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  1. #1
    sonar1234's Avatar
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    Thumbs down The year i lost the will to live 2006

    Life has pounded me hard this year, i learned that its not eternal and death has been around me, plus sickness and depression.

    My father passed away from Cancer in Febuary 16th 2006

    In March i left the house for work petting my female cat on the head for the last time, my girlfriend called me at 4:16PM to tell me that she was dead on the bed, she found her there when she came back from her job interview.

    My mother went into a terrible depression after both theses very hard events.

    We got kicked out of the appartment where we lived cause the guy gave the appartment to is daughter and boyfriend.

    We bought a house and found some huge defect so we are going to court to settle everything.

    Bought a female kitten 3 months old and she is at the vet, she vomited blood and had blood in her stool, they found a lumb in the intestin, might be something she hate or something worst.

    This morning my co-worker who is fairly young 43 was diagnost with colon cancer they found a mass on the colon.

    fukking life what is the purpose of all that suffering and how can there be positive into this.

    If there is a God he can fukking kiss my white ass cause the gift of life is the gift of pain and failure

  2. #2
    l2elapse's Avatar
    l2elapse is offline That don't kill me, can only make me stronger
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    Quote Originally Posted by sonar1234
    Life has pounded me hard this year, i learned that its not eternal and death has been around me, plus sickness and depression.

    My father passed away from Cancer in Febuary 16th 2006

    In March i left the house for work petting my female cat on the head for the last time, my girlfriend called me at 4:16PM to tell me that she was dead on the bed, she found her there when she came back from her job interview.

    My mother went into a terrible depression after both theses very hard events.

    We got kicked out of the appartment where we lived cause the guy gave the appartment to is daughter and boyfriend.

    We bought a house and found some huge defect so we are going to court to settle everything.

    Bought a female kitten 3 months old and she is at the vet, she vomited blood and had blood in her stool, they found a lumb in the intestin, might be something she hate or something worst.

    This morning my co-worker who is fairly young 43 was diagnost with colon cancer they found a mass on the colon.

    fukking life what is the purpose of all that suffering and how can there be positive into this.

    If there is a God he can fukking kiss my white ass cause the gift of life is the gift of pain and failure
    im sorry you feel that way = [

  3. #3
    DSM4Life's Avatar
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    No one said life is easy. We have all had our ups and downs and believe me I know where you are coming from. There were times when i scared myself because I was about to hurt myself. In the end it’s not worth it. Each negative experience you encounter and overcome just makes your stronger. This I do believe.

    Good luck man. Ever need to chat just PM me.

  4. #4
    dedic8ed1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sonar1234
    Life has pounded me hard this year, i learned that its not eternal and death has been around me, plus sickness and depression.

    My father passed away from Cancer in Febuary 16th 2006

    In March i left the house for work petting my female cat on the head for the last time, my girlfriend called me at 4:16PM to tell me that she was dead on the bed, she found her there when she came back from her job interview.

    My mother went into a terrible depression after both theses very hard events.

    We got kicked out of the appartment where we lived cause the guy gave the appartment to is daughter and boyfriend.

    We bought a house and found some huge defect so we are going to court to settle everything.

    Bought a female kitten 3 months old and she is at the vet, she vomited blood and had blood in her stool, they found a lumb in the intestin, might be something she hate or something worst.

    This morning my co-worker who is fairly young 43 was diagnost with colon cancer they found a mass on the colon.

    fukking life what is the purpose of all that suffering and how can there be positive into this.

    If there is a God he can fukking kiss my white ass cause the gift of life is the gift of pain and failure

    Your dad needs and expects you to be the man of the family that holds you and your family together in this troublesome times,he did it for years and now it's your turn big guy.God tests us from time to time to see if were worthy of savior man don't slip up your family is in need of positive influence and rite now that's your job as your fathers son.Stop looking at the negative and find a way to start over,your not the first person to fall on hard times,so you wanna be in the group of thousands that just give up and succom to depression and misery fuk no man,man up take 5 minutes to clear your head and get it together and figure out a simple way to sit down with your famil and say now is the time we need eachother the most so let's pull together and make it work .It's gonna take effort from everyone.I've gone thru ruff times and pulled thru and you can to,it's easier to say you can't so take the rains and lead your family into the life they deserve.You and your family are in my prayers man and I wanna be here for you brother so if there's any thing you can take away from this is your family is counting on you you wanna let them down.shoe them the man your father raised and your comeback will be that more vindicating.Here's my story and I wanted to give up but I couldn't let that happen because I couldn't let my son grow up without his daddy.Find a motivation that is unrellenting and will push you past the doubt that is on your mind brother you can do it.

    A little bit about me

    I'm terrible sorry for the losses you've incurred

  5. #5
    audis4's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sonar1234
    Life has pounded me hard this year, i learned that its not eternal and death has been around me, plus sickness and depression.

    My father passed away from Cancer in Febuary 16th 2006

    In March i left the house for work petting my female cat on the head for the last time, my girlfriend called me at 4:16PM to tell me that she was dead on the bed, she found her there when she came back from her job interview.

    My mother went into a terrible depression after both theses very hard events.

    We got kicked out of the appartment where we lived cause the guy gave the appartment to is daughter and boyfriend.

    We bought a house and found some huge defect so we are going to court to settle everything.

    Bought a female kitten 3 months old and she is at the vet, she vomited blood and had blood in her stool, they found a lumb in the intestin, might be something she hate or something worst.

    This morning my co-worker who is fairly young 43 was diagnost with colon cancer they found a mass on the colon.

    fukking life what is the purpose of all that suffering and how can there be positive into this.

    If there is a God he can fukking kiss my white ass cause the gift of life is the gift of pain and failure
    Sorry about everything but in bold is very offensive...

  6. #6
    dedic8ed1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by audis4
    Sorry about everything but in bold is very offensive...
    I was gonna say that to but the kid lost his dad man cut him some slack

  7. #7
    goodcents's Avatar
    goodcents is offline "body piercing & body jewelry expert"
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    Yeap, life sucks then you die Highs and lows

  8. #8
    DSM4Life's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dedic8ed1
    I was gonna say that to but the kid lost his dad man cut him some slack

  9. #9
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Read this and then tell me how hard life is. Your Dad is the worst thing that happened to you in all of that and that was hard for you I am sure. But to lose the will to live is a bit harsh IMO.

  10. #10
    dedic8ed1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kale
    Read this and then tell me how hard life is. Your Dad is the worst thing that happened to you in all of that and that was hard for you I am sure. But to lose the will to live is a bit harsh IMO.
    Turned it right off kale I'm pretty sure on how it end, and the worst part about it is it's not even that poor baby's fault.That's why I always say when someone says there pregnant,don't hope for a boy or a girl just pray for a healthy baby.

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