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  1. #1
    K.Biz's Avatar
    K.Biz is offline Banned
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    Thumbs down Bad Training Buddy

    Yea so... the title explains it all pretty much but heres the story.

    I started training about a year ago off and on, until about 2 months ago, i got really dedicated, started goin 4-5 days a week, i was loving it all. my buddy we we'll call him 'X' helped me a lot. pushed me to the next level, helped me get that extra rep, u know the training buddy thing. He had been training for prob about 3 years. lifted a lot more then me, benched a good 150 pounds more then me. and it was a good team. seeing him lift that much made me really want to put up more and get a lot bigger.

    then... everything went sour, he started getting pissed, he would be like calling me 'pathetic' in the middle of sets, saying i wasnt putting up enough, he woudl walk away from a spot, just stupid sh*t.

    so yesterday i herd about this new gym that was a lot cheaper then mine, a lot nicer as well and i checked it out, and wow it was great. so im like yo we should go check out this gym. and then he got so pissed he started screaming and shit, honestly didint no what is wrong with him, its like he turned into a ball of rage all of the sudden.

    so i left my other gym yesterday after i worked out with X and he just pushed it to the edge, saying stupid shit in front of people in the gym, making me look stupid. now pushing me a little bit i can see, but being negative isnt what i need. i want positive support.

    so... to make this long story short, i went to my new gym today for the first time by myself, with no training buddy. its got all new equipment, 3 floors, cardio floor.. free weight floor, and then the third floor has a whole ab section, machines and some more cardio shit. its very nice. I worked my chest today and really for the first time i felt like i worked my chest like I never have, i took my time, did everything i wanted to. i wasnt following someone elses training program, i made my own, and damn does my chest burn, im loving it. bestt decision i ever made.

    I needed to vent. so thanks guys.

  2. #2
    Mizfit's Avatar
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    Maybe he didnt see it as a two way relationship?

    u got more outta it then he did.. so why should he care?

  3. #3
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
    perfectbeast2001 is offline "king of free stuff" / Retired
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    sounds like you made a good choice. Good luck at your new gym!

  4. #4
    l2elapse's Avatar
    l2elapse is offline That don't kill me, can only make me stronger
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    good job

  5. #5
    Mizfit's Avatar
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    I just know when ppl feel taken advantage of or even taken for granted they sometimes get pissy.

  6. #6
    beuleux's Avatar
    beuleux is offline Banned
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    Maybe he did it so that you would train on ur own... ietherr way ur happy now
    Last edited by beuleux; 11-08-2006 at 07:16 PM.

  7. #7
    xlxBigSexyxlx's Avatar
    xlxBigSexyxlx is offline CHEMICALLY ENGINEERED
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    Obviously you came out on top, cuz your happy and all is well.
    People can just be jerks sometimes.

    good luck with everything

  8. #8
    DSM4Life's Avatar
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    I use to work out with my buddy that use to lift more then me which i liked since he pushed me hard. He would call me a Pu$$y along with every other negative word in the book to motivate me.

    ....i miss you

  9. #9
    CSAR's Avatar
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    Sometimes we need to go it alone, sometimes we need a new lifting partner, and sometimes we just need to drop a loaded bar on our lifting partner!

  10. #10
    shifty_git's Avatar
    shifty_git is offline Anabolically Aware
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    ahh know this feeling!

    guy who used to be my gym bud few years ago who was a lot bigger than me went like that... possibly cause ya made quicker gains than he did when he was at the same stage...

    the guy started doing things like putting more weights on while i was restin between sets n say in a loud voice "that whay i lift, bet you cant do it" when ever the was an attractive female near by! toSSer!

  11. #11
    beuleux's Avatar
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    I once helped a newb get started, once he had a good foothold and was getting good results I had to let him go... man was he hard to get rid of, had to be rude in the end. Maybe its a similar story with this "bad buddy", dont be so hard on him he helped you out with his knowledge and patience

  12. #12
    bor's Avatar
    bor is offline D-bol Poppin'
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    Sounds like a training dumba$$ not a training buddy!

    Fvck him, you don't need someone putting you down, he sounds like an insecure bastard!

  13. #13
    BigLittleTim is offline Senior Member
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    abusive relationship!

    Hey K.Biz,

    First: Welcome to the site!

    Second: You were in an abusive relationship with your ex-training parter. I know that sounds like a silly statement, but he exhibits some of the classic symptoms of being an abuser.

    He flies of the handle for no reason whatsoever.
    He denigrates or belittles you in front of others.
    He abandoned you when you needed his help (walking away during a spot.)
    He acts like he doesn't want to be around you, but when you take some initiative and look for another gym he flies into a rage.

    Believe me, you're better off without him. A good work-out parnter pushes you to be bigger and stronger; he's got your best interests in mind. The shouting and prodding is meant to encourage you, not make you feel like shite.

    Can't wait 'til he sees you in a year and you're hulking-out bigger than he is.

    Cheers, mate.


  14. #14
    DSM4Life's Avatar
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    you were in an abusive relationship , hahah

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    funny stuff

  16. #16
    rubix6's Avatar
    rubix6 is offline Female Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bor
    Sounds like a training dumba$$ not a training buddy!

    Fvck him, you don't need someone putting you down, he sounds like an insecure bastard!
    i agree!

  17. #17
    Panzerfaust's Avatar
    Panzerfaust is offline Ron Paul Nuthugger
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    If he did that to me, i would have embarrased him in front of everybody and then if he wanted to escalate it, then we would go there.

    I can understand if he felt frustrated that he got nothing from you in return (i am sure he did) but could have just stopped calling or just simply told you he needed someone who could put up more weight to push him bla bla bla

    Anyways, you are better off.
    ***No source checks!!!***

  18. #18
    beuleux's Avatar
    beuleux is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigLittleTim
    Hey K.Biz,

    First: Welcome to the site!

    Second: You were in an abusive relationship with your ex-training parter. I know that sounds like a silly statement, but he exhibits some of the classic symptoms of being an abuser.

    He flies of the handle for no reason whatsoever.
    He denigrates or belittles you in front of others.
    He abandoned you when you needed his help (walking away during a spot.)
    He acts like he doesn't want to be around you, but when you take some initiative and look for another gym he flies into a rage.

    Believe me, you're better off without him. A good work-out parnter pushes you to be bigger and stronger; he's got your best interests in mind. The shouting and prodding is meant to encourage you, not make you feel like shite.

    Can't wait 'til he sees you in a year and you're hulking-out bigger than he is.

    Cheers, mate.

    LMAO... Did you try counseling

  19. #19
    K.Biz's Avatar
    K.Biz is offline Banned
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    haha thanks guys....

    some funny shit in there. and its not like he was trying to let me go from being his training buddy, he called me everyday to train... so it wasnt that.

    guess he just flipped, oh well, my 2 days alone in the gym so far have been the best workouts i have had in a long time...

    so, yeah word up haaha

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