. This character is neat, precise, orderly, careful, stingy, withholding, obstinate, meticulous, and passive-aggressive. The resolution of the anal stage, proper toilet training, permanently affects the individual propensities to possession and attitudes towards authority. This stage lasts from one and one-half to two years.

    very informative! wow

  17. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by horse2006
    It is a picture of a female hand on top of a mouse.......

    It does make you look twice and think dirty thoughts though.....

    I am an idiot. I need to get my head out of the gutter.

  18. #58
    *Narkissos*'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Johny-too-small
    I am an idiot. I need to get my head out of the gutter.
    LMAO x 2

  19. #59
    cfiler's Avatar
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    I haven't pooped my pants since I was 5.

  20. #60
    Bojangles69's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cfiler
    I haven't pooped my pants since I was 5.
    me too, adults dont wear diapers for a reason.

  21. #61
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    Quote Originally Posted by perfectbeast2001
    He wasn't retarded he was basically an alcoholic who ate any free food he could as he spent all his money on beer. He was a bit odd but not retarded. I went to his house once (before his wife kicked him out) and had a couple of beers with him. I went up to use the rest room and there was a big brown mark across the carpet in there. I got back downstairs and said "whats that big brown stain on the carpet" His Wife says "oh Vince fell off the toilet last night and couldn't be bothered to clean up the mess so he just wiped it in with his foot". This is just the kind of person he was. He now lives in his car.
    Man what a loser... why did you employ this guy

  22. #62
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    One day whilst eating my evening meal watching tv with the kids I heard my then gf (thankfuly gf no more) who is serial binge drinker screaming from the bathroom, I ambled slowly upstairs assuming there was a spider in the bath or something, when I got there I found her sitting in the bath which she had just shat in, not just one or two turds floating on the surface but a stream of the most vile flourescant runny sh1t you have ever seen, I was mortified and ran back down the stairs and left her to it, luckily she wasnt so drunk she couldnt clean it up.

  23. #63
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by beuleux
    Man what a loser... why did you employ this guy
    He already worked there when I became manager. He was like the pub mascot. Everyone thought he was funny.

  24. #64
    x_moe's Avatar
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    im just glad i dont drink

  25. #65
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    Quote Originally Posted by AnabolicBoy1981
    my friend ****ed a girl in the ass after i beer bash when she was out cold, and she shit right on the bed. Oh well, thats what he gets for not asking for the ass b4 taking it i guess,lol.
    that's rape and that makes your friend a piece of shit. I want to seriously murder any guy who does that kind of crap.

  26. #66
    salmon1's Avatar
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    This is a good read..

    somebody make a "have you pee'd your pants thread"

    I can't start the thread since I have a stellar reputation to maintain

  27. #67
    beuleux's Avatar
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    one time I could find nothing for breakfast except a tin of beans, so as I had to get off to work I didnt have time to be fussy, anyway come lunchtime I was riding a motorcycle through town when I felt this huge fart brewing, it was so huge I felt I had to stand on the footrests to let it out, lo and behold the beans had done thier magic and I did a huge runny shit in my leathers, by the time Id sat back down the wind had chilled it to a cold stodgy mess, It was a while before I could get to some public bogs and dump my undies, never had beans for breakfast since

  28. #68
    THE_DOME's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AnabolicBoy1981
    oh man! what was i thinkin?! like 3 months ago i sharted at my friends house. i cant believe i forgot to mention that!

    yeah, i started takin massive amounts of vitamin C, 80grams as per Johan's recomendation, cuz i thought i had an abscess. Anyway i felt the need to fart so i said "Hey guys, check this out!" And i did my signature van damme side kick and grunt right b4 i farted as always.......but the blank stare that followed instead of me laughing clued my buddy that something was amiss."whats wrong dude?"

    ".....uh.i think i just sharted"


    Yep, i sure was so i went to the john and sure enough...splatterd...even on my leg. So went home, burned the pants and showered then wetnt back to the party.

    Shyt...i have all kindsa poop stories.....

    im dying this is so damn funny

  29. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by Johny-too-small
    I went on a family cruise (all guys, though) a while ago and two of my family members got so wasted they crapped their pants.
    Then a buddy of mine told me that he dated a bunch of sorority girls and he would go home with them after a night of heavy partying and they would crap the bed. He acted like it was no big deal. I couldnt believe my frickin ears.

    Anyone here have any of these experiences?
    LOL if a chick shit in my bed i would rub ther hair in it

  30. #70
    Mizfit's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Superhuman
    that's rape and that makes your friend a piece of shit. I want to seriously murder any guy who does that kind of crap.

  31. #71
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    Quote Originally Posted by Schmidty
    LOL if a chick shit in my bed i would rub ther hair in it
    Hey... have I come to the scat forum by mistake

  32. #72
    MuscleScience's Avatar
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    this is some seriously funny stuff.

    I have a buddy that I played baseball with and he told me this story one day when we were sitting in the bull pen about this guy that he played ball with. This guy met a chick at a bar were the ball team was at and ended up hooking up with her. She lived like an hour away from the bar but he didnt care so he went with her. So at about 3:30 in the morning he gets to her trailer where she lives and meets her grandma sitting on the couch watching tv. He was feeling kinda weird about this but he was like hell this girl is hot and he wants to get some. They head off to the bedroom and start getting down to business. when she gets up and goes to the dresser and pulls out a string of butt-beads. He was like well thats kinda weird but what ever she is hot. She then proceeds to tell him that they are not for her its for him. He said he was like hell no im not doing that. But being that she was really hot and he was really drunk and that no one would ever find out since he was only in town for summer baseball he gave in to her and let her proceed. I guess when she was done load them up. She asked him if he was ready. He said yeah Im ready, she pulled them beads out like you would start a chain saw. He said he never felt anything like it in his life and he said the shit just exploded out of his ass uncontrollably
    Last edited by MuscleScience; 10-22-2006 at 08:12 PM. Reason: bad spelling

  33. #73
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleScience
    this is some seriously funny stuff.

    I have a buddy that I played baseball with and he told me this story one day when we were sitting in the bull pen about this guy that he played ball with. This guy met a chick at a bar were the ball team was at and ended up hooking up with her. She lived like an hour away from the bar but he didnt car so he went with her. So at about 3:30 in the morning he gets to her trailer where she lives and meets her grandma sitting on the couch watching tv. He was feeling kinda weird about this but he was like hell this girl is hot and he wants to get some. They head off to the bedroom and start getting down to business. when she gets up and goes to the dresser and pulls out a string of butt-beads. He was like well thats kinda wierd but what ever she is hot. She then proceeds to tell him that they are not for her its for him. He said he was like hell know im not doing that. But being that she was really hot and he was really drunk and that now one would ever find out since he was only in town for summer baseball he gave in to her and let her proceed. I guess when she was done load them up. She asked him if he was ready. He said yeah Im ready, she pulled them beads out like you would start a chain saw. He said he never felt anything like it in his life and he said the shit just exploded out of his ass uncontrolabley
    Awww man that is funny.

  34. #74
    Carlos_E's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TOMBRADY
    So then what happened... Was she excited by it or what

    What? Why? What? Why?What? Why? What? Why?What? Why? What? Why?What? Why? What? Why?What? Why? What? Why?What? Why? What? Why?What? Why? What? Why?What? Why? What? Why?What? Why? What? Why?What? Why? What? Why?What? Why? What? Why?
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  35. #75
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  36. #76
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    Your buddy.... Ok

  37. #77
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    this thread is full of crap lmao.

  38. #78
    stunner5000pt is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by UpstateTank
    i did what i like to call a hershey squirt once

    thought it was gonna be just a fart but it turned out to be more than i anticipated
    yai get those sometimes... this is why i am very cautious about letting one go

    ill let it out little by little

  39. #79
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    Sorry guys my women came over so i couldnt finish the story. Anyway I guess after she pull started him. He was like I have never been so ashamed in his life. She acted like it was no big deal he said that he kept saying he was sorry. Then he said the most Fd-up thing happened. Apparently she was a true freak in every sense of the word and proceeded to do a swan dive right in the middle of the shit and told him to f the shit out of her. So I guess since his was already drunk and nobody would ever know he did.

  40. #80
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    now I know this sounds like a total BS story and so did I. However I was able to confirm the story a week or so later when me and my buddy ran into another guy on that same summer time as the guy in the story. I couldnt believe it myself but it seems to be true. And knowing baseball players like a do I wouldnt put it past anyone of us.

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