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  1. #1
    mavsluva's Avatar
    mavsluva is offline "Gone but not forgotten" 10/11/07
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    Video: My Cancer Testimony

    Below is a link that contains a video pertaining to my experience with cancer. The purpose of this video was for a personal testimony that I shared with my church community this past weekend. I talk about my experience with cancer, a breakdown in my marriage, and how cancer will affect my life moving forward. I was also baptized for the first time after the video was played at my church this past Sunday. I highly encourage you all to watch it. I've even found myself revisiting the video this week as I'm always looking for more motivation.

    I want to also dedicate this video to both Mr. Mention and Kale. I'm most certain that they already know why.

    Grace and peace,

  2. #2
    l2elapse's Avatar
    l2elapse is offline That don't kill me, can only make me stronger
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    wow, you are an inspiration, major faith dude, ah i love it

  3. #3
    C_Bino's Avatar
    C_Bino is offline $BAM-7246~AR-Hall of Famer
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    Great video. Keep that head up.

  4. #4
    AnabolicAndre's Avatar
    AnabolicAndre is offline Anabolic Member
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    wow dude you are a strong idividual for sure!!

    your faith in god is amazing. keep it up man!

  5. #5
    mavsluva's Avatar
    mavsluva is offline "Gone but not forgotten" 10/11/07
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    Quote Originally Posted by justinandrews7
    wow, you are an inspiration, major faith dude, ah i love it
    I figured that you would enjoy that, Justin.

  6. #6
    Foskamink's Avatar
    Foskamink is offline Banned
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    thanks mavsluva ur really great help to everyone not just your video but ur advice and atmosphere/ aura u bring to the forum

  7. #7
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Mate I am deeply touched for the dedication, and yes I know why, and I am sure Jazzy is looking down on you right now.

    I have a couple of questions if you don't mind, you mention in your video that you were diagnosed with Prostate Cancer and then cleared of it. What happened there ? I am interested because the same thing is happening to me right now ? I am also interested to know what part of your treatment made you impotent, was it the treatment for the Prostate issue or was it the treatment for the BT ? You have a fantastic attitude to life and I am sure that that and your spiritual strength will stand you in good stead for the rest of what I am sure will be a happy and long life.

  8. #8
    G-1000's Avatar
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    Hey Bro that is a great video.

    I's good that you had you wife there ny your side to help you get throw. keep going on the track your and and you seam you will be very happy.

    Best of luck

  9. #9
    mavsluva's Avatar
    mavsluva is offline "Gone but not forgotten" 10/11/07
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kale
    Mate I am deeply touched for the dedication, and yes I know why, and I am sure Jazzy is looking down on you right now.

    I have a couple of questions if you don't mind, you mention in your video that you were diagnosed with Prostate Cancer and then cleared of it. What happened there ? I am interested because the same thing is happening to me right now ? I am also interested to know what part of your treatment made you impotent, was it the treatment for the Prostate issue or was it the treatment for the BT ? You have a fantastic attitude to life and I am sure that that and your spiritual strength will stand you in good stead for the rest of what I am sure will be a happy and long life.
    My prostate cancer eventually subsided with a procedure called Cryosurgery, alslo called Cryotherapy (cryo means to freeze). I had endured about 3 1/2 months of chemo (platinum is the main ingredient in the treatment of prostate cancer) but it wasn't taking it's form like they had anticipated. The Cryosurgery procedure consist of a probe like device that would be directly attached to the prostate gland and it would freeze the prostate at temperatures that the cancer could not survive. About a 30-45 minute procedure. One possible side effect of this procedure is impotency. It ended up killing the nerve endings in my prostate region, and as a result, I have no feeling in that area. It has also affected my ability to know exactly when I need to pee. I don't pee my pants by any means, but I don't know when I have to pee until the time that I'm about to burst! So there had better be a bathroom around when the time comes!

    Also, I've heard of instances to where the removal of the prostate has resulted in impotency. Chemo and radiation treatments alone for prostate cancer typically does not affect your ability to have an errection. It's the intrusive operations that can lead to impotency.

  10. #10
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Quote Originally Posted by mavsluva
    My prostate cancer eventually subsided with a procedure called Cryosurgery, alslo called Cryotherapy (cryo means to freeze). I had endured about 3 1/2 months of chemo (platinum is the main ingredient in the treatment of prostate cancer) but it wasn't taking it's form like they had anticipated. The Cryosurgery procedure consist of a probe like device that would be directly attached to the prostate gland and it would freeze the prostate at temperatures that the cancer could not survive. About a 30-45 minute procedure. One possible side effect of this procedure is impotency. It ended up killing the nerve endings in my prostate region, and as a result, I have no feeling in that area. It has also affected my ability to know exactly when I need to pee. I don't pee my pants by any means, but I don't know when I have to pee until the time that I'm about to burst! So there had better be a bathroom around when the time comes!

    Also, I've heard of instances to where the removal of the prostate has resulted in impotency. Chemo and radiation treatments alone for prostate cancer typically does not affect your ability to have an erection. It's the intrusive operations that can lead to impotency.
    Mate I have done tons of research on all of this and I know all the treatments intimately. I have never seen any treatment that uses Chemo for Prostate Cancer itself apart from hormone therapy to stop the production of Testosterone . I presume they were using Cisplatin on you ? How long ago was all of this done ? Normally Prostate Cancer isnt what kills you, its the metastises to the bones that gets you and that is what they would treat with Chemo. All the treatments I have seen are Radical Prostatectomy, Cryotherapy, and several forms of Radiation Therapy.

    How old were you when you were diagnosed ? and how were you diagnosed ? Did you have a Biopsy ? I hope you don't mind me asking all these questions but I need all the info I can get on this.

    To me its sounds like your Prostate Cancer metastasized to your brain as well which is very rare indeed.
    Last edited by Kale; 11-02-2006 at 08:41 AM.

  11. #11
    mavsluva's Avatar
    mavsluva is offline "Gone but not forgotten" 10/11/07
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kale
    Mate I have done tons of research on all of this and I know all the treatments intimately. I have never seen any treatment that uses Chemo for Prostate Cancer itself apart from hormone therapy to stop the production of Testosterone . I presume they were using Cisplatin on you ? How long ago was all of this done ? Normally Prostate Cancer isnt what kills you, its the metastises to the bones that gets you and that is what they would treat with Chemo. All the treatments I have seen are Radical Prostatectomy, Cryotherapy, and several forms of Radiation Therapy.

    How old were you when you were diagnosed ? and how were you diagnosed ? Did you have a Biopsy ? I hope you don't mind me asking all these questions but I need all the info I can get on this.

    To me its sounds like your Prostate Cancer metastasized to your brain as well which is very rare indeed.
    First off, I really hope that you're abiding by what your oncologist is telling you. I was 23 when I was diagnosed. My mom was diagnosed with melanoma when I was 11, so it opened our eyes to cancer being a potential issue within my immediate family. My mom's oncologist had recommended that I go in for annual check ups when I turned the age of 18. Probably one of the few times that I actually did what I was told to do! My annual check ups consisted of a prostate check (always fun), some blood work, and a CT Scan. I underwent all of my prostate treatments from Oct. 01 - Jan. 02. I underwent my cryotherapy procedure in Jan. 02. I can tell you a lot more in detail about my brain tumor than I can my prostate cancer.

    Yeah, the prostate to the brain is very rare. But then, look at Lance Armstrongs case. If I remember correctly, his went from his testicles, to his lymphnoids, and then to his lungs and brain. But yet, he's still alive.

  12. #12
    Mobligator is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kale
    Mate I have done tons of research on all of this and I know all the treatments intimately. I have never seen any treatment that uses Chemo for Prostate Cancer itself apart from hormone therapy to stop the production of Testosterone . I presume they were using Cisplatin on you ? How long ago was all of this done ? Normally Prostate Cancer isnt what kills you, its the metastises to the bones that gets you and that is what they would treat with Chemo. All the treatments I have seen are Radical Prostatectomy, Cryotherapy, and several forms of Radiation Therapy.

    How old were you when you were diagnosed ? and how were you diagnosed ? Did you have a Biopsy ? I hope you don't mind me asking all these questions but I need all the info I can get on this.

    To me its sounds like your Prostate Cancer metastasized to your brain as well which is very rare indeed.
    Kale, You are correct in regards to chemo being used for PCa, as it is primarily only used in the metastasis of PCa and unfortunately with very little success. (I see you've been doing some cramming which is good, hope you don't need it) Cancer, be it prostate or colon, etc. when it has metatasized to another part of the body such as the lungs, bones, etc, it is still prostate cancer or colon cancer and not lung cancer or bone cancer. Colon cancer for instance has a genetic marker different from other cancers so when it spreads to another organ it can be idenified and treated with a new drug called "Erbitux" combined with chemo and so far it has had good results. Hoefully they will find a similar genetic marker for PCa and a drug that will halt it's spreading. BTW, Cisplatin is a chemotherapy drug that is given as a treatment for some types of cancer. It is most commonly used to treat testicular, bladder, lung, gullet, stomach and ovarian cancers.

    Back in Jan of 2002 I checked on cryo with the doc who founded and developed ultrasound guided cryo, Dr. Onik in Celebration, FL. (see: At that time there were too many post op side effects to suit me, e.g. incontinence and impotence to mention two but in the past four years they must have made some improvements. A man who goes to my church just had cryo on his prostate last Dec and he claims he has no such side effects.

    I haven't looked at the video yet but I will. I don't have DSL or a high speed connection so it usually takes me a while to download such things. However I am likewise a man of faith, as I think you know and I believe in the power of prayer and healing. I'll likewise be praying for mavsluva.

  13. #13
    l2elapse's Avatar
    l2elapse is offline That don't kill me, can only make me stronger
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    is there anything to take to have a healthy prostate? im scared = [

  14. #14
    mavsluva's Avatar
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    You know, there are several multivitamin manufactures out there that claim their product helps to protect the prostate gland, but I think it's nothing more than propaganda. Don't stress about this kind of thing because you have a 50/50 chance that you'll have cancer one day. I mean, heck, there's a good chance that you'll get rear ended on the drive home from work today, but you're not going to sit there and let it stress you out! Or are you?

    Just take good care of yourself both physically and mentally.

  15. #15
    Mobligator is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by justinandrews7
    is there anything to take to have a healthy prostate? im scared = [
    I'm sure you can find long lists of things to take for a healthy prostate but IMO they are all unproven, and probably over-hyped gimmicks to make a buck. I took multiple vitamins/minerals for over 40 + years, kept myself in fairly good shape most of my life, ate healthy foods, etc and at the age of 68 I was diagnosed with prostate cancer. But in so far as I know now, I am cured. Prostate cancer is no longer a death sentence so don't be scared. Be like mavsluva.
    I just finished watching mavsluva's video and he is definitely an inspiration. He is now a witness for God and for all we know, God might have planned it that way.
    Perhaps more people will turn to God if they get PCa or some other disease and if that's what it takes, so be it. That would be a good thing, right? But I don't think for one second that God causes diseases, they are caused by various things, most of which are known to man and most are curable. Just keep the faith Justin. You seem to be going in the right direction

  16. #16
    mavsluva's Avatar
    mavsluva is offline "Gone but not forgotten" 10/11/07
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    You're a fantastic writer, brother! Very polished indeed. I was like you in that I lived a perfectly healthy lifestyle and what not, but still got cancer. If you ask me, I'm a firm believer in that God was truly testing my character due to my priorities being out of alignment. Here's why:

    1. Pre-cancer, money was my top priority. I worked a lot and I thought wealth would lead to happiness. I thought I was happy, but knowing what I know now, I was wrong. I would end up having to spend $65K on my stereotactic radiosurgery procedure in Aug. of 2002 because my insurance company would not cover some of the procedure. Well wouldn't you know, I had about $67K in the bank at the time, so I was stripped of all of my wealth.

    2. Pre-cancer - I was a really great athlete and I was very proud of my physical abilities. I thought I was Superman and I took my physical abilities for granted. On Aug. 14th, 2002, I would undergo the radiosurgery for my brain tumor that would jeopardize a good deal of my motor skills. I woke up from the procedure and later that day, I could not walk. I had to learn how to walk again, and let me tell you something, there's something to be said about being able to move around at your own leisure!

    3. Pre-cancer - I had lost contact with my family and I didn't care. I went well over 1 year without talking to my mom and dad. They would learn through the grapevine that I had been diagnosed with cancer. I did not immediately let me back in my life, though. It would be several years after cancer that I would take the initiative to heal the relationship with my parents.

    God brought me to my wife, and my wife brought me to God. God has now taken over my priorities and I'm spreading the Grace of God in everything that I do these days.

  17. #17
    l2elapse's Avatar
    l2elapse is offline That don't kill me, can only make me stronger
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    good stuff Mavs, what denomination are you?

  18. #18
    Mobligator is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by mavsluva

    You're a fantastic writer, brother! Very polished indeed. I was like you in that I lived a perfectly healthy lifestyle and what not, but still got cancer. If you ask me, I'm a firm believer in that God was truly testing my character due to my priorities being out of alignment. Here's why:

    1. Pre-cancer, money was my top priority. I worked a lot and I thought wealth would lead to happiness. I thought I was happy, but knowing what I know now, I was wrong. I would end up having to spend $65K on my stereotactic radiosurgery procedure in Aug. of 2002 because my insurance company would not cover some of the procedure. Well wouldn't you know, I had about $67K in the bank at the time, so I was stripped of all of my wealth.

    2. Pre-cancer - I was a really great athlete and I was very proud of my physical abilities. I thought I was Superman and I took my physical abilities for granted. On Aug. 14th, 2002, I would undergo the radiosurgery for my brain tumor that would jeopardize a good deal of my motor skills. I woke up from the procedure and later that day, I could not walk. I had to learn how to walk again, and let me tell you something, there's something to be said about being able to move around at your own leisure!

    3. Pre-cancer - I had lost contact with my family and I didn't care. I went well over 1 year without talking to my mom and dad. They would learn through the grapevine that I had been diagnosed with cancer. I did not immediately let me back in my life, though. It would be several years after cancer that I would take the initiative to heal the relationship with my parents.

    God brought me to my wife, and my wife brought me to God. God has now taken over my priorities and I'm spreading the Grace of God in everything that I do these days.
    "Fantastic" would be an exageration of enormous proportions but I promise I won't let it increase my hat size. Isn't it marvelous; now He calls you "friend". (you know what I mean) You are definitly blessed and you have a long life ahead of you to continue spreading the news.
    BTW, I believe they have developed something new and better than the stereotactic radiosurgery procedure you had in 2002. It's called the CyberKnife. It pinpoints the radiation attacking tumors from about 140 different directions. A friend of mine just went through 5 treatments with the cyberknife for cancer that spread extremely close to his eye. You might want to look up Cyberknife in Google for future references. I wish they had it when I was treated for PCa. Keep the faith brother.

  19. #19
    MrMent1on is offline National Level Bodybuilder
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    Good Video and good read bro. I hope and wish you the best. As you know my mother passed away from PCa just last year, so did her father so I'm for some reason expecting it. I have to check myself annually. Well if I end up with it, I'll just look at it as God's will.

  20. #20
    jbarkley's Avatar
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    Thanks so much for sharing your success and I wish you many many years of great health and happiness.

    Live Strong...Jeff

  21. #21
    Mobligator is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrMent1on
    Good Video and good read bro. I hope and wish you the best. As you know my mother passed away from PCa just last year, so did her father so I'm for some reason expecting it. I have to check myself annually. Well if I end up with it, I'll just look at it as God's will.
    MrMention, I'm sorry to hear about your mother passing away, I know how hard that is but didn't you make a typo when saying she had PCa? I've never heard of a woman having prostate cancer.

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