View Poll Results: is it worse for women to cheat or men?

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  • worse for men to cheat

    1 2.04%
  • worse for women to cheat

    23 46.94%
  • both are equally bad

    25 51.02%
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  1. #1
    zodiac666's Avatar
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    worse for women to cheat or men?

    im curious what your opinions are on this. cheating is wrong either way but being a male i think it is worse when women cheat for a few reasons. for one women are usually the submissive ones when it comes to sex which i think makes it more irritating for guys. i mean what would you women think of your man if he came up to you and told you that he had been letting some girl fvck him up the ass with a strap on for the last couple weeks? i think you would lose all respect for him and just want to get as far away from him as possible. thats pretty much how most guys think when a girl cheats on them. its the same reason that women shouldnt tell a guy how many partners they have had, or even bring up guys they have slept with.

    i have been with one girl who cheated on me (about 6years ago) and she actually came up to me and told me she had been sleeping with another guy but it was over and she really wanted to be with me. but i had lost all respect for her and just didnt want to have anything to do with her.

    actually im just bored as hell and am just trying to start an entertaining conversation. im curious what women have to say, im sure they think the opposite but i would like to hear their reasoning.

  2. #2
    Lifter1234 is offline New Member
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    ive seen this on tv, the radio and magz. anyway they all said guys have about 3-4 cheats in with any relationship. and a girl has 0 cheats in on a relationship, therefor i would have to say that this is true, because i have never once stayed with a girl that cheated on me.

    but some guys are cool with 1-2 cheats

    and us guys have a huge EGO and pride about all these things

  3. #3
    rast4man's Avatar
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    Here's my typical guy answer:

    If either cheat, it's shows a lack of respect and integrity on both parties. Relationships are built on trust and if one person is unhappy, they should nut/ovary up and discuss their unhappiness with the other. That being said, if a woman ever cheated on me, that's considered instant TAINT. And she would have no chance in this world to come sleep in my bed ever again.

    I cheated on 1 woman once to engage in a threesome while drunk (many years ago) and to this day, 10+ years, this woman still won't talk to me and she was my first love. I felt so guilty I told her, and she just couldn't let it go and still can't to this day.

    If I'm in a relationship that isn't going anywhere, I am man enough to tell the person that it isn't working out and I am going to pursue other options.

    That's just my 2ccs.

  4. #4
    Carlos_E's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by zodiac666
    I mean what would you women think of your man if he came up to you and told you that he had been letting some girl fvck him up the ass with a strap on for the last couple weeks? i think you would lose all respect for him and just want to get as far away from him as possible.
    A woman thinks a guy who cheats is a piece of shit dirt trash who sticks his dick in anything and she'll lose all respect for him.

    What's the difference? Cheating is wrong no matter which sex is doing it. And don't give me the cave man nature crap. We're no longer apes. We have brains to think with.
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  5. #5
    Carlos_E's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rast4man
    If I'm in a relationship that isn't going anywhere, I am man enough to tell the person that it isn't working out and I am going to pursue other options.
    I agree. If I'm in a relationship and want to be with someone else I would break up. Why sneak around and cheat. The person you don't want will just be in the way. Get rid of them.

    I think people who cheat are insecure and afraid of being alone. They hold onto the person they really don't want just so they're not alone.
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  6. #6
    RA's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carlos_E
    A woman thinks a guy who cheats is a piece of shit dirt trash who sticks his dick in anything and she'll lose all respect for him.

    What's the difference? Cheating is wrong no matter which sex is doing it. And don't give me the cave man nature crap. We're no longer apes. We have brains to think with.

    Yeah, but where are they located?

  7. #7
    RA's Avatar
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    I voted equal. Both would be dirt bags

  8. #8
    Hackamaniac's Avatar
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    Cheating is just wrong!
    No exceptions!

  9. #9
    Mizfit's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lifter1234
    ive seen this on tv, the radio and magz. anyway they all said guys have about 3-4 cheats in with any relationship. and a girl has 0 cheats in on a relationship, therefor i would have to say that this is true, because i have never once stayed with a girl that cheated on me.

    but some guys are cool with 1-2 cheats

    and us guys have a huge EGO and pride about all these things
    Women just don't get caught - men have trouble keeping their stories straight.

    Men and women cheat equally

  10. #10
    Mizfit's Avatar
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    Cheating is wrong - everyone speaks out about it, but the statisics say that more than 50% of people do it.

  11. #11
    Foskamink's Avatar
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    yep cheating equally wrong

  12. #12
    Mizfit's Avatar
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    Infidelity Statistics
    Infidelity statistics have varied drastically over the past 50 years. The problem with obtaining accurate statistics on adultery is that most people will not tell the truth because it is such a sensitive subject. Controlled cheating surveys are scarce and the below infidelity percentages have been randomly collected from various sources.


    "Sex is the number 1 topic searched on the Internet" (NCPCE Online, "Current Statistics," Internet,


    25% of total search engine requests are porn-related. (Top three searches: sex, mp3 and hotmail.)
    8% of total emails are porn-related. Average daily pornographic emails are 4.5 per internet user
    12% of total websites are pornographic

    20% of men admit accessing pornography at work
    13% of women admit accessing pornography at work
    53% of Promise Keeper men viewed pornography the previous week in one study
    10% of adults ADMIT to having internet sexual addiction (Internet Pornography Statistics: 2003)

    Infidelity statistics
    It's tough to get a handle on how many of us are having affairs, given the inherent secrecy.

    22 percent of married men have strayed at least once during their married lives.
    14 percent of married women have had affairs at least once during their married lives.
    Younger people are more likely candidates; in fact, younger women are as likely as younger men to be unfaithful.
    70 percent of married women and 54 percent of married men did not know of their spouses' extramarital activity.
    5 percent of married men and 3 percent of married women reported having sex with someone other than their spouse in the 1997.
    22 percent of men and 14 percent of women admitted to having sexual relations outside their marriage sometime in their past.
    90 percent of Americans believe adultery is morally wrong.
    50 percent of Americans say President Clinton's adultery makes his moral standard "about the same as the average married man,'' according to a Time-CNN poll.
    61 percent of Americans thought adultery should not be a crime in the United states; 35 percent thought it should; 4 percent had no opinion.
    17 percent of divorces in the United States are caused by infidelity.
    Source: Associated Press

    -Up to 37% of men and 22% of women admit to having affairs. Researchers think the vast majority of the millions of people who visit chat rooms, have multiple "special friends”.
    Dr. Bob Lanier,

    -Only 46% of men believe that online affairs are adultery.

    -80% think it's Ok to talk with a stranger identified as the opposite sex. 75% thinks it's ok to visit an adult site.

    - About 60 percent of men and 40 percent of women will have an affair at some point in some marriage
    "Monogamy Myth", Therapist Peggy Vaugn

    -About 24 percent of men and 14 percent of women have had sex outside their marriages, according to a Dec. 21, 1998 report in USA Today on a national study by the University of California, San Francisco.

    Affairs affect one of every 2.7 couples, according to counselor Janis Abrahms Spring, author of "After the Affair," as reported by the Washington Post on March 30, 1999. Ten percent of extramarital affairs last one day, 10 percent last more than one day but less than a month, 50 percent last more than a month but less than a year, but 40 percent last two or more years. Few extramarital affairs last more than four years.

    A lesser known fact is that those who divorce rarely marry the person with whom they are having the affair. For example, Dr. Jan Halper’s study of successful men (executives, entrepreneurs, professionals) found that very few men who have affairs divorce their wife and marry their lovers. Only 3 percent of the 4,100 successful men surveyed eventually married their lovers.

    Frank Pittman has found that the divorce rate among those who married their lovers was 75 percent. The reasons for the high divorce rate include: intervention of reality, guilt, expectations, a general distrust of marriage, and a distrust of the affairee.

    -Statistics show more than 72,000 sexually explicit sites on the web and an estimated 266 new porn sites being added each day. These sites alone generate a revenue of $1 billion dollars each year.
    Harding Institute

    -One-third of divorce litigation is caused by online affairs
    "This Is An Internet E-Mergency", The Fortino Group

    -Approximately 70% of time on-line is spent in chat rooms or sending e-mail; of these interactions, the vast majority are romantic in nature.
    Dr. Michael Adamse, PhD., co-author of "Affairs of the Net: The Cybershrinks' Guide to Online Relationships"

    -Because of the anonymity, affordability, and accessibility of Internet sexual resources, the computer can accelerate the transition from "at risk" to "addicted," as well as the progression of sex addiction in those with a history of prior sexual compulsivity.
    Cooper et al Survey

    -8-10 percent of Internet users become hooked on cybersex.
    Dr. Bob Lanier,

    Spouses who get hooked on Internet porn are a growing complaint among spouses filing for divorce, according to a survey of 350 divorce attorneys. "If there's dissatisfaction in the existing relationship, the Internet is an easy way for people to scratch the itch," said lawyer J. Lindsey Short, Jr., president of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers, which conducted the study.

    57% of people have used the Internet to flirt.

    38% of people have engaged in explicit online sexual conversation and 50% of people have made phone contact with someone they chatted with online.

    Evidence proves there is a high correlation between on-line infidelity and subsequent real-time sexual affairs.

    Evidence supports the existence of disinhibition, accelerated intimacy, and hyper-sexual online behavior that can easily lead to real-time infidelity

    31% of people have had an online conversation that has led to real-time sex.

    -It is estimated that 53% of all people will have one or more affairs during their lifetime.

    Look at the numbers from a recent issue of Playboy Magazine:

    -2 out of 3 women and 3 out of 4 men admit they have sexual thoughts about co-workers.

    -86% of men and 81% of women admit they routinely flirt with the opposite sex.

    -75% of men and 65% of women admit to having sex with people they work with.

    -The fact is that human beings are NOT monogamous by nature. That means they cheat.

    Experts say that a gut instinct is the most powerful indicator of a cheating lover. Adultery statistics state that 85% of woman who feel their lover is cheating are correct. 50% of men who feel their lover is cheating are right. The first clue is seldom obvious. Typically, it's a "feeling" that something is different.

    It is estimated that 750,000 children have been aggressively pursued for sex on the Internet, 1 out 5 of these children were solicited for sex and 1 out of 4 children were sent pictures of people naked or having sex.

    There are recurring press reports of pedophiles using chat rooms to lure children into physical meetings. According to a recent national newspaper report, chat rooms are the most popular activity for children online, yet most chat rooms are unsupervised. Many are private, accessible only by invitation and special passwords (which may be provided to children by e-mail or instant-type messages to the screen of a targeted child).

    Police investigators report that when they identify themselves as teenaged girls in chat rooms they are frequently approached by strangers making sexual advances. In addition, pedophiles have created a community online, where they can validate their behavior with other like-minded individuals and share information and tricks of the trade.

    Cheating spouse statistics confirm that 50 and 70 percent of married men (between 38 and 53 million men) have cheated or will cheat on their wives. One study found that 2/3 of the wives (26 to 36 million women) whose husbands were cheating had no idea their husbands were having an affair - largely because they failed to recognize the telltale signs.

    According to Annette Lawson, author of "Adultery," published in 1989 by Basic Books.
    "The various researchers arrive at a general consensus…suggesting that above one-quarter to about one-half of married women have at least one lover after they are married in any given marriage. Married men probably still stray more often than married women—perhaps from 50 percent to 65 percent by the age of forty."

    According to Maggie Scarf, author of "Intimate Partners," first published in 1987 by Random House, re-issued in 1996 by Ballentine.
    "Most experts do consider the 'educated guess' that at the present time some 50 to 65 percent of husbands and 45 to 55 percent of wives become extramaritally involved by the age of 40 to be a relatively sound and reasonable one."

    According to Peggy Vaughan, author of "The Monogamy Myth," first published in 1989 by Newmarket Press (third edition published 2003).
    Conservative infedelity statistics estimate that “60 percent of men and 40 percent of women will have an extramarital affair. These figures are even more significant when we consider the total number of marriages involved, since it's unlikely that all the men and women having affairs happen to be married to each other. If even half of the women having affairs (or 20 percent) are married to men not included in the 60 percent having affairs, then at least one partner will have an affair in approximately 80 percent of all marriages. With this many marriages affected, it's unreasonable to think affairs are due only to the failures and shortcomings of individual husbands or wives."

    Note that the above adultry statistics of the prevalence of affairs were made more than a decade ago; so based on changes in society during the intervening years, the current percentage of the population who have had affairs is probably somewhat HIGHER. For instance, the continuing increase of women in the workplace and the increase of women having affairs on the Internet means that the numbers for women having affairs is probably similar to those for men—about 60%.

  13. #13
    notorious_mem's Avatar
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    I think for me its the violation of the women while shes cheating.something about me entering a womens body does not bother me as bad as the women being entered during sex.does this make any sense?and when a women cheats 9 out of ten times it for emotional reasons unlike a man who wants to get a nut,then go home and go to sleep.

  14. #14
    vitor is offline Anabolic Member
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    Who cheats most? Depends what age-catogori imo.

    I would say younger women from 20-30 cheat yust as much as men, if not more. From 40 and up, there are more men cheating, b/c woman fade after that age and have to be replaced...

  15. #15
    305GUY's Avatar
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    obvisiously its worse if a girl cheats IMO..its all about sex when a guy cheats but when a girl cheats it usualy always involves emotions and feelings..

  16. #16
    notorious_mem's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vitor
    Who cheats most? Depends what age-catogori imo.

    I would say younger women from 20-30 cheat yust as much as men, if not more. From 40 and up, there are more men cheating, b/c woman fade after that age and have to be replaced...
    LOL whats that saying about replacing a 40 year old with two 20 year olds.

  17. #17
    Bojangles69's Avatar
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    I said both.
    A relationship is a dual enterprise of trust and loyalty.

    Breaking those bonds is never justified by your gender. (although some like to think otherwise) Thats as lame as saying.. ohh baby I was drunk and we were fighting at the time.

    Only a tool would allow that shit.

  18. #18
    Bojangles69's Avatar
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    But I do believe its prefectly ok to be in multiple relationships provided the women know about it.

  19. #19
    Mizfit's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69
    I said both.
    A relationship is a dual enterprise of trust and loyalty.

    Breaking those bonds is never justified by your gender. (although some like to think otherwise) Thats as lame as saying.. ohh baby I was drunk and we were fighting at the time.

    Only a tool would allow that shit.
    Alcohol to me is not an excuse.

    When im drunk, yes i am not a 100% myself, but i know if im being sexual or not.

  20. #20
    Bojangles69's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mizfit
    Alcohol to me is not an excuse.

    When im drunk, yes i am not a 100% myself, but i know if im being sexual or not.
    Yeh to the point where you forget who you are and that you have a gf/bf equals the point you cant even get it up anymore.

    So if sex happens beforewards, that means your body was able to process arousal which means it was also able to process that you had a gf and shed cut your ballz off. No excuse imo. Unless the girl is really hot and rapes you lol.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69
    Yeh to the point where you forget who you are and that you have a gf/bf equals the point you cant even get it up anymore.

    So if sex happens beforewards, that means your body was able to process arousal which means it was also able to process that you had a gf and shed cut your ballz off. No excuse imo. Unless the girl is really hot and rapes you lol.

    Exactly.. and yes we are all temped.. anyone who says they aren't is lying.. but it's the ones who go thru with it that are just plain dumbasses

  22. #22
    Phreak101's Avatar
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    Flirt, check out, talk to, think dirty thoughts, look at porn, etc...just keep your dick in your pants, it's not hard...

    Otherwise dump the person you're with and go hog wild...I don't understand why this concept is so difficult for people.

  23. #23
    Mizfit's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phreak101
    Flirt, check out, talk to, think dirty thoughts, look at porn, etc...just keep your dick in your pants, it's not hard...

    Otherwise dump the person you're with and go hog wild...I don't understand why this concept is so difficult for people.
    Commitment issues i suppose.

    Thing is women r better at keeping this shit secret. If he cheats he tells all his friends, if she cheats she is more quiet about it.

  24. #24
    ginkobulloba's Avatar
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    For sure equally wrong. Here's my question, though...

    Is it a big no-no to have sex with a girl you know is in a relationship? Personally, every woman I have had any kind of a relationship with here in Thailand has had some guy somewhere thinking she was his girlfriend. Fcked up, but I don't feel the least bit bad about it.

    I guess it's all good until you're the victim, then it's not so funny anymore.
    I don't know...these kind of things aren't so black and white. It's not like I have a girlfriend and I'm sleeping around on her. I'm sleeping with my girlfriend while there is a benefactor out there who thinks she is being loyal.

  25. #25
    vitor is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mizfit
    Commitment issues i suppose.

    Thing is women r better at keeping this shit secret. If he cheats he tells all his friends, if she cheats she is more quiet about it.
    But the man she sleeps with will in most cases NOT keep quiet about it. Bad news travels quikly...

  26. #26
    lucabratzi's Avatar
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    here is a follow up question....if a girl cheated on u w/ and ex of hers would u ever take her back..

  27. #27
    Phreak101's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mizfit
    Commitment issues i suppose.

    Thing is women r better at keeping this shit secret. If he cheats he tells all his friends, if she cheats she is more quiet about it.

    I have never met a woman who can keep her mouth shut after she cheats....EVER. I've had more than one occasion of b/f's wanting to beat my ass after their girl cracked...

  28. #28
    zodiac666's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lucabratzi
    here is a follow up question....if a girl cheated on u w/ and ex of hers would u ever take her back..
    hell no, obviously she isnt over him so she will probably keep sleeping with him.

  29. #29
    lucabratzi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by zodiac666
    hell no, obviously she isnt over him so she will probably keep sleeping with him.
    yeah, she wasnt and it ****ed me in the end...but she "is" now..and just "wants" to be with me...and this was about 5 months ago..but i usually go by once a cheater/liar always a cheater/liar...

  30. #30
    Mizfit's Avatar
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    I dunno.. - i know quite a few ppl men and women who cheat - reason vary..

    I know if we pose the question here, who cheats and who doesn't we are not gonna get a 1005 honest answers

  31. #31
    ginkobulloba's Avatar
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    no reason to lie on an internet forum

  32. #32
    Mizfit's Avatar
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    And It’s funny because some people rationalize their reasoning’s for cheating like their partner did it first etc.. But truth is that doesn’t make the person any better.

  33. #33
    G-1000's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mizfit
    Alcohol to me is not an excuse.

    When im drunk, yes i am not a 100% myself, but i know if im being sexual or not.
    Dam and i was going to try and get you drunk.

  34. #34
    Phreak101's Avatar
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    Too many drama questions in the lounge...

  35. #35
    Mizfit's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69
    But I do believe its prefectly ok to be in multiple relationships provided the women know about it.
    agreed.. If both know the rules it's fine

  36. #36
    Mizfit's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gsxxr
    Dam and i was going to try and get you drunk.
    haha vodka.. remember that one!!

    It's what got me drunk on saturday

  37. #37
    zodiac666's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mizfit
    haha vodka.. remember that one!!

    It's what got me drunk on saturday
    any particular brand of vodka?

  38. #38
    G-1000's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mizfit
    haha vodka.. remember that one!!

    It's what got me drunk on saturday

    I remember

  39. #39
    ginkobulloba's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phreak101
    Too many drama questions in the lounge...
    Dude, you've got a picture of an AK-47, a bottle of Vodka, and some juice as your avatar. I'd say you don't exactly shy away from drama.

  40. #40
    Mizfit's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by zodiac666
    any particular brand of vodka?
    haha but i know whut i'm doing when im drunk..

    doesn't mean i always dot he right thing, but i take total responsiblity for ym actions

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